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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Just sent out a bunch of e-mails as well. I really hope the Governor will listen to our plight.
  2. Yep. This is my issue also. It sucks you cannot stick a fully assembled cig into the PCC. Too bad they did not make it like the Blu Cigs PCC. But then again, those are micro minis. I think when I go out, i'll just take my Blu's and 1 bottle and just drip on them. I usually put about 3 drops and they vape pretty good.
  3. Well, I got it today. Took only 2 days to get it. Right now I am trying the Marlboro VG, damn this produces a monster vaper!!! The VG seems easier on the throat, compated to the PG's.
  4. The FDA, Big Pharma, and Big Tobacco are all fukken evil. Karma will get those people who have hurt others, really reallyl bad!!!
  5. E-Liberty was where I first got my original 510 from. I just now ordered the 510 CCC limited time offer they have going. Not bad for the PCC with USB, 1 atty, and 1 batt. I also ordered some more VG type of liquids. Lately, my throat has been drying out , and I think it is from the PG. All night, I have been vaping with my Red Bull VG I had originally bought from them. So far, the side effects are not as bad as the PG's. (at least for me). But the Red Bull is definitely a strange taste, I must say! Maybe it is just that particular flavor, and not because it is VG. I will find out when I try the new VG's in the other flavors.
  6. Yes, a lot of this does make sense! The chest pain was only (so far) on that one day. I do also have the VG, (red bull) but have not really used it too much, the vapor is just strange, and the taste, well, it is just weird. Not sure if this is how VG's are, or maybe that particular flavor I got? What is funny, is that my BF is Chinese, and he is worried about me vaping, talking down about how some companies in China will put anything in, even it means killing people to save money. (remember all those news stories...) He (and is a Nurse) says I should be careful, as this product is still too new. I agree, but I tell him "Uhh, would you rather have me go back to smoking cigs?" I really hope some more positive news comes out in light of the e-cig.
  7. Has anyone else gotten chest pains? This morning, I think I was vaping just about a medium amount, and had chest pains. I had stopped smoking 11 days ago, so not sure if it is the lungs still clearing up, or the nic from vaping? Or the effect on the lungs from inhaling whatever is in the juice (hopefully nothing bad, besides the PG). Do most of the suppliers get their juice from manufacturers, or are making this stuff themselves? ON my juice I got from liberty e-cigs, the labels on the bottle are definitely printed from an inkjet printer! Maybe either it is being re-bottled or home brewed?
  8. I still also carry around my pack of blu's, and just drip about 3 drops into the atty. It works great! I like that the parts are interchangeable with my 510. You can put the 510 atty on the blu batt, and vice versa.
  9. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Check this out: http://www.reuters.c...E57O52L20090825 When is the stupid FDA going to get it???
  11. I know huh! Go figure..
  12. But this "high" I had was just way out of the ordinary. I have never ever felt this from an analog cig. I think I had better order my future liquids with lower levels of nicotine. When I smoked analogs, I was at almost a pack a day, using Marlboro lights for ever, then whey started tasting like crap, I went to Camel Turkish Royals for the past 5 months or so. I remember someone (I think it was from a youtube comment) talking smack about the e-cig, saying how the PG builds up in the throat and causes cancer! But, the way I look at it, is anything has to be safer than a traditional cigarette.
  13. I have noticed the dry throat issue coming on lately, and when I am vaping I always am drinking either water, monster, or G2 with it. I think my red bull (VG) liquid doesn't have as bad side effects, but the taste is kinda weird to me. It seems the PG's taste better, or maybe I just have the wrong flavor? Anyone know of some good VG's that have a decent taste? Also, I think I went overboard on my vaping yesterday (when I rec'd the new liquids). I felt freakin HIGH! I guess that is when you can tell when you had too much nicotine, huh! I have to slow down, but Thank God, it has kept me away from the cancer sticks (going on 1 week now!)
  14. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. This is how I feel about the Blu too. A lot of the issues does seem to be because of their pre-filled "use it up quick so you can buy more" carts. LOL
  16. LMFAO!!! Now, that's a good one.
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