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Everything posted by mjradik

  1. We all knew this would come eventually, but I still think it will come later... not sooner.. But the key words here are ...." e-cigarette products (that contain nicotine)" Plain PG/VG can't be regulated. Flavors can't be regulated. Yes nicotine can and will be regulated eventually.. At worst I think this will effect 'pre filled' cartos, and those 'ready to go' e-cigs and brands the most (most of those are crap anyways). I don't think accessoires will be effected to much. Batteries can still be sold, and shoot, empty cartos can be sold has 'hand warmers' or something to get around any bans or taxes. Weed is illegal, and you can still buy bongs and accessories just fine. Prices will go up, and there will be a black market for nicotine, but e-cigs will never go away. This is just my opinion...
  2. Yes it will, BUT, the DIY test kits test the PH of the eliquid. If vendors use strong acids in thier flavors, then it lowers the PH, then makes the readings lower than actuall, or not register at all. The test is designed for unflavord nic, but MANY people have tested it with pre made eliquid, and only a select few have back as altered/low results. And no I don't have a list or know which ones. Normally fruit flavors I believe, if they use real citric acid.
  3. Especially If you don't know what you are doing. But heres the Thing. Alot of suppliers, especially the 'joe-blow making ejuice for sale on the internet from his kitchen' buy from BE for thier juice. So if they got bad nic, so did all of thier customers that are not DIY. I've read on other forums about alot of people 'questioned' thier pre-made juice from different suppliers over the past 2 months.. scarry. But at least a customer who 'questions' thier juice should be smart enough to stop vaping before it goes to far.. DIYrs might be think they are working with 50 mg, and take no special precautions, but really it150 or so.. One bad mistake/spill on skin, not enough ventiliation, etc... that is easily lethal.
  4. Welcome to vapor talk Liakoyras. You will enjoy it here. First I would like to say I’m not a chemist by profession, but I’ll give you my best answer. 1. I believe if you make it denser you results COULD be SLIGHTLY on the low end, because there is a little bit of acidity to blue. Adding more makes the solution more acidic. However, I have personally done the test with high levels of blue, and the result variations were minimal. Well below the +/- 10% margin of error the test it self has. 2. Using less dense acid can make the test more accurate, however, you can’t use the 19.47 multiplier. That’s specific to .12 acid. In the original procedure from 2 years ago, DVAP used .10 acid and the multiplier was around 16.25. There are specific mathematical equations to come up with the multiplier (which I don’t know) but I would suspect the multiplier for .06 acid would be 9.735 because that’s half of 19.47 and .06 is half of .12. If you look at my ‘Alternate Testing’ procedures, I basically do the same thing by doubling the nic solution, which cuts down the margin of error. 3. Dang, that’s some strong acid. Please be careful when working with it. That’s dangerous. To be more precise, you should cut down the acid (and the blue powder) with deionized water, not distilled, but if distilled is all you got, then it should be ok. (If a true chemist reads this, please correct me if I’m wrong) You math seems correct, however, I’m not sure what the density of acid is compared to water, weight wise that is. You prolly better off doing the calculations by volume, not weight. i.e. add 9ml water to 1 ml acid. If you look at the ‘credits page’ of the website, and goto DVAP’s original method, he goes in to all the details and math. 4. You can’t add the blue to the acid bottle because the blue amount used remains a constant, where the acid is the variable. I absolutely do no hold hard feelings that you did not get the supplies from me. My goal is to help out the vaping community the best I can. I just hope I don’t give out any wrong information, and have DVAP and Kurt from ECF nagging on me because I’m giving false information. (They are the true chemists) All I can say is, trial and error. Try your test on different base nics if you got them, and first make sure its consistent, and compare the results to what it ‘should be’ see how accurate you are. I did ship a test kit to a guy in Greece (Athens, Mandra) about 3 days ago. He might have it in a week if there are no issues with customs. I also shipped one to Greece on October 5th (Petroupoli). I can prolly hook you up with one of them, can you can send a nic sample to them, and have them test with the kit, and see how the results compare to yours. Send me a PM if you are interested, and I'll ask them if its ok for you to contact them,
  5. I've been away from the fourms for a few days, and just saw this today. I received a mislabeled 60mg nic bottle 3+ months ago from a trusted supplier. (it actually tested to be 100mg) It was a one time mistake (from what I'm aware of) on thier part and hasen't happened since. However, I ever since then, I've been preaching DIY nicotine testing, because you never know...Better safe than sorry. Thats why I started www.eliquidtest.com. You know I was wondering what was up, when I average one or two sales a day for the past three months, and all of a sudden I got 50 orders in the past 2 days... lol... my stock was depleated instantly. I''' be restocked tomorrow though) And its good to know that nic/juice suppliers that I've seen on this website buy the kit too. (however, shouldn't they have been doing more scientific/accurate testing in the first place?) At least this one big bad incident will make the vaping community a safer and more self regulated place though going foward.
  6. hmmmmmmm... Those are the exact ones I have and didn't like. I thought I had 'SmokeTech' but I have those now that I look at them. I must has gotten a bad batch. The draw was very 'airy' and vapor sucked... hmmmm. Might order 5 more before I make final judgment since other people love them.
  7. What are EMDCC's and where can I get them? I still love my LR1.7's, but the only draw back is how fast I blow through the juice. I can vape 1ml in like 20 minutes. It took me and hour or longer for 1ml of the ego-T. However unlike the dual coils that DMIVapor, they do soak the juice very quickly during refill and I don't have wait at all.
  8. I agree. I've seen many horror stories about gett batteries off eBay. So many of them are just old used batterys, labeled removed, then a 'new' label is put on and sold as something completely different. Either they don't work at all, or are a fire hazard, etc..
  9. I gave some XXL Smoketech dual coil 1.5 a try, and was dissapointed. Maybe I got a bad batch? I dunno. The vapor production sucked, and there was alot of flavor loss. I still like my 1.7 ressorectors. I've open/used 20+ so far, and only had 1 bad carto. I was an avid type A tank user for 2 months. I even did Type B some too. I did love my tanks, but like you said, the tank attys are very inconsistant. On my first ever order, my attys were great, I loved them, thats why I swore by them. But as I ordered new attys, it was hit or miss, and thats what made me go to cartos. Even with type B, I think I had a 50/50 ratio of Great vrs OK attys. At $8/atty vrs $1.50/carto, its much cheeper to have a bad carto then an atty. If you want to try type B, look at myfreedomsmokes.com. Not sure if they still have the special, but you can get 4 type B attys, and 30 soft bottom tanks for $30. Awsome price, and a better chance of getting a GREAT atty when you get multiple attys. Of course, why the hell are you going to need 30 soft bottom tanks? lol. If you look at my video of making soft bottom tanks leak proof, then only 5 bottoms will last you several months.
  10. Yea you would think, but I heard many stories about NIC juice being stronger than ordered. ($$ out of thier pocket) I also ordered many stories about NIC juice being too weak. Yes, some vendors might do that on purpose to boost thier profits, but I think most of the time is a mistake too because thats just bad business. Of course, if your selling 50mg advertised, and only make it 42mg, nobody (unless its tested) would know the difference and the vendor is getting an extra 20% $$.
  11. a few of my atty's must have been in stock for a while, because now that I look back on it, I prolly used 7-8 new attys, 3 or 4 of them were fine, primer did not effect me/taste to bad. But another 3-4 of them, the primer was the most disgusting thing in the world. Even cigar puffing it, I could still sence the crap taste in my mouth... uggg. That makes sence mcquinn. I guess the longer they have been sitting in stock, the worse the primer gets as far as taste is concerned.
  12. I haven't had a carto that ever leaked on me.. hmmmm... You also might want to try the 1.7ohm Reserectors. I actually like them a litte better than the boge 2.0s, but I have not tried boge 1.5s
  13. Most everyone covered everything already. But I got my $.02 to throw in. Since you are a newbie to DIY, don't buy alot of stuff. Yes you can get a gallon of PG or VG at wallmart or or large online supply stores for dirt cheep but you might not use it all if you decide to stop. You can get like 250ml-500ml of plain 0mg PG/VG for resonable prices from DIY web sites. Also, start off with buying like 250ml of 24mg-36mg plain NIC juice. Don't go any higher your first time off. Working with 100mg NIC can be dangerous. I have used, and like http://www.perfumersapprentice.com/ (TPA) and http://diyflavorshack.com/ (I mainly use TPA exclusivly now). Start off with a few flavors first before you invest to much $$. I also use http://www.myfreedomsmokes.com/ for the unflavored NIC juice and plain 0mg PG/VG (before I started buying it in gallon quantities), bottles, and misc DIY supplies because they are very reasonable prices/shipping. TPA and falvorshack also have bottles/DIY supplies/Etc... http://www.myfreedom...gories/BOTTLES/ http://www.myfreedom...ORED-NIC-JUICE/ http://www.myfreedom...ene-Glycol.html http://www.myfreedom...S-DIY-SUPPLIES/ I personally only make my own juice now, and never buy pre-made because I like the flexibility of easily adjusting my nic strength/flavor strength/flavor content/etc... And its fun trying new stuff. At least for me.
  14. I saw a post on another forum about reports being made about nicotine sold by a US pharma vendor is many times stronger than the label states. A 100mg sample is said to have tested at 245mg strength. This means any resulting e-liquid made will be over double the expected strength. This may mean that 24mg liquid you make in good faith could actually be 60mg. This doesn’t surprise me actually, because a few months ago, I bought 60mg NIC, and ended up being 100mg NIC. Not as big as difference, but still could be dangerous. Ever since then, I stress NIC testing because there are no true regulations that can prevent NIC juice being sold at too high, or too low of levels. Even a well trusted vendor can make a mistake, they are only human. (and the batch that was wrong for me was my regular well trusted vendor, which I ordered from before, and still order from. It was only a 1 time mistake in my case) http://www.eliquidtest.com/Instructions.aspx is testing procedures with many tips, and recommendations. It’s better to be safe, and have piece of mind knowing exactly what you are vaping. If you have any questions about the instructions, check out the FAQ page, or if your question isn’t listed there, post it here and I’ll help you out. I’ve been regularly testing all my DIY eliquid for several months now, and consider my self a pro, lol. Also, if you have you own personal story about bad eliquid or something, I’d like to hear about it.
  15. I agree with both Birddog and Chainvape. Either the eGo or Ego-T. Both awsome for beginners. I used the Ego-T for my first 2 months of vaping. Was very happy with it. I have since moved on, but most people do once they get used to vaping, and its products, and want to try new things. (I still use the eGo batteries though) Now you might ask, whats the different between the eGo and eGo-T, The eGo uses a 2 piece atty/cartridge, the T uses a single atty, and 'tank' that you refill. However they are very simular. Check out you tube, and look at the various review of both. (or this site has different videos) I think the eGo-T is easier, but thats my opinion. If you go with the eGo-T, make sure to buy 'soft' bottom caps, and watch this video to prevent any leaking.
  16. ahahaha, took me a while to get this topci until I saw Ron's other post!!
  17. Yes, try and blow as much primer out as possible. Some say vape alot of plain unfalvored no NIC PG first to get rid of the primer. But in my atty days I couldn't do that, because the primer made me want to puke. Some people would recommend agianst this, but I soaked mine in cheep vodka for like 30 minutes, rinsed well with water, and let dry for a few hours. This didn't get rid of all of the primer, but most of it. I then vaped a menthol flavor to help mask the primer flavor, and within a 10 drops or so, the primer was gone, and I considered the atty broken in and worked great. Alot of people might say not to boil it/rinse it/etc, but it worked well for me.
  18. I ordered a bunch of 1.7ohm Resurectors about a month ago, and have been eGo-T free since then, lol. (I was an avid eGo-T user for 2+ months) I still think the eGo-T is a good easy product, but with the right carto, its just a better vapor experience IMO. I do miss easily changing flavors with my T. Now I have a pile of like 20+ cartos all labeled with a different flavor, and find my self sticking with one flavor longer, which I don't like. but oh well. Hey DAYVAPE!!! I'm a carto believer now, lol..
  19. Well PG is used in fog machines, and people inhale that all day long that work at concerts and stuff. PG is also used to mixed with medicine, to be injected directly into your blood stream. So PG is not bad for you. However, I did read some articles that the nicotine is extracted from the plant, so very few of the 4000 chemicals that are in cigarettes, can also be in e-cig nicotine because they com from the plat its self and the extraction process. But this is very very few of the chemicals, but no studies to show how many. I would think in the single digits.
  20. I don’t mind the questions, because I’m just like you. I’ve been carto-curious and carto-dissatisfied for over a month.… Until now. Andrew from CCV said he’s getting in an order of 4,000 of them by the end of the week. So check back in a couple days. I’m going to place an order for 60 of them. (get 2 free drip tips with a 15 pack order) I’m only been using them for a couple days now, but have not noticed any leaking at all. I use an 80/20 PG/VG mix and 8mg nic content. TH and Vapor is INSANE. I’m vaping pineapple right now, and its so strong and TH is much more than I’m used to, it giving me a headache, lol. Need to switch back to bubblegum soon, not as strong, hahaha. Like all cartos, they aren’t really meant to be cleaned, they meant to be disposable. But the reviews I see on them is that they last a lot longer than your standard carto. Some people do clean cartos, but is it worth it to save $1.25? Also, like all cartos, you do need to ‘refresh them’ every once in a while by putting a couple drops in them. But When I use them when I’m driving, I can get more than an hour of on/off vaping with out refreshing them. They are considered mega, so they hold a lot of juice. I personally use the condom fill method (2 cap fulls) when I first fill them. Then after an hour or two, when I notice the vapor dying off, and/or getting the burnt taste, I’ll refill them using the condom fill method with 1 cap full, and will repeat filling it that way. I don’t drip refresh, or use a syringe to fill them. Here is a quote from Andrew when I asked him about them. “They are Called resurrectors cause they bring a better vaping experience to old 3.7 devices, most people stowe there 3.7 device away and get a mod. With these you sorta second guess, ‘do i really need a bulky mod.’ Not sure who started that cleaning idea thing, not true.” Btw, the eGo- battery, which I use, is 3.7 volts. (up to 4 fully charged, down to 3.2 when almost drained)
  21. This is for you DAYVAPE!. As I said in some other posts, I still prefer my tanks over cartos. I tried some 1.5ohm cartos from myfreedomsmokes.com. They do give better vapor production but lack on the TH and flavor department. However, I just tried these 1.7ohm LR RESURRECTOR cartos from crystalclearvaping.com. All I can say is wow. A much better TH than the other cartos and even my tanks. There is no loss of flavor either, well none that I can tell. And the vapor production is off the charts. I believe they hold about 2ml of juice. If there are cartos that is going to make me make the switch to catrtos, these are it. So I think I’m going to order a bunch more of these (mainly due to my 40+ flavor collection, lol) and make the switch for good. See DAYVAPE, even I can start liking cartos, lol..
  22. PG has a better throat hit and carries flavor better. VG produces more vapor, but reduces the thoat hit and reduces the flavor. The higher the nic, the better thoat hit. I know some flavors seem like they have a better TH, not sure if stronger flavor would increase the TH, but I could see that it could maybe?? if 18 is not doing it for you, try 24. and if you want the best possible TH, then do 100% PG, but most people after they've been vaping a while seem to like to mix a little VG in there. 20% VG, 80%PG seems to be the most popular, but its all personaly preference. There are TH enhancers out there, like vape wizard. Also putting a drop or 2 of pure menthol per 1 ml of liquid will also increase the TH without making the juice taste like menthol. Sweet-Vapes is very popular and a good place to get juice. Only thing I can reccomend is spend the extra $$, and get a couple different configurations in the same flavor and see what you like best.
  23. Chris knows more than I do, so I'll take his word for it that you shouldn't direct drip on an ego-t atty. BUT, let me throw my $0.02. I have been using the ego-T for a couple months now and I love it, I do not direct drip.. however, when I make a new batch of DIY liquid, I do not use a tank, and I direct drip a couple drops on the wick, take several vapes to get that juice in, and the old flavor juice out, drip a couple more, and vape more to taste test the new juice. I don't do it that often, but only to taste a new batch of DIY, especially if I'm mixing flavors and trying something new. Having an ego-t, just to direct drip is pointless.
  24. kewl thanks. As an FYI, I did not get that because I need it yesturday, lol, but what I did was soak my other new atty in cheep vodka I had for 30 minutes, then rinsed it out, then let dry over night. Vaped it today, almost no vomit taste from the beginning and went away quickly.. kewl, so know i know..
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