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Everything posted by BirdDog

  1. Digging a hole to China, so my owner has a direct link to the Joye factory! Love the collar!
  2. We will just call that the submissive pose. Did we just wander off topic? Where is Jeffb?
  3. Sorry to hear the demise of your eGo battery. It seems you are having some bad luck lately, ruined juice and now a dead battery. I hope it all turns around for you soon.
  4. I have noticed my nails are stronger, not breaking or tearing so easily anymore. My dog strikes a pose when she gets a good back scratch. Her head and neck stretches out and she extends one of her back legs. I think I just described dog porn...
  5. You can go here Vapor Cast. They have the shows on the site and you can listen to them at your leisure. No need to catch it live.
  6. I so agree with you and Teri, a big pet peeve! It took me awhile to explain this to my mom about deleting others addresses, copy/paste and using the BCC feature.
  7. I am not even going to comment about spam mail for fear that I will jinx my mailbox. Darn too late, now I have to knock on wood, throw salt over my shoulder and click my heals together 3 times.
  8. About a week ago, I boiled a few atomizers that were just tasting a bit icky but working fine. I drained them overnight with pieces of tissue, then I boiled some water in the tea kettle and poured it over the atomizers and let it soak for about 10 minutes. Dried them overnight and they seem to be tasting fine. Too much work but saved me a couple bucks. I am not sure if I really want to do this. I have tried this in the past and ended up losing some really nice 801's. I am still on the fence about cleaning atomizers. I do agree that I wouldn't use anything but water to clean them.
  9. I am sorry that you have been so sick. I hope you are feeling much better. We missed you. Good tip on the cartridges. I do boil mine every couple weeks to get rid of the gunk, but I think I might start doing it more frequent.
  10. That was the place I was trying to find. Thanks Brian!
  11. That wasn't it. But really good find.
  12. I know it is there. I ran across it a starter kit in pink from a vendor on one of the other forums. I was amazed that they had a pink starter kit. Still looking. My thought was that is cool, wish I had seen that earlier, "click". Bad Dog! Very bad dog for not book marking it!
  13. I so ran across someone the last few days that sells them. Give me sometime, I don't think I book marked them.
  14. Yes, it bothers me. With the battles continuing with the FDA and bans that was a very stupid move on his part. I don't even want to mention the safety issues. I am so glad that kid didn't put it in his mouth.
  15. You are welcome. But the Thanks really needs to go out to Jeffb. I asked the same question in chat yesterday. To make a long story short, I was going to buy a 3.7v mod to play with while waiting on the Joker. After a lengthy thought process I decided to buy the VP2, then the next day there were new announcements about the "new this" and "new that". Ugh! Now I am back in decision mode and waiting again.
  16. Looks like new products from Janty. Check out the videos on YouTube. Janty Channel
  17. I was going to suggest the VG. But I see you have thought about that already. I don't think it would hurt to try it out.
  18. Dave, I have two 801 to 901 adapters. I use one for the VP/PT and one for my regular 801 batteries. It has worked out really nice to have two of them. I have been considering buying one of the VP1 or VP2 units and I will also purchase another 510 adapter. I think multiples are a good idea.
  19. You all have made very valid points about classifying the e-cig as a tobacco product. I do agree this is a catch 22. If you can not get behind the petition for the classification, it is completely understandable. I still have not made up my mind about this subject either. Please don't forget there is a second petition asking the FDA to clarify/correct inaccurate and misleading claims about electronic cigarettes. I think we can at least all agree on this one that the FDA needs to fix this error.
  20. I have to agree with Seaspine. Even if there is no nicotine, the vapor will be an irritant to already compromised lungs.
  21. Thanks for making it look better.
  22. NOTICE: This post as been updated and edit by the Admin. This is a direct copy from ECF created by Executive Director Smokefree Pennsylvania. Please take a moment to read it - Christopher *** Alert: Urge FDA to protect health of smokers and vapers, not cigarettes Dockets now available to submit comments urging FDA to protect the health of smokers, not cigarettes The Citizens Petition by the American Association of Public Health Physicians (AAPHP) urging the FDA to reclassify and regulate electronic cigarettes (nicotine vaporizers) as tobacco products (instead of trying to ban the products by classifying them as drugs or devices) is at Regulations.gov To submit a comment urging supportive action by the FDA, go to Regulations.gov Suggested talking points: - since e-cigarettes (nicotine vaporizers) are derived from tobacco, the FDA can legally reclassify and regulate them as "tobacco products", - by choosing to classify e-cigarettes as "drugs" or "devices", the FDA was/is attempting to ban the products, - hundreds of thousands of smokers already have significantly reduced their health risks by switching to e-cigarettes, - by reclassifying e-cigarettes as tobacco products, the FDA would ban their sale to minors, can establish other reasonable and responsible product regulations, would help to reduce (instead of maintain) cigarette consumption, and would save taxpayers money that FDA continues to waste, - in SE vs FDA, federal Judge Richard Leon has ruled that the FDA can regulate e-cigarettes as "tobacco products", but not as "drugs" or "devices", - sales and use of e-cigarettes have continued to sharply increase despite the FDA's ongoing attempt to ban the products, - banning e-cigarettes would primarily protect cigarette markets at the expense of consumer and public health, - if applicable, describe your personal experience using e-cigarettes. - - - - The Citizens Petition by the American Association of Public Health Physicians (AAPHP) urging the FDA to clarify/correct inaccurate and misleading claims about electronic cigarettes (nicotine vaporizers) made at the FDA's July 22, 2009 press conference, and to truthfully inform the public of existing evidence about the products is now available at Regulations.gov To submit a comment urging supportive action by the FDA, go to Regulations.gov Suggested talking points: - the FDA Electronic Cigarettes grossly mispresented its own laboratory test findings on two brands of e-cigarettes http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/S.../UCM173250.pdf - in contrast to claims made at the FDA's press conference, there is no evidence that e-cigarettes have ever harmed any user or nonuser, and there is no evidence that e-cigarettes are marketed to youth, - the FDA failed to acknowledge any evidence (sent to the agency) that e-cigarettes are far less hazardous alternatives to tobacco cigarettes, and that thousands of e-cigarette users informed the agency they had quit smoking by switching to the products, - cigarette smokers have a human right to truthful information about, and legal access to, less hazardous alternatives, - FDA officials have an ethical duty to protect consumer health and to provide truthful health risk information, - if applicable, describe your personal experience using e-cigarettes. - - - - More than TWO YEARS have passed since NY State Health Commissioner Richard Daines submitted a Citizens Petition to the FDA at Regulations.gov to (1) allow FDA approved Over The Counter NRT products (i.e. nicotine gums, patches and lozenges) to be sold in all stores that sell cigarettes; (2) allow NRT products to be sold in less expensive daily dose units; and (3) change labels on NRT products to inform consumers of the health benefits of NRT compared to cigarettes, to eliminate unsubstantiated health warnings, and to encourage use of NRT if tobacco use continues. To submit a comment urging supportive action by the FDA, go to Regulations.gov Please note that another petition very similar to Richard Daines' petition was recently submitted by SRNT and ATTUD, which is now awaiting docketing by the FDA. Suggested talking points: - many more smokers would try using NRT products if they are sold in $5-$10 packages instead of just in $35+ packages, - more smokers would try using NRT products if they are sold at more retail stores alongside cigarettes, - current warning labels on NRT products mislead many consumers to believe they pose far greater health/safety risks than is the case, - NRT products are far less hazardous than cigarettes, and are often used as temporary and/or long term substitutes for cigarettes, - smokers can reduce their health risks by concurrently using NRT products and cigarettes, with risk reduction proportionate to cigarette reduction, - many/most NRT products are consumed by people who have used the products longer than the twelve weeks currently approved by the FDA, and - although clinical trials find that just 7% of NRT users remain smokefree after six months, many NRT users consider them acceptable alternatives to cigarettes. Bill Godshall Executive Director Smokefree Pennsylvania 1926 Monongahela Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15218 412-351-5880 smokefree@compuserve.com
  23. After I got the hang of the draw from the 302 on the PT, it was really nice. I have been using a 901 on it lately and have been quite pleased. I have a new 302 sitting and just waiting to be used. Guess I should break it out and give it whirl. Dave is right the PT is the "Cats Meow."
  24. Thanks Chris and Roor for answering my question about the adapters. I have 2 adapters from the VT store and one from another source. I use the VT store adapters on the PT and the other on my 801 batteries. Spent most of the day, yesterday, thinking about batteries, venting and pressure. My head still hurts. I guess I will go to work.
  25. Thanks Christopher for the information that you posted. It is always valuable and makes it easy to understand. I have made notes on all the information you have posted about batteries on the forum. I am holding this info for when I take the plunge and buy a battery mod. I am waiting patiently for the Joker. The VP/PT has spoiled me at 5 volts and that is my real reason for hanging on so long. I do have a question, and I posted it in my first post on this thread. There has been some talk of adapters shorting out batteries/mods on some other forums. I am not completely sure and do not understand how this could possibly be a problem. Is it the pressure on the center post? Grimm Green eluded in a post some where that he had 2 adapters cause this problem. I think the adapter in question is the 510 battery to 801 atomizer. Have you heard anything about this and can you provide some information or a theory on why this would happen. I wish I could tell you more about what mod and where the adapter came from. All the posts were really vague and stuck in some of the most unusual places.
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