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About watchenewe

  • Birthday May 29

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  • Location
    Los Angeles

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Can you put the smoke free banner on facebook?
  2. Chindra As you can see I have not been analog free for long, but I did find a great ecig. It's a V2. I have been using this since July 15th 2011. You might want to check the website out www.v2cigs.com I was sold when I saw there was a lifetime guarantee on the e cigs. All you have to do is buy thier carts which to me is worth is because I have had 1 of my e cigs tip break and with no questions asked they sent me another one, another good thing is they give you a 30 money back guarantee that you will like their product. I buy the empty cartomizer and fill it myself with different e liquids. I really like gourmet vapor, I am able to make the flavors I like and you get to choose how strong of a flavor you like. Take a look, it wont hurt. You can get discounts for ordering and giving coupon numbers for discounts. Let me know what YOU think..
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