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    MunkusBFunky reacted to profbeard in The Superior Mod, Which One Should I Buy?   
    This is a more polite version of a post I made on ECF in a thread discussing big battery devices:

    My take is basically that the "vaping experience" is a function of: choice of atomiser and juice (the main bits) and voltage (a matter of choice as that alters the experience of both the atomiser and the juice). The "consistency" of the vaping experience is about batteries.

    So the "big battery device" is indeed a means of attaching a reliable power source at the voltage of choice to the atomiser of choice to vape the juice of choice... It is basically that and nothing more.

    What affects choice of big battery device? Clearly aesthetics, ergonomics, price, reliability, service and in some cases, it appears, prejudice.

    Lets look at a few of these in perspective:

    Price - frankly, if you could afford to smoke, all of the big battery devices are affordable - I was spending 50 UKP a WEEK on cigarettes.

    So, not price, but possibly "value for money"? This is much more subjective - for me, if I get something that does what I want at a price I can afford, and the device is reliable and I can get it fixed if it should break eventually, I've got VFM

    Service - if something breaks - I have two choices - mend it myself or get it mended. I prefer to get it mended. I see no evidence that any of the big battery device vendors don't mend things. Quality of service? It's clear that most of the vendors a) actually provide pretty good service and have managed to p*** at least one or two people off (that's business for you)

    Aesthetics? Eye of the beholder stuff - meh (as some say)

    Ergonomics - if you like the way it works it's ergonomic, if you don't it isn't. I like "button on the end" a la SD and AdapteveR - others don't.

    As for whether something is made entirely from UK, US, Australian, Mongolian or Martian components of original conception, I don't give a monkey - if it works well (for me), and doesn't break, that's the job done.
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    MunkusBFunky got a reaction from EasyE in Wtf? Menthol Crystals Look Exactly Like Crystal Meth ......great Idea...   
    Juicyliquid.com has it in a liquid form.

    Yeah that is pretty freakin nasty!
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