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Everything posted by mjradik

  1. However I think they are missing an import part. The questions should relate to, right after you stopped smoking, and also now. Because Now I vape less and less stength nicotine from when I first quit smoking.
  2. Thank for the info maverick, I didn't think about the wick being low being a cause, even though it was mentioned elsewhere in this thread. I guess I was going off my personal experience. I have a total of 4 tank attys (well 3 now that one kicked the bucket after 6 weeks of use) When I first got the eGo-T, all 4 of them leaked. With the pre-punched soft bottoms, none of them leaked. Looking at the atty now, it looks like the wick is even with the ‘low’ part of the spike in the tube, if that makes any sense. Kind of hard to explain. Jen_hayns should have other attys she can try if she bought a starter kit. If they all leak, then prolly a cap issue, if one 1 does, then most likely a wick issue.
  3. I just took it... 'How many puffs per ml???.." LOL, I never counted... What maybe 50? I guess I'll count next time. I could have chosen 1.. WOW... Thats one super long super puff... haha
  4. its http://www.myfreedomsmokes.com. They allow local pickup in NC, but not sure how far away they are from you.
  5. So I make my own eliquid. Up to 31 flavors now. Already spent time finding good flavor percents for each flavor, etc. I make my batches 20ml at a time. But got me thinking, its just as easy to make 60+ ml at a time. Also, can make it for cheaper since I can buy in higher bulk, however, that’s A LOT of juice and will take me forever to vape. My batches are a 20% VG solution, and can range from 8-16mg strength without effecting taste. So my question is, is there any one near Baltimore that would be interested in helping me out with the cost of the liquid and I can share my batches? It will be fairly cheep. I don’t want this to turn into a ‘Job’, and take up all my time, so I’m only looking for a few people. And only going to make juice that I would vape my self, so customization will be limited. If you are interested, please PM me.
  6. I know for a fact I’m in the minority for preferring the tanks, but that’s my personal preference. I also know if I use cartos with a different battery, or mods, I’m sure I’ll get better flavor/TH/Experience. But at this point in time, I’m happy with what I got, and don’t feel like investing more time/$$ in trying other stuff. I’m sure down the road I will though.
  7. LOL, DAYAVPE, you love your Cartos don't you. BTW, I ordered and got my carto’s in, and I still prefer the tanks. I noticed the carts have less flavor, and less TH, however they do draw better. But any Ways, I’m sticking with the tanks. Jen_Haynes, To answer your questions. The leaking issue is caused strictly by the tank. Has nothing to do with the atty or battery. The juice leaks through where the wick cover of the atty goes through the hard bottom of the tank. Especially if you use 100% PG, because its so thin. I did 3 things to prevent my leaking. I’ve been 100% leak free for 6 weeks now. Buy the tanks soft bottoms. (links in this thread and about 50 cents each). This helps about 50%, because the wick tube still ‘rips’ the bottom a little, and leaking can still occur a little. Then I used a 12 gauge needle to pre-punch a hole in the bottom. Now it works 95%. The hole is big enough so the remaining soft plastic fits snugly around the wick tube, with no ripping of the plastic. Lastly, I use a 20% VG solution, which makes the juice thicker, so nothing can squeeze by. However if you use 100% PG, it still works great, about 95%, and very little leaking. If this still is all above your head, I ordered 50 soft bottoms (Type A, i.e. 1ml tanks) 6 weeks ago, thinking they would wear out. But I’ve been using the same 5 bottoms since then. They been re-used, geeze like 50 times each so far, and still kicking. So I got plenty extra. PM me, and I can send you 5 or 10 of them already pre-punched for cheep (that is if you use the 1ml ego T, which is the Type A). So you don’t have to do anything except put them on your tanks. As far as cleaning, No need to disassemble or even clean really. One of my attys just recently died after 6 weeks of usage. All I did was just blow out the extra juice every day or so. Any maybe rinsed them in hot water, and let dry for a day, every week or 2. Standard maintenance. Also, for other reading this, below are pics on punching the holes.
  8. So I found a web site thats selling Propylene Glycol - USP - Kosher - Food Grade. Its 2 Gallons for $50 with FREE shipping. Thats the cheepest I've found. Anyone find it cheeper anywhere else? Can PG bought at a pharmacy locally usualy? What seems to be the going price bought locally?
  9. Yea, if you take your 24mg juice, take 10ml of that, then add 3 ml of the plain VG. That will make the solution about 23% VG, it will also reduce the nic content to about 18mg. The TH should be much less, and the menthol taste will be less because you are reducing the % of flavor in the solution. It should work out much better for you. I was a 1.5 PAD smoker, and I started off at 18 MG. I since reduced down to 8 MG.
  10. I noticed this kit is a hot ticket out in the vape world, and sold more than I expected to sell. I did not advertise it anyhwere but here, but noticed some people found it through searching and posted it on other forums. I personally like VT the best, and want to offer a special only to VT members. If you buy this kit, please send me a note that you are a VT member, and I'll refund you $3.00 to your paypal account. (This covers the cost of shipping.)
  11. yea, I've seen the video for the Sunday kitchen thing, and also the wick adjustment thing. So i'm familier with those. I'll give the cleaning a try and post back. I have a volt meter but not a resistance meter. Do I just get one at home depot or something? What the exact name so I know what I'm looking for, 'A Resitance meter'?? Approx price? like $10 or $15?
  12. I'm in the computer field, and deal with online vrs brick and mortar on both the consumer and business side. There is ALOT more overhead when you have a retail store. I'm surprised it was only a $8 difference. I would expect it to be more, but don't know what the total purchase amount was. Except for groceries basic essentials, I do everything online. For clothes I normally go try them on to make sure they fit, then buy them online for 20% less, haha. Stores are great for if you need something in a pinch and cant wait. Otherwise its online shopping for me. But returns and stuff can be more of a pain online, depending on the where you bought it from.
  13. Another thing you might try on the soft bottom is to pre-punch a hole. I used a 12guage needle I bought off ebay for 99 cents. I filled down the sharp point, and used that to make a nice clean hole. I haven't had a single leaking issue for a month now. Been using the same 5 tanks/bottoms for the month too.
  14. Been using the eGo-Tank, type A, now for 6 weeks. Same Atty. I vape 3-4ml/day. 20%VG/80%PG. I’m just wondering what to expect when an atty dies? Does it quit vaping all together? I only ask because the 6-week atty I’m using has a constant ‘burnt’ taste, no matter what I do. I try to get rid of it, but can’t. Cleaning/boiling/etc doesn't help. I did notice in the past, If I let the tank run dry, by mistake that is, I would refill, and by the 2-3rd puff after the refill the burth taste would go away. My new atty I’m using now is great. Should I just trash that atty now? I don’t think its worth taking apart, and trying a ‘dry burn’. But of course since it might be dead, would be a good ‘pratice’ atty to take apart. Ofcourse to, the atty might just be fine still, and a dry burn will fix it to get all the build up off it.
  15. The Type B tank and atty holds 2.5ml. (or sometimes refered to as the mega tank) 30 drops equals about 1.5ml. So make sure you order the Type B tank And Type B atty. Type A is smaller and only holds about 1ml. Also, make sure to order the tank w/ the soft silicone bottoms, other wise you might run in to leaking issues. (unless you use a 30% or more VG solution) The Tank system does have a harder draw, but I've tried 2 more flavors since this last post, and the cartos do have less flavor. Also, I personally have experienced a 50% DOA rate on the tank attys, so make sure the vendor has a DOA replacement policy. But if they aren't DOA, Atty's semm to last a LONG time. I think my one atty that I have ben using for 6 weeks now seems like its dying, but most post I see say attys only last 2-4 weeks, but mine have been better. (I'm getting ready to start another thread on a dying atty question) Now thats I've tried both, I tihnk I'm going to stick with the tank. Just over all easier for me. Especially since I rotate between 20+ flavors. Can't do that with cartos unless you have 20+ cartos. which is more $$.
  16. So I'v been using my Ego-Tank for 6 weeks now. I love it now that leaking issues have been resolved. However, I see so many people bashing the tank system. I ordered a 5-pack of dual-coil cartos, and received them. I've been using them side-by-side with the tanks (with LR Atty). In my opinion, I like the tanks better. Using the exact same juice in both, I notice they both have the same amount of vapor, or close to it. The Carto does have an easier draw (much easier to suck through), but the flavor and throat hit just seems much less. The tank gets more flavor, and TH is better. I believe I'm using good cartos. I'm using the '510 Dual Coil Cartomizers 1.5ohm XL(Black)(5 pack)' from myfreedomsmokes. Aren't those boge? Or no? Anyone else out these tried both the atty-tank AND cartos? Do you notice the same thing I do about the flavor and TH?
  17. LOL DAYVAPE. I don't have a problem on spending $$ on accessories, but my problem is spending $$ on different flavors. I always like to try new flavors. Have a collection of 35+ falvors, and haven't even tried them all yet... haha
  18. I personlly love the tank because its sooooooooo easy to change out flavors and stuff. But agian, I never used a carto. I did order some to give them a try. They wil be in tomorrow. Just like falvors, its a personal preference. Try both ands ee what you like. I like to keep my favlors 'fresh' by changing them alot. I'm alternating between almost 25 falvors now. If I did that with cartos, I would need 25 different cartos because its tough to completele change a favlor in the same carto with out having the old flavor linger for a while. With tanks (i have boat load of them) but I only actually use 5 of them because I just rinse and refill. Can't do that with cartos.
  19. Yea, people tend to vape more than they smoke. I guess maybe because they can... You can vape while doing other stuff and in places where you usually can't smoke. Thats one reason why I chose to use 12mg and not 18 or 24mg. Because I like vaping and I like vaping all the time. If I use less strong juice, I don't feel as guilty. I eventually plan on going to to like 9, then 6, then maybe 0, till I'm not nicotine dependent. But I'll still continue to vape 0 for while because I like the taste and different flavors.
  20. Here’s my 2 cents. Research shows your body absorbs about 1ml of nicotine per analog. (some goes as high as 1.6, but lets keeps it 1 ml for this argument, and is the more accepted standard and makes it easy, 1=1). So if you vape 3 ml of 12 mg juice per day, that’s 36 analogs, or 2ml of 24 mg juice, that’s 48 analogs, and so on. BUT here’s the catch. This is assuming 100% absorption rate, which I can tell you IS NOT the case. There is no research or studies on how much nicotine is absorbed through vaping. But I can assure you its not 100%. Remember, an analog has about 8mg of nicotine each before it is smoked, but most of it is lost in the flame/ash, and a little just isn’t absorbed in the lungs (i.e exhaled). But if I had to take a guess, I would say between 60-80%.. Maybe? I dunno.. that’s a complete guess. When I first quit analogs, I was a 1.5 pack/day smoker. I vape 3-4ml of 12mg juice/day. And in the beginning, I did suffer from nicotine withdrawal. Its been 4 weeks for me, and I cut back to 2-3ml, and I’m fine now. Also remember to, the soft bottom caps are thicker than the plastic ones, so you can’t put as much juice in the tank. And leaving room for the ‘air bubble’ at the top, you only get about 75% capacity of the tank. I believe the type B tank advertises 2.5ml, but I think you would be lucky to get 2ml. I know with my type, they advertise 1.2ml, but I could never get more than 1 ml with regular bottom, and only get .75 with the soft bottoms (I measured with a precise 3ml syringe)
  21. I to reccomend the blend. 100% VG will work, but will greatly reduce the life of your atty i think. The minimum you should use is 20%VG, 80%PG, you can can go as high as 50/50. Yes, the leaking issue of the T is a big turn off. The soft bottom help alot with 100% PG, but I do notice a little leaking with 100% PG sometimes, but not as much as the hard bottom. And totaly know what you mean when the tank is full its fine, but when it gets low, the leaking starts. I peronsally use a 20/80 blend, with the soft bottom and have no leaking issues.
  22. I have been using the Ego-T (Type A, the smaller one) for 1 month now. I personally like it alot. I don't know why it has received a bad rep over some internet posts. I've been using the same atty for a month now too. I do not clean it. I just blow it out with my mouth every day or when I change my tank/flavors. (better taste that way too because it gets the different juice build up out of there). Only takes a second. I guess some say attys don't last more than a few weeks but mine has been going strong for a month. Maybe I’ve been lucky. I do recommend the LR atty, BUT is does burn through the juice quicker and battery doesn’t last as long, but you get more flavor and vapor. Also you MIGHT notice some leaking issues. Use a 20% VG solution to help with that OR use the soft tank bottoms. Look at the ‘Ego-T leaking issue’ post in the ‘Help it broke- fix it’ It talks about the soft bottom caps and how it really really helps. I’ve haven’t had a leaking issue for several weeks since I started using the soft bottom with a ‘pre-punched’ hole. I'm from MD and got alot of rain, but never lost power.
  23. Yea, before I stared using my ecig I was making my own cigs for several months. Using 'pipe tabacco', I could make a carton of analogs for $11.13. If I used cig tabacco cost me like $23/catron. Actually I think the pipe tabacco tasted and smoked better.
  24. Its funny about all these doctors keep saying... "not enough research... not enough research...." Well stop covering you azz and do some research. But I bet you if they try, the tabacco companies will block the research. LOL... At least I head that doctor OZ reccomends the e-cig as a stop smoking aid.
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