well, i just received my first E-Cig....and i wish i didnt waste the money on it. i was listening to the radio and heard a commercial for a "free trial" for an electronic Cigarette, i called to check it out, and before i knew it the damn thing cost me 80 bucks and auto-enrolled me in a program where they charge me 80 bucks a month for cartriges that have 0 nicotine. granted you can cancel the subscription at any time and as soon as i got it in the mail i called and cancelled but that was just the beginning of the problems. The battery life on this thing blows....i dont know if im not charging it long enough or what the deal is, but i charge it til the light turns green and i get maybe an hour of battery life, and thats if i dont use it alot. it does put out a good amount of vapor, but that was only after i got some juice from Chris. if anyone is thinking about getting the assassin...dont waste the time or money.