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Everything posted by spoolinst

  1. great post!! Congrats on 100 days clean
  2. im jsut waiting for my VT Mentha to get here!!!
  3. ^^^haha
  4. you make some very valid points i never thought of.
  5. meriden and westfarms mall aswell
  6. my thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. i am 19 years old and drive a subaru sti which is a little boy racer car i am on many car forums and i hate when every one complains about cops cuz they get tickets for speeding or loud exhausts what people dont understand is that the cops are truly just doing their job. and your absolutley right not all cops are a-holes i know for a fact my mom doesnt wake up in the mourning thinking how big of BLANK she can be. like i said though i send my regards and their family has my prayers.
  7. you wanna talk about talk about getting it in your eye? I was refiling a cart i was using a syringe and for some reason as i was filling it the juice shot out and i got about .5ml of juice in my eye. It hurt worse than mace
  8. arno got back to me last night. great guy and will continue shopping with him!
  9. your totally correct Chris this isnt a question of his reliability at all!! I have ordered from him before, i got my 510 from him and the charger that came with my kit was DOA he fixed the problem asap. I just want my 901 lol i'm like a little kid the night before christmas when i buy something new i cant wait to get it lol. But thanks for the heads up and i hope that his back is fine!!
  10. The vapors of los angeles-Vapely Crue
  11. would anyone know why?
  12. Hmmm i ordered a dse901 from arno on thursday night i ordered my 510 from him he is a great guy and a great dealer. but i ordered that 901 i figured friday ill get the tracking number all will be good. friday came nothing. I figured okay he is just busy and didnt get to it no big deal i have my 510 all is good. Saturday came and i got nothing. so i emailed him and normally he is good at responding to emails. Well its now sunday and i havent heard anything from him on my order. Im not trying to put Arno down at all he is a great dealer i am just curious if anyone knows if he is out of town or something?
  13. im thinking about giving the protege a go! ultra sleek look. the spade looks wicked cant wait for that one either hmmm
  14. damn they are on back order!!! im so bad when it comes to waiting grrr!! lol
  15. i have heard alot about the vp's where can i find one??
  16. i was looking at the janty stick i dont understand ecaxtly how it works. sorry im totally new to all of this i bought my first ecig over a month ago used for a week went back to analogs and now i decided to totally quite and i have been going strong for over a week now.
  17. Hey whats going on guys im new to vaping i really like it however i get bored sorta easy so with that said what should be my next ecig purchase i have a 510 what ecig set up should i get now i want to have a back up and try something new. Thank you all input is more than appreciated
  18. just hit me up with a pm or make a mass email saying you have or want to get t-shirt made. i will pre order a t-shirt if that helps at all. i am a blue collar worker, i work in a power plant and the smoking ratio is prolly 5:1 five smokers to the non smoker. i would love to promote your site as well as vaping.
  19. Hey guys whats up quick question, when i refill my cart on my 510 i literally get about a smoke break before i get that "burnt" taste like its empty is that right? new to vaping soo im just curious. whats the burnt taste taste like? obviously burnt or what not but is it obvious should i be getting more than one smoke break out of a full cart?
  20. Just the the five ten in the mail yesterday worked great until the batteries died and when i went to charge them apparently my charger doesnt work i got it from arno at awesomevapor.com all i can say is what great customer service that guy has yes the charger was broken but he did not hesitate to say he will seend me a knew one but until then its analogs oh well. the light on the charger doesnt turn red when i screw the batt in it just stays that dull green color. its weird its like it doesnt even acknowledge the batt is screwed in... anyone else have that problem? know a way to fix it?
  21. thanks guys! looks like i need to get on the order of new atomizers lol
  22. good thing i looked before i posted cuz i almost posted the same question lol
  23. New here still waiting my arrival of my 510 but how many months can i expect to get out of the ecig? with proper cleaning do they actually last a while? or should i be ordering a backup already?
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