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Everything posted by BirdDog

  1. Brilliant and well done!
  2. Sorry for your loss Uma. It is very hard to lose a good pal. I love big dogs.
  3. You could try Flavor Bands. Or find something similar at a hardware store.
  4. Wonderful news!
  5. Nice review. Happy Holidays!
  6. If you didn't order them before, then order them now. Better to have on hand then not have any in a crisis. As Nana would say, "Back ups! Back ups!"
  7. Wonderful. I am glad that it is working for you! Keeping moving forward, it will continue to get better.
  8. I like all the VT flavors so far that I have tried. I am a coffee junkie and the Choco Java and the Capp from the VT store are really good. My favorite of the the two is the Choco Java. The Macchiatto is also good. Try the Dulcis and the Grape Soda.
  9. Welcome Emily. The Joye Ego is a good place to start. Most kits will come with 2 standard 510 atomizers. You can order a package of blank 510 cartomizers separately. They usually come in a package of 5 for about $7 to $8. Depends on where you get them. You will need to fill them with liquid. There are videos showing how to fill them. It is quite simple. The drip tip replaces the cartridge/cap that fits on the atomizer. It will have a large hole that allows you to drip directly into the atomizer. Some suggest using them with the cartomizers. I use the drip tips on the standard atomizer. As for the strength of the liquid...How many packs do you smoke a day? That really would be helpful. I smoked lights and about a pack a day. I started with 16 to 18 mg nic strength. I took a look at that site and the products they have. Something is fishy, I wouldn't buy from there. Stolen image from another supplier and they actually referred to the Ego as an inhalator in the description. Try not to get hung up on finding the cheapest price. You might just get a knock off or some really bad advice. Try looking right here at the VT store or the other supporting suppliers. They will carry everything you are looking for and they will answer any questions you might have if you chose to contact them. Good luck. I hope this helped.
  10. Actually found this interview on another forum. This confirms that it is an ecig! Not real sure if I like his quote but hey what can you do? Hold on to your pants Forum! If this movie (opens Dec. 10th) actually does well, it is possible things may pick up around here. I don't know about you all, but I am really glad to see this happen. Interview with Johnny Depp
  11. Look for the no smoking sign by his head. What do you think? Have ecigs finally made it on the big screen? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mscs9Rj3QeM&feature=related
  12. Jeff gave you a good answer about the drip tip. I recommend getting one if you are going the dripping route. It doesn't say if the carts that come with your Ego kit are prefilled. I am going to guess that they are because most kits have prefilled carts. If you plan on refilling these carts, I suggest that you remove the filler and give it a good rinse under tap water. Let dry and refill. The reason is some of the old liquid may make the new flavor taste funky. You can use tweezers to pull out the filler. Wash your hands after you clean and refill your carts. My only suggestion, to add to your order, is a couple extra standard atomizers and a pack of cartomizers. That is it. Sounds like you are good to go. Good luck.
  13. I don't know the answer to your question. I have never tried any 0 nic liquid. But you got my curiosity going. Really looking forward to what others have to say about this.
  14. Welcome to the forum. I applaud you for thinking of your child and the safety involved. Keeping eliquid away from small ones is very important. I want to add that you will also need to keep your cartridges away from you child. Little ones will stick anything in their mouths. I am going to suggest going with the Ego. I am also going to suggest going with the liquid. With this combination you will have many more options for flavor, atomizer and cartomizers. I don't see any extra work involved in keeping liquid away from a child, than it will be to keep carts or a cartomizer out of reach of children. Choose whatever option will be easiest for you. I did a search a few days ago for another member in regards to pre-filled cartridges for the Ego or 510 fitting. My search didn't turn up much except for tobacco and menthol pre-filled cartridges. They were at Awesome Vapor. I am sure you want more flavor options than just tobacco and menthol. Here is another option if you don't want to go with the liquid. 1. The KR808D is a two piece model. The battery is small like your GS. There are a couple vendors out there that sell pre-filled cartomizers with different flavors. 2. Skip the cartridges and go with cartomizers. Cartomizers are a atomizer and cartridge in one unit. They work much better than cartridges. Cartridges don't wick liquid to the atomizer very well and that might be the problem you are experiencing with your GS. You can get a Cartomizer in the KR808D or in the 510 for the Ego. I have not had any luck finding pre-filled 510 cartomizers for the Ego that offer many flavor combinations. You can use the KR808D cartomizers on the Ego. You will need to get the 510 to 808/901 adapter. I will give you some links for the KR808D cartomizers. If I find any for the 510 cartomizers I will post back later. Vapor King - KR808D Battery adapter for the 510 to KR808 This is an example of the adapter that you will need for the KR808 to fit on the Ego battery. Other suppliers sell this adapter too. Do not confuse The Vapor King Model, from this site Vapor4Life, for the Vapor King Website I listed above. One is a supplier (above) and one has named their model the Vapor King. I am pretty sure that the Vapor King Model is a KR808D. Someone correct me if I am wrong. Good luck.
  15. Congratulations Knight!
  16. Your cart looks good except for the cones. You really don't need extra cones unless you lose one, you just want extras or other colors. I haven't tried the zip tips, those look good. Some people prefer a wider mouthed drip tip, I don't see that as an option with the zip tips. I have a regular drip tip and it works fine for me. If you shop around, you will find all sorts of drip tips in different sizes, shape, material and colors. You do want to add the 510 atomizers. The suggestion about the LR atomizers is a good idea. I don't have any experience with LR atomizers, so I am useless on that one. Dayvape and Snubber have good advice about the LR's.
  17. The 510 atomizer is the most popular atomizer. The standard 510 atomizer is perfect for direct dripping. Using a drip tip makes it much more easier and there is no need to remove the top. The vapor production is really good. The 510 batteries are okay. The only downfall is that they only last about 1-2 hours depending on how much you vape. Most will suggest the Ego. It uses the popular 510 atomizer and the battery life is outstanding. It is small and fits in the palm of your hand. I agree with Joe about the bigboxstore, it looks like a knock off. The gold band/end and the fact it refers to it as "the Ego" is the tip off for me. Try not to get so hung up on the price point. Most genuine Ego/Tornado will be in the $65-75 range +/-. You are going to need extra atomizers and liquid. With some of the kits you get an extra atomizer and some offer a bottle of liquid. By the time you add this to the cheap kits it all comes out the same. I suggest picking up a couple extra atomizers, maybe some cartomizers, a drip tip and a few different flavored liquids. You won't be disappointed. Good luck.
  18. Finishing off a bottle of Dekang Chocolate Cream. Nice but not worthy.
  19. Thank you for sharing. Very interesting little gadget. Looking forward to follow ups for the final product.
  20. IMO, cartridges will waste a lot of liquid and the vapor production is not very good. The liquid in the cart does not wick well to the atomizer. I suggest removing the poly fill from the cart and using the direct drip method. You drip the liquid directly on the atomizer. Use 2 drops and you will get about 7-10 hits before needing to drip again. When the vapor production drops you will know it is time to drip again. If dripping is not what you want to do, I suggest buying some cartomizers (atomizer/cartridge in one unit). The cartomizers work much better than the 2 piece atomizer and cartridge. See this link about direct dripping. How to direct drip Darn you Brian - you are fast!
  21. Brian is right flavor is really subjective. You and your girlfriend have been vaping for a little over a month now, is that correct? I know you are hooked on finding that perfect menthol flavor, but you should really give whirl at some other flavors if you have not done so. The only menthol I have tried was a sample from Awesome Vapor. I am not a menthol person. I have to say, it was strong, it was so strong that it opened up my airway. I was quite pleased at the flavor, but menthol is not for me. I finally passed it on to a menthol person. They really seemed to like it. When I first started, there were flavors that I bought that were just horrible. I stuck them in the corner for emergencies or to pass on to someone else. But after revisiting those flavors a few months later, I found that the flavor really wasn't that bad and I have actually reordered some of them. Maybe it was steeping but I doubt it. Most the of the liquid available when I started was Dekang, I am sure it had ample time to steep between here and China. I really think that my sense of smell and taste took longer to change. I also find that certain flavors taste better at different times of the day. Your flavor choices and habits may change the longer you vape. It doesn't hurt to contact Jeffrey. Good luck.
  22. If touching the cable makes the light turn green, then my best guess would be the charger is defective. I don't think you have flooded the batteries. If you received your Ego on Saturday then you still have time to exchange it, if you got if from a reputable supplier. I would contact the supplier and let them know what is going on. Leave out the info about the small drop of liquid, I don't think that is your problem. I have not had any problems with flooding a Ego battery. I thought they were sealed. I could be wrong.
  23. I have to work the first part of the day. Still wondering why the heck we are open, no produce, no bakery and most of the holiday stuff is gone. But not complaining too much I will get holiday pay. I will get done early enough to still make dinner with my family.
  24. Very nice Nana!
  25. RY4 this morning. Found this bottle stuck in the corner of my cupboard while making coffee. Nice treat.
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