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Everything posted by BirdDog

  1. Welcome Snik to the forum. Did I miss you earlier? That is a really good question and something that we have discussed before. I see that the above posters gave you some good information.
  2. Very nice story, thank you for sharing. It touched my heart. See you around the forum!
  3. Hi Nottis55 and welcome to the VT forum! I think I might have missed you earlier. Brian got your questions covered. Always one step ahead of me. Please post back and let us know if you try any of the filler mods. Good luck and happy vaping.
  4. Hi Wannavape sorry that you are having some problems. Brian gave you some really good suggestions. I tried using carts and was having the same problems that you are experiencing. I gave up within a day and went to a direct drip. I know that isn't convenient when out and about in the world. Try this and see if it helps you. 1. Remove the filler. Rinse and dry, blot with a paper towel. 2. Add 5-10 drops in the top of the cart. 3. Place filler in cart and make sure it reaches the bottom to soak up the juice. You may want to turn it upside down for a minute to allow the filler to absorb the juice. 4. Add several drops to the rest of the filler until it has a slushy look. 5. Make sure the filler is flush with the end of the cart. Some will suggest letting the filler hand out just a little beyond the cart. I also suggest keeping the led pointed downward when not using, this will keep the liquid moving towards the atomizer. With concern about going out and about and the batteries. You can get a PCC, small portable charger no bigger than a box of analogs. I also suggest the mega battery (520) for the 510. It is a bit longer than the regular battery, but it will last longer. These are good options if you are not ready for one of the mods that Brian listed. As for cleaning the atomizers, I do the same thing that Brian stated above. This is very important - after cleaning the excess liquid out of the atty make sure to add a couple drops to it before use. The atomizer will be pretty dry. Trust me on this I lost one this way. Watch the videos that Brian posted. They will give you some good tips and hints. Good luck, it will all get better.
  5. I caught that earlier today. It must have been lurking in the darkest part of my brain.
  6. Thanks for the info Chris. I will have to look into that further with the supplier I bought mine from. I am going to use my battery again today and really try to pay attention to what I am doing. I have a feeling, on my end, that it is user error. This has only happened to me while holding it in my hand and I have a really sneaky feeling that I am the one holding the button down. The longer battery makes me cup it in my hand. I have to learn to set the darn thing down.
  7. I have had the same problem in the last day with a mega battery. The battery is a bit longer so I am not sure if I am not paying attention and accidentally pushing the button or if there is a problem with the battery itself. I have a tendency to hold it in hand. It burns, and hurts.
  8. The suggestion about the charger was a long shot. I was afraid that was not going to be the issue with your batteries. I usually get over 2 hours of usage with my 801 batteries. It depends if I am chain vaping or casual vaping. As for the extended life, batteries will be batteries and they will last for months or fail with in the first week. The instructions that came with one of my kits said the batteries could be re-charged up to 365 times. I don't remember the number exactly but it is close. As a portable unit, if you like the PT you might want to hold out for the Joker. If you want something right now and you prefer the 801/302 atomizer, I would suggest any of the mods from the VP line. You can get those at Vaprlife, they are in the supporting suppliers area. I don't have a Spade, I am actually holding out for the Joker. The Spade is for the 510 atomizer. I have heard really good things about the Spade and it is also part of the VP line. I see that Brian suggested the 510 atomizer for good throat hit. I would recommend giving the 510 a try on the borrowed PT if you can. I hope this helps. I am sure someone else will be willing to chime in and add anything that I might have missed.
  9. Brian did a really good job at answering your question. I use 2 drops and get about 5-7 draws before having to re-drip. The paper towel method works great.
  10. I read your post several times, so please forgive me if I post something that I might have missed by reading. I am sorry that you have had such bad luck with the supplier and your 801. I have not ordered from this supplier so I can not share any experience with transactions. My first PV purchase was a 510 and I really enjoyed the ease of use and the size. My second purchase was for a 801. I really liked using the 801, the cooler vapor brought out some of the flavors I was missing. I never used carts in any of my PVs, so I will not be very helpful in that regard to your post. Is it possible that maybe you charger, that came with your kit, could be the culprit and killing your batteries? I know that suppliers can get some bad products but to have several batteries in succession performing poorly makes me think it could be the charger causing your battery problem. When I bought my 801 kit it did come with the high bridge and I did buy extra low bridge atomizers to use. I have yet to find a 801 kit that comes with the low bridge atomizers. As you may know the low bridge atomizers were not made to be used with cartridges, they work best for the direct drip. I would suggest giving the direct drip method a try when using this type of atomizer. I do use the manual battery for both my 510 and 801 and I do put them in my purse/pockets and have not had any issues with them going off in this manner. So please don't discount the use of a manual battery. Automatic batteries have been known to be triggered by sound and become damaged due to leakage of juice inside the battery. The manual batteries are sealed. In regards to the 302 atomizer, I did buy one of these to use on my VP/PT. I was really frustrated and couldn't figure out the draw, it seem to leak every time I added a drop of liquid and had the worst flavor I have ever experienced from a atomizer. I shelved the 302 and went back the 801, gold band atomizer, to practice getting the draw correct with the PT. A few days ago I pulled out the 302 and gave it a go again. I am much happier with it now and I am pleased that it was user error and not a faulty piece. I wish you the best of luck. Please look through the supporting suppliers area. Arno at Awesome vapor is really good and I also suggest Electro-nic-Stix and Word up. They have superior customer service.
  11. That is good one. I change my earlier suggestion and agree with Schizophretard.
  12. Thank you for posting the story. Why does this not surprise me?
  13. No, I have not found any non flavored nic liquid higher than 100mg/ml. I have to agree with the other posters, 100mg is really dangerous. One mistake in your mixing could be harmful if not fatal. Take care and caution if you decide to use the 100mg or if you do find anything higher. Maybe you could try using larger bottles for mixing your liquid, this might help with the space issue for adding extra flavor.
  14. Okay how about Johnny Lee Miller? This could be a long shot. I think that he was married to Angelina Jolie very briefly in the early years. That can't be bad right? Look it could be worse, I have been told that I look like Penny Marshall from her Laverne and Shirley days. Straight on looking at my face I don't think so, but my profile might say something different. I have also been told I look like Elizabeth Shue. These two women are on very different ends of the spectrum. I just don't get it.
  15. Chris and Nero9k gave you some really good advice. I concur with Nero, you should give direct dripping a try instead of the cart. The higher the nic level the better the throat hit. Try the drip method with your 18mg liquid and see if you get the throat hit you are looking for. If this doesn't work, you may want to up your nic level. What flavor of liquid are you using? I have found that some of the fruity flavors don't produce a very good throat hit. You may also want to experiment with other flavors to find the vapor and throat hit that you desire.
  16. Vaping will not cause any false positives in a drug test. If they are testing for nicotine, that will show up on the test.
  17. This is the only place, so far, that I have found. If I find something else, I will post back later. My link
  18. Great minds do think a like! I am going to stand by choice until I see that grump face.
  19. I do have to say there is a resemblance to Hugo Weaving. It is hard picturing you as Lord Elrond, but that might explain the elves working in the VT store. I think you look more like Michael O'Keefe. My link
  20. Good catch on the liquid leaking into the automatic battery. I forgot about that issue.
  21. That is a good idea. Give them the exploding mods and they can prove which one makes the biggest BOOM!
  22. From what I have read here and at other forums the 5v is supposed to be the sweet spot. I think anything more than 5v will kill the flavor and kill the atomizer. You also run the risk when you start to stack batteries in these mods to reach that higher voltage. I just don't think it is safe. Most of these mods are not vented properly and could lead to disaster.
  23. When I started I was smoking about 1 to 1 1/2 packs a day and started out with 18mg with no problems. Because your friend seems to let them burn down most of the time I think 16-18 mg might work for her. If in doubt buy a bottle of 24 and a bottle of 18 and find what will work best.
  24. I think the warmer flavors all taste better at 5 volts. The way I classify a warmer flavor is anything in food form that is good warm, like baked goods right out of the oven. Dulcis, coffee flavors, caramel and the chocolate mint flavors are all good at 5 volts. I haven't found a fruity flavor that is really good at 5 volts. Midnight is pretty good at 5 volts but I prefer it and the sweet dawn in my 510 or 801 with the regular batteries.
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