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Everything posted by TheGreen

  1. Hey, It still look cool. Not as good as Jay Lenos beer pong videos.
  2. I experienced the same thing when I started vaping. It is just like when you started smoking. After a couple days, the irritation goes away and the coughing stops. It didn't help much that my throat was tainted with analog smoke.
  3. I feel ya. But there is a drip friendly mouth piece out the that GrimmGreen did a video review on. You can find them here http://www.supertmanufacturing.com/ And GrimmGreen's review here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXcJdtnkO4g Cya,
  4. Ah, so that's why when I plugged in my old webcam just to see if it works, it never found it? Which is not a problem, the iSight cam that's built in seem to take pretty good video. I'll be doing a PCC review tonight with the iSight cam. Let's see how it turns out.
  5. Chris, You may want to close this thread as Dave and I have found the secret to immortality... Mua Ha Ha!!!!!
  6. Hi all, I just got back for Charlotte NC. I had no problems leaving Chicago O'Hare, but returning I had my Protege in my jacket pocket. TSA saw it in the x-ray and asked about it. I told them what it was and then they wanted me to show them. I took a vape and exhaled vapor. The TSA agent then said "OK no problem, but my mother has one that is much smaller." And the short conversation began while I put my shoes back on. Cya,
  7. Too funny!!! So you are saying that switching from PC to Mac is like switching from analogs to eCigs?
  8. Come on Smoking Everywhere, get your heads out of your A**es. They need to realize that if a total ban comes because of there lack of control on who they sell to will be bad for the eCig community and themselves as a business.
  9. @ ElectroNicStix Ok cool. I am sure I'll have a question or 2. I am pretty good at figuring out the easy stuff. Took me like 10-15 to find the cut,copy, paste shortcuts.....lol @GDub Makes sense. I picked this one up for $999. I figure if it last 5 years, that's only $200 a year. So far I feel it"s well worth it. @Schizophretard I wouldn't say they never get viruses, there are just a lot less of them out there to infect a Mac. l'm not sure all the differences in the OS but I am sure someone will answer that one soon. And as for the look or desktop, the Mac seems to be a lot neater. No shortcuts sitting all over just at the top and bottom. I suggest going to Apple.com. There's a few videos like switching from PC to Mac. And BTW, don't bother going on youtube for advice. Most of the "is a Mac better tan a PC" videos are worthless. A Mac user will show you why they are better in their opinion, and a PC user just says they suck...lol Now I was never an advanced PC user so I hope my MacBook will be less involved as a PC so I have read.
  10. Wow!!! This Mac is pretty cool. Almost everyone I asked how they like a Mac and that I was thinking about getting one just raved about them. So far so good. It has been challenging with the new OS. I have used PC forever so the transition is going to be interesting. I like that Apple gives you lots of video tutorials to help. After using it for awhile, I check back in and give you all a progress report. Cya,
  11. I can do OK smoke rings about 50% of the time but I look like a retarded fish when I do them. Nowhere near as cool as Scott aka igetcha69
  12. I wonder how they taste? Some of those sound gross....Licorice...YUK!!!
  13. First off welcome to VT. As I starter it's OK. You will soon out grow it as I did when I started with a cartomizer type eCig. But at least it got me off the analog smokes Most all eCig batteries are rechargeable. So if the Blu works out for you, I would suggest a nice custom model like the Spade or the new Ego when you decide to upgrade. With the money you will be saving not buying analog smokes, you'll have enough saved up in no time. Cya,
  14. Hi everyone, My little Lucy loves the BabyFirstTV channel and today as we were watching it they have a Christmas offer. Any of their single disc DVD for Free just pay $5 shipping. I ordered mine today. Go to www.babyfirsttv.com and use coupon code gift4u The code is on the website so it's no big secret. We got the Harry the Bunny DVD. So if you have little kids, I would say up to 3years old, or know someone with little ones, this is a great offer. Cya,
  15. I homepage in my email. I watch forums threads so I'm right back here anyways. Chris, Got my juice order today.....Colada.....YUM!!!!!
  16. WOW TSM. I seems that I am always doing something with my PC. I think I am going to get a MAC. I do not do a lot with my PC but small video editing, storing and edited pics and surfing the web. My Wife used a MAC at her previous job and she really liked it and they rarely had problems. What do you all think?
  17. If the world was run by scientists and not money, I think this world would be a better place.
  18. Back when I was about 3 weeks into vaping, VT ran a contest for a Joye 510 and extra stuff to go with it. It was a tough contest where you had to guess/research Chris's childhood that Chris gave clues to. I got lucky in my many many searches on Google and found the answer. It was defiantly challenging. I must have spent 10-15 hours researching the clues.
  19. Soon you'll save enough to take us all on a vacation? Well maybe at least meet us in Vegas and buy a round of drinks....lol
  20. I have a maglite that uses 2 AA batteries that will make 3volts. It has a 3 watt LED. It's super bright. I used it one morning during work and I forgot it on and put it in it's holster. When I got home 8 hrs later, It was still going strong and I used it for another 2 weeks. I thought this might give you an example of how much juice LEDs use or don't use.
  21. Glad to see you are starting to feel better. See you soon on the forums. I look forward to your posts.
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