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Everything posted by DB2K

  1. Join us this week as we cover our week in vape, shout outs, VapeTV drops by to talk about vapeNreview, and Adam's long lost cousins stop in to review some juice with us. Don't forget about the Dayton Vapers Meet-up! Saturday, July 10th at Boston's Bistro & Pub Imitate it from vaporcast.com Or download it from iTunes here. (Requires iTunes be installed) Coming soon to Zune. Show notes by Grink here.
  2. Summary: Week in vape, some hardware reviews, and Lost? Yeah. It's like that sometimes. Recap of summary: Scott gets censored for a very inappropriate comment, hardware reviews including PureSmoker Pass-through, PureSmoker Prodigy V3, and a portable pass through from VaporCountry. Name it at vaporcast.com Or download it from iTunes here. (Requires iTunes be installed) p.s. Is it just me or is Scott a huge prick?
  3. <hiccup> We really did lose some of the show during conversion via a computer memory crash. It's a real shame because there were some very interesting moments that are now lost forever.
  4. Join us this week as we talk a little bit about VapeTV, give mad shout-outs, Talk about the Pulse mod, off topic conversation, Pay It Forward idea, and Halo some juice reviews. Stream it from vaporcast.com Or download it from iTunes here. (Requires iTunes be installed)
  5. This week we blah blah about Noalox, Keven from Vapersplace drops in, what motivates your deuce, and a couple more juices from Alien-Vision E-juice. Stream it from vaporcast.com Or download it from iTunes here. (Requires iTunes be installed)
  6. Hey, wait a minute! I posted the show announcement and it didn't show up. So Tek, are you saying that we're giving out current content?
  7. I'm Still too slow... One day, Jack and Adam wont be sick... we promise. Until then, just turn your head an cough. This episode is mellow collection of nutty legal issues, paired with the earthy note of random. Cough it up from vaporcast.com Or download it from iTunes here. (Requires iTunes be installed)
  8. Damn... you beat me again. Ok. The plan for next week is to make the post before the show goes live. Let us know what you think of the intro.
  9. Again, VaporTalk is faster than VaporCast... Join us this week for Adam being sick, two more Rath juices, Chameleon review, and more random banter. Accept it from vaporcast.com Or download it from iTunes here. (Requires iTunes be installed)
  10. The number of drip varies by the atty type. These are my standards for high or low voltage: (after a day of dripping, you know when its time to drip again) 510 - 3 drops 901 - 2 drops 801 - 5 drops (this greatly varies by the type of 801 or BE112. On some 5 drop floods the atty) Dripping is much easier in the long run. When I was packing carts, I found that I ended up dripping into the cart as much as I would have into the atty. So, with the new tips, such as the T-tips or drip-tips, laziness wins and I drip exclusively now. I also drip into cartomizers. My drip-tips fit in the carto after taking off the top cap. Only difference is that you need to pop off the tip and drip into the side of the carto... but a few drips last for a long time. Happy vaping.
  11. Actually, that was the catalyst to this email. I'm trying to organize a Dayton Vapers meetup. So, I'm putting out feelers looking for some place that will welcome 10-15 vapers for a few hours once a month. So far, the response has been positive. But, now, if you listened to VaporCast, you'd know that already. Nudge nudge, wink wink.
  12. Boston Stoker executive management has responded! From Don Dean, President of Boston Stoker <header removed> EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT BOSTON STOKER. EVEN VAPERS. don Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry From Travis Qualls, Director of Retail Operations <Header removed> Scott, Thank you for your letter. Boston Stoker takes pride in welcoming all individuals and groups as patrons to our stores provided that they are not practicing anything illicit, illegal, or bothersome to other customers. We feel that the local coffee shop is a place to express yourself as well as a place to get together with others. Thank You, Travis Qualls Director of Retail Operations This got me thinking about something that I had not considered. Businesses that had a high population of smokers suffered economically when the smoking ban in Ohio went into law. Perhaps if businesses are made aware of vaping, and embrace it, we'll have that much more help in beating e-cig bans. Perhaps businesses learned their lesson in not standing up to the smoking ban... and maybe this time they will stand against e-cig bans. It can't hurt to try.
  13. Jebus! You guys are quick! Brandon posted this thread very shortly after the feed went live. What mod are you working on? I've built about everything...
  14. Final thoughts on VapeFest, hardware and juice reviews, and more legal stuff. Appreciate it from vaporcast.com Or download it from iTunes here. (Requires iTunes be installed) Damn. you guys already have a thread started! The speed of the internet wins again. Thanks for the pens, Mark.
  15. This coffee shop has seen a huge drop off. They started life as a pipe and cigar shop and added coffee later. Each location has a large walk in humidor and they used to receive a lot of cigar business. After the smoking ban passed, the lost nearly all their cigar business. Perhaps they can fill space on those empty cigar shelves with e-liquid and attys!
  16. We have talked with the local staff in the past, and received permission. That was just for Adam and I while we worked on show outlines. But, if we start doing monthly meetups and there are 10-20 people coming, I'd like the blessing from "corporate". Thanks for listening too.
  17. I wrote this letter to see if a local coffee house franchise would explicitly allow vaping in their locations. I'll follow up with what they come back with. I'm hoping that we can tweak this letter to make it sort of a form letter to send out to our favorite local hot spots. Explicit permission and even a vinyl "The use of personal vaporizers is allow here" window sticker they can place above the "No Smoking" sign seems like the logical progression. Letter below... Personal vaporizers (PVs), more commonly refereed to as e-cigarettes, are quickly becoming the go to devices as a "stop smoking" aide. I have been "vaping" for the past eight months. My first day with a PV was the last day I smoked a cigarette... and I had a 2-pack a day addiction. This is starting to sound like spam, so I'll get on with it. I am starting a local Dayton vaping club and we are looking for vaping friendly establishments in the Dayton area. Being a coffee lover, and a regular to Boston Stoker, I thought a BS would be the perfect place to hold monthly meet-ups. However, as I always do, I would like permission before vaping inside any Boston Stoker establishment. If you are unfamiliar with PVs, or e-cigs, let me briefly explain what they are... The device consist of a battery and an atomizer. The device is generally the same size as a cigarette. When the the device is activated, the heating element in the atomizer rapidly boils a liquid consisting of pharmaceutical grade propylene glycol (PG) or vegetable glycerin (VG), distilled water, nicotine, and flavoring. (please do not confuse propylene glycol with diethylene glycol. PG is used in everything from food additives to pill casings. It's also the primary ingredient in theatrical fog) The user inhales the vapor and aerosoled flavor / nicotine, and exhales what is essentially just water vapor. Independent lab analysis has shown that no carcinogens are present in the exhaled vapor. I have no vested interest in you allowing PV to be used inside your locations other than as a customer and "vaper". The below link is for further reading. It was written by Bill Godshall, a leading proponent of indoor cigarette smoking bans and an account of his visit to a recent larger gathering of vapers. It also demonstrates his support for the further use of PVs. Bill Godshal, Executive Director of Smokefree Pennsylvania Article link I would be more than willing to stop by any location and demonstrate how a PV works for anyone that is new to the concept. Thanks, Scott
  18. We had a better than great time at VapeFest! Thanks so much to everyone who we got to spend some time with. The show is available on out website via the "The VaporCast" tab as well as on iTunes.
  19. Awesome meeting you, Mark. Thanks so much for the pen. That was very generous. Anyone who missed VapeFest really needs check out the next one. It was a great time!
  20. We're way late on this show... This was the show that needed resurrected after some technical and scheduling problems. Vapefest talk, a very strange shout out, and more juice reviews. Boop it from vaporcast.com Or download it from iTunes here. (Requires iTunes be installed)
  21. Review 4 EliquidPlanet Essence juices. You should have been there to see us record... We're giving away a VaporCountry sample pack! Stream it from vaporcast.com Or download it from iTunes here. (Requires iTunes be installed)
  22. This week the VaporCast Crew discuss the results from the Vapy Awards, National Vaper's Club mod auction talk, and random musings. Stream it from our site. Or download it from iTunes here. (Requires iTunes)
  23. Episode 7 of VaporCast is now live on the VaporCast site and on iTunes. This episode features reviews of the Chuck, Super-T Brass tip, Christmas, Dulcis and Mentha juice from the Vapor Talk Store, and a gonzo review of a generic Dr. Pepper flavor juice. The Crew strays a bit on this show... Check it out and give us some feedback. This is a show for the community, so we need community input!
  24. Episode 5 of VaporCast is now live on the VaporCast site and on iTunes. This episode features reviews of the nHaler High Voltage Juice, Vapy Awards, and a mod talk. The Crew also goes into a lengthy rant on bans. Check it out and give us some feedback. This is a show for the community, so we need community input!
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