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Everything posted by mjradik

  1. yea, that works with a single flavor. When doing mutiple falvors, this helps alot. It is a windows program, with ALOT of options. http://www.ejuice.breaktru.com/
  2. well percentage is listed so you can use any amount of pg/vg base, as long as the flavor is a percentage of that. For example, if you want to make a batch of 10ml, which is simple. You would use 0.5ml m-type (5%), 0.35ml DK (3.5%) and 0.2 barvarian cream (2%), and the remaining 8.95ml of base (89.5%). Doing a non divisible by 10 amount gets a little more complicated. You have to multiply the percentage number by the total number to get the amount. So if the batch was going to be 45ml total, then multiply 5% (which is .05) with 45, and you get 2.25ml for the m-type, multiply 3.5% (which is .035) with 45 and get 1.575ml for the DK, and multiply 2% (which is .02) with 45 and get 0.9 ml for the cream. That leaves the 89.5% (which is .895) of the base, which is 40.275 ml. Of course you always want to do in small batches to start in case you screw up, you don’t waste to much. Obviously, its difficult to measure to something like 1.575, so most DYI’s just wing it, and adjust flavoring as needed, so it does require a little tinkering.
  3. Yea, I blew it out with my mouth and got it all out, but there still is some lingering vmoit taste, which people say goes away after a ml or 2. I just couldn't beleive the taste diffence from when I smoked and when I didn't smoke. So Viper Ron, you didn't notice any bad taste? Thats suprising. I know the primer is in both the A and B types, so that doesn't matter.
  4. Over 2 months ago, I got my first eGo-T (and first ecig). Like all eGo-T’s the atty comes with a primer fluid. I blew on it and rinsed it out, like normal. Started vaping it, and the primer was bad, but didn’t seem all that bad, and after getting through my first 0.5ml of liquid the primer taste was gone. I initially did this to all my atty I bought then, and I have not bought a new attys since. (they are lasting me a long time) My Sis-in-law is now going to try the eGo-T (her first ecig as well) (and hopefully she gets a VT username soon) As a favor, I ordered it for her, it came in, and to make things easy I thought I would rinse out the atty and vape away the primer so she doesn’t have a bad initial experience with her flavors…. WOW, I almost puked!!!!! Remember, I’m been smoke free now for 7+ weeks. I’m vaping away the primer using plain 0 flavor 0 nic juice. I’m over 2ml’s in, and I can still taste that vomit taste!!! Dang it is soooooooo nasty. I don’t remember it tasing this bad or lasting this long. Then I realized, hey I got better taste buds now that I quit smoking. Its amazing how much of a difference not smoking makes on your taste and smell. I just can’t believe the primer is this bad.. woow I literally almost puked (and I did dry heave plenty)… So anyways, I think I finally got the first atty primer gone. I ended up vaping it dry, and then continue to vape with the burt taste, so the primer would get burnt and that seemed to work. But anyone else got any other ideas? I don’t want to use any rubbing alcohol or anything harsh on a brand new atty.
  5. Wonder if efferdent will get rid of the puke primer taste. Last time I ordered attys was 8+ weeks ago, Then, I blew that primer out, and by 0.5ml vaping, the vomit primer taste was gone. I just got 2 attys in today, and I'm 2+ mils in and still can't rid of it. I tried doing plain 0 flavor 0 nic like somone sugested. A know from the past that water doesn't help. I don't want to use rubbing alchohol on a brand new atty. I'm going to try the efferdent, see if they helps on my other new one.
  6. I made a post in the other thread started by Aimee 'Ego-T Battery Leaks At Buttonin General E Smoking Discussion' that you asked the same question too. check it out and see if that helps.
  7. Welcome Shelly. I was told about ecigs about 2 years ago, but never followed through. I kind of whish I did, but at the same time, I'm kind of glad I didn't. I look at OLD posts from 2 years ago, and it seemed there still wasn't alot of GOOD products out yet, and alot of people got frustrated and stopped vaping. I mean if I had to use one of the 'analog' looking ecigs, that only lasted an hour, and pay $7 bucks for, I would have given up. But that my opinion, and I could be wrong, maybe I would have stuck it out.
  8. YouMayLose, I'm not sure if Aimee is leaking for the same reason your atty is. I think its her mod that leaking at the connection to the atty, not sure. But to try and help you out You MayLoose, there can be several reasons why your LR atty is leaking and the other is not. First is, could just be the atty its self. The wick could be to low, or to thin due to a manufacture defect, prolly most likely the case since this is the only atty leaking. Second, could be the exact reason you said already, hot atty mean thins the juice, thus making the seal around the wick tube not as tight, thus causing the leaking. And third it could be the tank cap at the bottom is worn out. Try that tank and cap on your regular atty. Check out this youtube video below, and see if that can help you. I use LR Attys, and they get VERY hot. So hot some times I can't hold the ecig by the atty at all. However, I never have a leaking issue because I use a 20%VG solution, and because I use the pre punched soft bottom caps for the tanks. (See video)
  9. I just wanted to update everyone on my dying ego-T atty. The burt taste is GONE!, and its vaping like a new atty (for now that is). I did not take my atty apart because my needle nose pliers were to big to fit in the atty, and I went to home depot and believe it or not, they didn't have a mini-needle nose pliers, woow, didn't expect that because I've seen them, and know what they are, but just couldn't find them. So what I did was, soak my atty in 90% rubbing alcohol for 48 hours. Then rinsed it out, soaked it in boling water for 10 minutes, then let dry for 24 hours. Woow, that rubbing alcohol was BROWN when I took it out. Also keep in mind, if you do this, it WILL REMOVE the colored covering on the atty left with just the normal metal. So my titanium atty is now a stainless steel atty, LOL... So obviously, for me any ways, the burnt taste was just coming from old burnt on crap on the coils. cleaning the coils fixed it. So been vaping on it for a day now and so far so good. (well I do notice a tighter draw on it now over my other attys, but oh well) Lets hope I get another couple week out of it because it dies and stops vaping all together.
  10. I total agree with you laura. I to belong to other foums, but this is by far my fav!! I like the layout, and everything is easy to get to (I don’t like the layout of other forums). Plus I feel the less activity 'relatively speaking' helps out alot. Another forum might have 100K+ members, but that just means more possibility of every one throwing in their 2 cents, and their advice might not be the right advice. Here you got very knowledgeable and helpful staff and members, which so far for me, everything has been spot on.
  11. Well I make my own juice now, and bought the chocolate extract and made my own chocolate ejuice. But before I started making my own ejuice, I ordered from www.myfreedomsmokes.com, and www.sweet-vapes.com, I personally never tried thier plain cholocate, but I like thier other juices.
  12. Yea, I kind of argree. I got the PT when I first got the ego, but since the battery lasts so long anyways, all day for me, and I have 3 batteries, I rarely actually use it has a passthrough.
  13. I noticed this thread was started about a year and a half ago. What ever happened to this bill? I don't live in NY, but I know people in NY who vape, so it seems like nothing came from it, unless it only passed to outlaw ecigs to minors, to which I tihnk should be the case.
  14. The wall?? lol... J/K.. a simple sturdy glass cup should do the trick, or metal pen holder. Are you sure its comming out through the button, and not down where the atty meets near the button, and it just seems like the button part is leaking? The atty can't be air tight otherwise there would be no air flow for the vape. I never personally used the Super-T, but based on the pics of it, does it use the standard eGo-T atty or does it use the eGo atty, and the cone?
  15. Welcome.. and don't let sight of seeing eGo posted everywhere scare you off, lol..
  16. As with birddog and youmaylose, not an ego forum, but is it is reccomended alot to the newbie. Why not, its like the easiest PV out there for the newbie. (well actually the disposable ones are prolly the easiest, but those are crap and expensive when you consider the life span of the disposable) I don't think newbies should start off with fancy mods or high voltage devices. to much to handle in the beginning. I mean they have a hard enough time trying to figure out what strength of nic they need or PG/VG combination or flavors, or even how to use an ecig.
  17. I use and like the eGo-T. The eGo passthrough is just a eGo Battery with a USB connection on the bottom. It can be used on either eGo or the eGo-T. It can be used as a battery or a passthrough. It still has the 5 click protection like all eGo batteries. I own and use the eGo PT. Remember since its just the battery portion you can still use any atty or carto on it for either tank or cartridge or catro or direct dripping.
  18. This is what I used. I use flavors from TPA. 5% M-Type Premium Tobacco Blend, 3.5% DK Tobacco Base and 1-3% Bavarian Cream for plain B&M, or 2-3% Vanilla Swirl or Vanilla Bean Ice Cream for a vanilla flavored B&M. This takes a week or so for the vanilla to fully come out, so be careful or it won't be accurate. With out the vanilla, it taste best after 3 days of aging.
  19. Thats interesting because my wife hasen't switched to vaping because, after taking a single small vape, she gets a headache. First I was thinking it was the PG, so I'm going to let her try an all VG solution, see if that helps. But now that i see this post, think think she only tried a couple fruit flavors. So i'll try the 100% VG, and also a different not fruit flavor.
  20. That is soooo true. However, there are very few flavors I don't like, lol.... I don't like tobacco flavors, and prolly never will, (I mean I quick smoking 6 weeks ago, why do I want to taste cigarette agian) and I still don't like the cheesecake flavor, taste like butter on bad bread, lol...
  21. Thats a kewl atricle. Of course you'll never see the US government say something like that. Sad thing is, well all know, eventually our goverenment is going to get thier cut, the question is, how long will this take. I say 2-3 years
  22. LOL.. Funny... Yes it does work for the "Joye" eGo as well, but its just a tad different, some modification required... LOL. Thanks for pointing out I went to public schools, .. haha I fixed it..
  23. Yes, I see more posts about loosing taste than anything else. I think it happens to everyone. I can’t explain why, maybe its like BirdDog Said, your taste buds get worn out. I was lucky enough not to have this problem all that much. As I said in other posts, I switch flavors ALL the time. Gezze, I’m up to 40 different flavors now. The other day I posted I was at 30.. hahaha. I’m addicted to trying new flavors. But any ways, I think keeping my flavors fresh, and not getting used to 1 particular flavor helps me a lot. How ever, I know when I get a new batch of flavors in, and I make my juice, and try them all, my taste buds go into overload, and I start loosing some taste. I eat something salty, like sunflower seeds or corn chips or something like that. That helps out a lot in getting my taste back.
  24. lol, and I just did some research. They said the average 'puffs per ml' is 150-200. I think thats kind of high.. Those are short quick puffs. Mine are long 4-6 second puffs. I would have to guess 50-100 for me.
  25. A women I work with, her Dog is addicted to cigarettes. When you finish the cigarette, and toss the butt, the dog will go and eat the butt and any remaining tobacco. She doesn’t know when it started, but she says if her dog doesn’t get at least 2 butts a day, the dog will be very restless and annoying. LOL. That filter can’t be good for the dog either, but she says it doesn’t get digested and just comes out in her waste. Kind of like when my dog east a paper towel, I will see the paper towel in her waste the next day, lol.
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