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Everything posted by BirdDog

  1. The carbonated beverage they were referring to is the Canada Dry Sparkling Green Tea Ginger Ale. It is carbonated. Why don't they target all the energy drinks? Aren't most of those fortified carbonated snack foods? They chose to target a company and call the product a drug. Why not just label Green Tea itself as a drug? People do overdose on green tea and suffer side effects.
  2. Thanks Nana, Kitsune and everyone. I missed it completely and didn't realize it until this thread popped up! For you newbies - stick with it, it really will happen and your 1 year anniversary will be here before you know it!
  3. I am sure mine was not a LR atty. I have not purchased any LR's. I even doubled checked my atomizer and did not see any markings to indicate that it was an LR. It was straight out of a regular 510 box. Chris does make a good point. Are you sure it is not a LR? - never mind you posted before I could type.
  4. I had my 1 year anniversary last week and August 24th. So it has been 1 year for me.
  5. I had the very same problem that you are experiencing when my upgraded Joker was returned to me. I had a 510 atomizer that I was using on my Ego and when I transferred it to my Joker it would shut the unit off. At the time I was still communicating with Vaprlife about another issue and I told them what happened with that one atomizer. The reply I got from them was that the atomizer had a "dead short" and I should toss it out. When I think back to the atomizer and using it on my Ego, I noticed that the batteries were not operating properly. I hope this atomizer didn't damage my Ego batteries, I haven't used it since I got my Joker back.
  6. The pull out of the troops was set before Obama was in office. Jeff is right, it is only the combat troops and we will still have a presence in Iraq for years. My brother just got back in the spring and he basically said the same thing. I can not give credit to Obama and his administration about the troops leaving Iraq.
  7. I also have to agree with Hodge. It will all probably work out in your favor anyways.
  8. I can't believe the girl just sat there! I would be pushing my boyfriend out of the way to catch the ball. Lost it in the lights my butt, only outfielders can use that excuse.
  9. I was also going to suggest RY4. Welcome to VT.
  10. My USB wall adapter for the charger broke. It actually still works, but the whole thing just came apart in my hands. I have rubber bands holding it together. This is my question...Can I use my USB plug adapter for the VP/PT to connect the USB charger for my Ego? I know the connections fit, but I am worried about the voltage? Are the adapters for the VP/PT too strong?
  11. I do nothing with new atomizers. I leave them in the package until I need them. So far I have not had any DOA atomizers.
  12. Welcome to the forum. I don't know what model you are using, I am assuming it is a 510. The 510 atomizer will run a bit hotter than other models. It is a good idea to let the atomizer cool a bit, this may help with the melting cart. Jeff also gave you some really good advice. I gave up on the filling the carts about an hour after I started vaping. Direct dripping made vaping much more enjoyable.
  13. Brian gave you a really good answer. Also, welcome to the forum.
  14. There is no definite answer to your question about extended battery life for the 901 vs 801. Batteries for all models can be finicky. Some could last for several months and some could fail from day one. It is just the nature of batteries. You never know when a battery will finally give out. I do not have any 901 batteries, but I do have 801 batteries. I have had them for about 6 months and they still hold a charge. I also have 510 batteries that are almost a year old and they appear to be on the way out. The last time I used them, the charge only lasted about 30 minutes. I hope this helps.
  15. I really like the vapor production from VG, but I hate what it does to the atomizer. The VG stuff I have tried in the past really clogged up my atomizer.
  16. Excellent video. Sorry he is gone. All his points are valid.
  17. You should look through the DIY section on the forum. There is probably a thread in regards to the crystals.
  18. I don't think the crystals were meant to be used as is. I think you need to dissolve them in VG or PG and add to nicotine base (if you are using nic). I could be wrong, but I don't think solids vaporize very well. Edit, yes I know solids don't vape.
  19. I have the Joker and I am very pleased with the performance. I get what you are saying about juice consumption and cost, however I never really paid attention to it. If cost is really a factor and vaping at 3.7 vs 5v is not a problem I would go with the Vypr. About the wetbox, it is very popular right now and everyone that has one is raving. The only thing that keeps me from getting one is that you are locked into one juice. I like to change up my flavor frequently.
  20. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! Lots of love for Truelove and his mission.
  21. I think he is mixing the cream flavor with a peach flavor. I have been mixing the cream flavor with just about everything and have a good success. The cream flavor is very strong and can linger in the atomizer, but I don't care because it is really good.
  22. I bought the cream flavor from Awesome Vapor and litecigusa.
  23. My vote is for a sales pitch.
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