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Everything posted by BirdDog

  1. I am so glad you worked it out! Welcome to the forum btw. Yes the atomizer will get hot or warm. This is normal. When it does this, just put it down for minute or two. I do not use the carts, so I can't really answer this question. I think Brian did a pretty good job on that one. If you get frustrated with using the carts you should try a direct drip. Sorry for the link to another video. How to direct drip
  2. Okay my bad on that video that is more of review. Try this one is a bit more instructional. How to use a 510
  3. I am not sure what you mean by the cart is not flush with the battery. The 510 is made up of 3 parts, 1. Battery, 2. Atomizer and 3. Cartridge. They go together in that order. I am not sure how you can see a light between the battery and the cart? The led is only located at the tip of the battery. The atomizer screws onto the battery and the cart snaps/slides into the atomizer. The popping sound is from a dry atomizer. A bubbling sound will mean the atomizer is flooded. Can you post a picture, maybe it might make more sense what you mean by flush? Try watching this video. It really helped me when I bought my 510. I watched a couple times and it answered a lot of questions. 510 review
  4. Try looking at Youtube for videos on making mods. There are a lot of people that make mods and post step by step instructions.
  5. I am glad that it is all working out for you. Thanks for posting your experience with the protege. It is all a learning curve and it sound like you are on track and getting the hang of vaping. I like that you have given a bunch a liquid a try. It is funny how you might like one and dislike another. It all comes down to personal taste. I really like RY4 and I was happy with the cola I tried, but it didn't really make it to the top of my list. I am interested in your idea about the tube and helmet idea. I am trying to get a picture in my head how that would look. Keep us updated on your progress.
  6. I am not allowed to call Comcast anymore.
  7. Welcome Dajamster! My second e-cig was the 801. It turned out to be one of my favorites next to the 510 (my first). I never used the carts with the 801. I direct drip on to the atomizer. I use about 2-3 drops and I get about a good 5-7 drags, I am guessing never really counted, before I have to re-drip. I also do recommend getting the manual batteries. The manual batteries do not fit in the regular charger because of the button. You will need to make sure to get the adapter or extender for the charger. If you ordered the kit from AwesomeVapor, shoot Arno an email and he will help you out.
  8. I noticed this same thing a few days ago. Take a look at this link, your question will be answered. My link
  9. Ahhh... I was thinking about this thread the other night. Thanks for coming back and posting the confirmation.
  10. Thanks Chris. It also has an awful burning smell that doesn't seem to want to go away. I think I just might shelve this atty and use my old 801's.
  11. Thanks for your reply. That is what I was thinking too. I put a couple drops in and I can see it leaking.
  12. I have been trying to get the hang of the 801 on the VP/PT, my problem is getting the proper draw. I have some original 801 LB from Awesome Vapor and I have purchased the 302 version from Electro-Nic-Stix. This is my new problem, the 302 leaks all over my VP/PT. I direct drip on these atomizers and I only use 2-3 drops. I have no problem with leaking on the original LB 801's. Is my 302 defective, not a good choice for an atomizer or am I doing something wrong? I have attached a picture so you can see the difference in the bottoms.
  13. You will love the PT! I can't put mine down.
  14. Whoa! Like you when I was doing all the research, I thought I was going to need all kinds of stuff to get me started. I finally just convinced myself to buy the 510 starter kit and a few bottles of liquid. After a few days of figuring out how all this works, I had a better idea of what other items I might want or need. I would just start with a kit and a extra atomizer, for that just in case emergency that maybe one or both that come with the kit are DOA. Try using the carts, you can rinse out the stuffing, and refilling them. Also try the direct drip method. After you get a better feel for vaping and your needs I would start adding the other parts. It only takes a couple days for stuff to be shipped out to you. This is just my humble opinion.
  15. I have tried both the midnight and the grape soda. Both are really good. But if I had to pick one over the other it would be the midnight.
  16. My condolences also. It looks like the VT store and dietsmokes has the spade in stock.
  17. I have not read anything that was posted in regards to sending wishes to the family. Not to get all metaphysical, but just thinking good thoughts about the little girl and her family will do wonders.
  18. This happened in my small town in the past few days. With all the discussions about usb PT and chargers, I thought this might be interesting to some of you with little ones. My link
  19. I have a couple bottles of VG liquid. Nice vapor and flavor. Not much on the throat hit. I have noticed it does seem thicker in the atomizer.
  20. Thanks for posting that link. What a great find!
  21. Thank you for the reply. I pretty much figured that was the case, but wanted to make sure.
  22. The answer is no. The 801/302 tube is wider than a 510 tube. Also with the low bridge atomizer, the bridge is set lower in the atomizer and it may not touch the cartridge not allowing it to soak up the juice from the cart. Because I direct drip, I don't know if the 801 carts will work with a low bridge atomizer. Anyone use carts on the 801 LB atomizers?
  23. So glad you got your 510. Drip, Vape and Repeat! Enjoy!
  24. Thanks for the reply. I got the same info from Ofortuna one night in the chat room. Everyday I give it a go and now I am just waiting till I finally hit that magic draw. Practice, practice, practice. The second e-cig I bought was the 801 and I couldn't put it down. Now I have the VP/PT and I can't put it down. So I think I angered the 510 gods when I bought the 801 and now they are paying me back.
  25. *banging head on desk* I just can't get the feel of the 801 on the PT! I am so frustrated, I really want the 801 to knock me off my chair! What is wrong with me??? So jealous of you all!
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