I experimented with my home smoke detector and if you get enough vapor around the detector it will set it off.
Just be careful. Also if you do set it off, by the time they get to you, all the evidence will be gone and they can not prove anything. Just a malfunctioning detector. He He He
Now you have to break the habit while your were waiting for the batteries to charge of bitting your fingernails. They just don't seem to charge fast enough.
You'll do great. You have defiantly armed yourself with the best weapons out there.
Technology is Awesome!!!
How cool would it be to run you eCig for a week and any other electronic item for that length of time.
Nice find bzeisman
Hi Everyone,
Here is my first video review and there's more to come. What do you think? Anything I left out.
Thx for watching,
My t-shirt says "it's easy being Green" If you were wondering.
Hello Fellow Vapers,
I have come to love the 801 atty's and I like to know what's the difference besides the hieght of the wicking bridge.
More/less vapor, taste, thoat hit, leakeage, etc.
I'm crying over here Too Funny!!!!!
I do know that one day I will no longer be able to upgrade my PC and I'll be left with a floppy disk anyways.
I own a copy of Wife 2.0. I do not have any problems with it so far. But there was spyware installed and now I can't get rid of the pop-ups from Mother-in-Law 2.0.
Wife 1.0 caused serious problem to my hard drive turning it blue. Returned Wife 1.0 as that OS in obsolete. But as with M-I-L 2.0, I can not get rid of pop-ups from Wife 1.0.
Any suggestions?
Looks like Florida needs more money. They raised the Cigarette tax again!!! What would states do without smokers money huh?
Hopefully, they will find out once everyone gets an E-Cig.....Ha Ha Ha!!!
A Buck A Pack Tax
I got the Protege to and I have to say it is pretty nice for my first USA built e-cig. I am going to put it through it's paces and do a review on it at a later date.
Thanks again MoobyGhost.