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Chargeing Your Ecig From You Gameing Console?
SteveD1 replied to Horne4291's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Just a FYI on occasion some people myself included have blown the usb port with E-Cig gear.My keyboard on PC lost a port because it wasnt usb 2.0 and I plugged a 5V Pass thru into it and it blew right away.Another Passthru I cant use in the car because it blows fuses and its a 10amp fuse go figure!!!! -
Congratulations on your 1 year.I passed that mark in august this year and havnt looked back.I dont come around as much as I used to but try to keep up with new stuff to try.This forum has been a life saver for me too.Best of luck to you!!!
How Long Did It Take You To Completely Switch?
SteveD1 replied to mrar's topic in General Vaping Discussion
I went to sleep with 6 cigs left and started E-Cigs the next day and tossed all six of the analogs 2 days later!!!Never looked back and I smoked for 22 years!! Good luck to you! -
Was pretty much the same for me they ran it through twice and looked at the sceen for a good minute then said is that electronic ciggarette stuff and I told him exectly what was in my bag and he said okay and handed it to me and said thankyou have a good trip!!!
I had no issues with leaving New Orleans airport to Orlando but did get questioned with my stuff on the way back but they just wanted to know what it was.I packed it with my electronics in my carry on and the rest in checked.I even vaped at the terminal at a bar and grill while waiting to come home until it got crowded with game watchers.I heard some comments so I put it away until I could get into a less crowded area. On my trip I saw my first person vaping in public at universal studios Orlando and I have been doing this for over a year..Where are you guys LOL....
if mine overfill I shake/sling the excess out in the trash can or outside on the ground the excess will sling out then it is fine.Just be carefull with it.You can do it with battery side or take the mouthpiece out and sling it from the top upside down....The packing will hold the rest and it wont be flooded anymore..
Low Resistance Cartomizers And The Ego
SteveD1 replied to bobthesalesclerk's topic in General Vaping Discussion
What device are you using at 4.5 volts?? I like the 510 stock cartos I get at VK and they work good with my KR manual batts and a adapter.They dont impress me on my EGO which I think is crazy since its twice the mah battery and should kick butt...My VK batteries from V4L just put out more vapor with a 510 carto than a KR stock carto.If the same 510 carto manufacturer would make a KR thread same design carto I could drop the adapter all toghether!!! Hint Hint.... -
Ego Cartomizers That Hold 2.5Ml Juice
SteveD1 replied to AimeeG's topic in General Vaping Discussion
I use a thumb tack the long plastic handle ones to remove both mouthpiece inserts and yes the inner one is harder but pull up and too the side to get it out.I punch the center hole with a small nail and hammer carefully to just get through.As far as filling it take plunger out of syringe and put needle in hole for filling and push in until its touching the packing and then fill to 2.2 or so and very carefully put plunger in slightly and the air pressure will push the liquid in very slowly and push some more to finish it off.Mine always leak some through the bottom cover even when its on and I refill with 1.2ml only seems to flood/leak if I put more in on refills..takes me about 5 minutes to do a new one and just a couple to refill again. IF anyone is a inventor a device you could thread onto the bottom of a cartomizer then push enough juice in to fill and take excess back out would be the **** and no mess...The closest thing we have now is the condom method on KR cartos but is messy too!!! -
I got mine from wordup and some mega cartomizers too with filler syringe!!!
Way to go and I am still here for the same reasons you stated.I just celebrated 1 year smoke free after 21 years of smoking.This forum has been a great help with my learning curve and the unbiased opinions help with my choices...I dont know if I would have made it without the help and advice I got here.. Congrats and best wishes Steve D
No a extension is not necessary but it is shorter and if you have a tight draw dont use the cone.I bent one open some more and it works fine just have to use care not get to the cone while taking a draw. Have you seen the Ego mega cartomizers that you fill with 2.2 mls and last all of or most of the day.These work pretty well but are trickier to fill.I got mine from Wordup ecigs and it came with a syringe to fill it with.these cost $3-4 a carto blank but most of mine last 5-8 days.These are NOT the mega atomizer and cartridge that is also available that is similar.Good info on all these EGO/Tornado carts is available at Totaly wicked's web site.
I noticed an immmediate improvement in health and energy levels after the first few weeks.I dont know about running miles but there were no negatives to quiting for me.
Finding the stuff you like and getting enough to get by gets pricey at first now I use up $10 worth of juice a week and 2-4 cartos at $2 a piece and I get new batts every couple of months so as long as I dont spend $200 a month I am ahead!!! I usually spend less than half and with my stock getting high sometimes order nothing in a calender month!!! I order big orders and use discount codes to save more so I can take advantage of sales..It took me 5-6 months of trial and error to find my Favs and the best deals on those...It was worth it and if I have a light budget one month I get a new thing to try here and there...
I just posted and realized looking at my banner that today is my 1 Year Anniversery Analog free.This Forum has helped me tremendously with info and tips..Thanks and Good luck to all......
After having used them longer they are starting to grow on me as a long life carto...The refilling is still my biggest gripe but I only refilled twice a day all weekend and have used the same one for 5+ days and put about 12ml through it.I put 1.2ml in it when I taste a slight burned taste and I dont get the leakage I was getting before..I dont see getting but half of the stated capacity before it needs refilling but only twice a day is much better than dripping regularly to top up KR and 510 carts and you cant beat the battery life of a Ego I get 6-9 hours and sometimes 12 when I am busier...I am not tasting the plastic taste but I use Camel and Menthol flavors and they are strong flavors and may cover up what others say they taste.... Now I would like to see a Low Res version and easily refilled!!!!!