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Everything posted by Chris

  1. "Tragic Mountain" LOL, seriously huh!
  2. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! "MOOOO"
  3. It does help in getting that "extra dose of nicotine" ha ha ha... I really don't mind the taste, as long as it is not too much liquid!
  4. Canada is sooooo strict on tobacco control. I was in Toronto in July (when smoking analogs) and you cannot even drink at a bar which has an outdoor patio, and still smoke!!! No, we had to walk out completely out of the club and smoke like 50 feet away. Crazy... Trust me, they will treat e-cigs just like analogs, just because the vapor "looks" like smoke.
  5. Ok, everyone come out to California, we need to improve the economy here. We have the ocean, mountains, and the desert and some nice weed houses for ya! Sincererly, The Southern California Tourism Board
  6. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!! I would have love to just seen this! ha ha ha. I am conservative in the way I vape, but still, that reaction is funny. Yea, I bet if you go back to that gas station now, the attendant is now selling his own 510 kits! LOL
  7. YSIA= Yes Sinikal is Awesome
  8. I still like the smell of smoke from the analogs, but actually trying to smoke one again, is NASTY!!! I have tried smoking when drinking at clubs, etc.. and I cannot even finish my cig. It taste like ****!!! So, that is a good thing
  9. The batts and attys from my (not used anymore) Blu Cigs are interchangeable with my 510. If you don't mind using an auto batt instead of a manual one.
  10. Back in the days, PG was sprayed like crazy in hospital rooms for infection control.
  11. Holy ****! Nice find Lacey. Imagine walking around vaping on that! LOL
  12. Congrats on saving another life from EVIL TOBACCO!!!
  13. That's right, it was Philip Morris. They were calling it the Accord. Here's a link I found, but it looks like this was being tried in the late 90's, not the 80's... http://www.no-smokin...08-17-98-1.html
  14. But I thought I read somewhere that either Phillip Morris or RJ Reynolds was already experimenting with some kind of electronic cigarette back in the 80's? But, it fell through. Could you imagine how big an e-cig would have been back then. Probably using a 2 lb NiCad battery! LOL
  15. Knocking on wood...
  16. ha ha, yea red lights are good for something, huh!
  17. Yep. I do what Sean does... steering with the knee and dripping, LOL. I really try to wait though until at a stop light, to be on the safer side. But I feel like a freakin druggie when the cars next to me see me dripping liquid into this black tube looking thing (my 510) ha ha ha
  18. Oh, I need to get more of Arno's 36mg Marlboro. It is definitely one of my favs. Right now, vaping on myfreedomsmokes Hilton 48mg. It is quite powerful. Yea, I am really gonna be nicotine free one day if I keep raising the miligrams!!! LOL
  19. I got my VG juice from Liberty Electronic Cigarettes. At first I thought I liked it better than PG, but I was sooo wrong. I do not even use it anymore. It just doesn't have the taste that PG does. But, I guess if you are allergic to PG, then VG is a good option. Oh, E-Liquid Planet also sells VG, but I have never tried it.
  20. You were one of my votes...
  21. I was sooo stressing out about this. I already was sooo upset and disturbed by the Prop 8 ruling last year, and was pretty stressed about this too. I even went as far as ordering extra batteries, atomizers, and e-liquids for fear of this. That senator corbett is really something else. I HATE those "holier than thou" mentality people. Also those who try to use children for justification. The whole thing just makes me sick. Also, she is spreading her legs and taking it from Big Pharma. I also sent out several e-mails to Arnold and others, and I thank those of you who also reached out for support. Now, we need to work hard on the FDA and others...
  22. I ordered 2 different PCC's with them when I started vaping, about 2 months ago. I have not rec'd any e-mail from them either. I just use them as backups when I feel like vaping on a super mini.
  23. Well, I work at a hospital (of all places, and in I.T., not clinical) and my boss doesn't mind, but stupid azz co-workers complained that the "2nd hand smoke" (they are pretty stupid) was making them nauseous. The issue was escalated high up over my boss by others to the Safety Manager of the hospital. He thought the e-cig was kinda cool and interesting, but said since it is not FDA approved, then I need to smoke it outside of the building. So many people do not understand what this e-cig is!
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