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John R.L.

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About John R.L.

  • Birthday 06/12/1968

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  1. the e-go kits & the e-go pass tho is all great choices and the way to go , the only thing I would change in all that is get a liquinator tank from vaporescence.com, fill prob. once a day and it is like juice on the go, from one p.v. to another ( if you choose to).......................................my 2 cents ! .....................good luck !
  2. any other ones I can not find any
  3. the notcigs site says the buzz takes 16340 type so 18650 won't fit ..right ?
  4. the title says it all is there such a thing still looking for that mod a v.v. would be the ticket so a 18650 v.v. tube mod is it out there...........help !
  5. not bad , sorry I'm being picky now but I relly like some style to it, but thanks 4 the help really cool of ya !
  6. let me add price is an issue.
  7. thanks for the links I will check them out! thanks again
  8. hell no !! this thing rocks compared to the e-go & the batt. life is a lot !!! better, but the K-go is a bit longer. You can tell the difference.
  9. I'm looking !!!!!haha for a tube mod 18650 batt and simple to use, and gots to look good !!(yes I said gots) haha ! looking something like the one from Madvapes the gold rush tube mod ( this one is out of stock)...sucks!..................can anyone help this middle aged man ??? Vape-On !!
  10. this might sound to simple.......protected batts almost everysize..................E-BAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. this is what I use, and never a burnt taste yet !!! .A V.V. box mod ( Madvapes) and the liquiator ( Vaporescence) with a L.R. carto... Take the vv up to about 4.5 to 5 volts never tasted like crap yet, been 2 weeks now, and I vape about 4ml daily
  12. I did not see them on ecf, but the prices look good, I will stick to my vendors. My main one is Madvapes.com
  13. I will admit it took me a little bit ( and some juice wasted) but once I got the hang of it it was all good !!!!take a little practice ...
  14. There is another way !!!! got a nail or small screw ????? in the same place you would cut slots..punch a small hole w/ hammer ( lite) make a small hole on each side ......and there you go !!!!
  15. everyone......................................VAPE-ON & BE PROUD !!
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