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Everything posted by mjradik

  1. I WISH!!!! It should... when ever there is a black device, they always have a clear. Yea, where the clearomizer rockstar tank?
  2. everything is more expensive in canada... lol
  3. There are alot of other sites that ship to canada, forevervapor is a nice one that does.You will prolly find you will want to try a different ecig down the road that has more options.
  4. $40 for a gallon of PG is actually a little expensive. There is a supplier on ebay, and they also have thier own web site that sells 2 gallons of PG shipped for $50, or 1 gal of PG 1 gal of VG shipped for $50. Heres the link. http://www.essential...Glycerin/Detail $75 for a liter of 48mg, isn't that bad actually. I know MFS its about $85, but use coupon code '40nic' to get 40% off. Thats vilid till December 21st I think. If this is your first time at DIY, I think you should get 24 or 36mg tops. http://www.myfreedom...juice-e-liquid/ Also, you'll need flavoring. I like TPA the Best. http://shop.perfumer...iy-flavors.aspx and some DIY supplies. Make sure to use a good calculator. You don't want to accidently make very power stuff and hurt you self. http://www.todmuller...uice/ejuice.php or http://ejuice.breaktru.com/ Might want to think about a nicotine test kit too. Key thing with DIY, you might screw stuff up at first, but stick with it, and you'll figure it out, and it will be come fun and save $$
  5. or you can do what I did.... Buy Kahlua Coffee Flavoring directly from TPA... lol so much easier. I like it with vanilla or Barviarian Cream.
  6. Yes what device are you using thats leaking? If its an ego-T, there is a fix for that. I have a video of the fix, but won't post it itf its not an ego-T.
  7. This is BY FAR my favorite tank here!!!! lol... How about the godaddy tank? haha. A tank can be clasified as any device that hold liquid which feeds it into some else I guess. I started on the ego-T, then went to cartos a few months later.
  8. I like medium Donkey butt my self... Welcome to the forum!!! You just inspired me to make my own awsome creative juice and give it a good name like that..
  9. Yea, there really haven't been any legit studies on how much nic your body obsorbs vaping. I know its not 100%. I would think you obsorb about 50-60% of nic, but thats just my guess, based on nothing other than an hunch. When I started vaping, I vaped about 3 mills of 18mg., which is 54mg. I Smoked 1.5packs/day before vaping. (which is about 36mg) That was 4+ months ago. I now vape 6-7mg of 3mg nic...(because I love to vape ALLLLL day) I'm almost down to 0mg nic.
  10. So I normally order my parts from MFS. However they are out of stock of the Joye ego battery rapid USB charger. I need like 2 of them. Can anyone reccomend a place here in the US? Or does anyone have one or 2 used ones they no longer use I can buy for cheep? They are only $4 at MFS I know vaporstalk store, and forevor vapor has them in stock, but I kind of need them in a few days, and don't want to wait a week+ from shipping from china. Also maybe a usb to AC adapter for that? Thanks.
  11. Well I just order some from mad vapes, so I will chime back in when they get here. ... we will see...
  12. I find it funny that not only are there so many different opinions, which is expected, but so many different expereiences/results the same device can have from one person to the next. I guess thats what happens when stuff is made in china... lol....man those kids better spend less time in the classroom, and more time in the factory quality control room... lol.. sorry couldn't resist.
  13. I got them at myfreedomsmokes. Yes that is a 510 sticking out the bottom. I see the madvapes have the 510 inside the connection. (but its still a 510 connection). Maybe I have an 'older model' thats been sitting around for a while.
  14. Well I tried the rest in the box of 5 I got. I dunno, not a fan. The flavor lost is ALOT compared to my other cartos. Yes I can put more flavor in my liquid to make it stronger, but that costs more. Plus the draw is very air-y. And vaopr is less than my ressorectors. I dunno, maybe a bad box,,, who knows, but not a fan of this box. Below is a pic of what I'm using.
  15. I have several different suppliers I order from, but myfreedomsmokes.com has always been at the top of my list. Ships out of NC, and almost always ships same day. They have resonable pricing, and cheep flat rate for free shipping depending on size of order.
  16. My opinion on the colored eGo's are as follows....You can get 'kits' with alot of colored options. But if you need to order a spare/extra/new battery or atty cone, suppliers typically don't carry colors for those individual parts. Norammly only black and sometimes stainless steel or titanium. So down the road you might be using a red cone with a black battery. No biggie if you don't care. I know I ended up with a black battery and a titanium atty with my ego-t, but now that I use cartos, my cartos are black and so are my batteries.
  17. According to what I saw, The C comes standard with the soft caps. (They are bottom caps, not tips) Soft caps are a FAR improvment over the hard caps. After a while most vendors stop selling the hard caps all together because they sucked. Now I haven'y used a eGo-C yet, so I'm not sure if the soft bottom caps changed at all, but I ASSUME pre punching the caps still might help out because it will keep them from tearing a will last longer. Well worth the $2 to get a 12 guage needle from ebay. And if you end up not needing the 12 guage needle, then you are only out $2... wooow, thats alot of money.. lol...
  18. Tanks last forever. I used my T for over 2 months. Never had a tank break or crack on me. I think the 'hole punch' method in the above video might help with hte soft bottom caps. I used the same soft bottom caps for weeks on end with out changing them because there was no tearing. If the kit comes with 5 tanks, then that will last you a long time. like many many months. Its soooo very easy to change flavors using the same tank because they are just hallow platic. No need to have a different tank for different flavors. They are not like cartos.
  19. Being a hard core eGo-t guy originally, I'm glad to see this new product. I use cartos now, But I always like the flavor of the ego-T better than cartos. Plus I like to change flavors alot, and moving back to the C would keep me from having a stock pile of 20+ different cartos, one for each flavor. I might have to pick some up in the near future. Shoooot, I already have a bunch of Type A tanks, and only use ego batterys, so I should just be able to pick up the atty base/wick and cones..
  20. hmm.... update... after I posted this last post, I read more on the eGo-C. It seems to be an improvment on the eGo-T, with less leaking issues, more interchangable parts. I haven't tried it yet personally, but based on my research, it seems like a better device than the eGo-T. Go with the C....
  21. dragaa- My first e-cig/kit was the eGo-T. I do reccomend that as a starter. However, the eGo-T does not use cartridges, It uses tanks. Tanks last FOREVER, no need to get extras. Eventually, you might move on to cartos, but you will still be using the ego battery. I don't reccomend geting extra atty's/tanks/batteries because if you switch to a different ecig later on, you won't need them. The hard ware in the kit should last you a couple months. I reccomend the following. 1 eGo-T Starter kit. (comes with 2 batteries, 2 attys, 5 tanks, and a couple other stuff you won't use like a soft bag, covers, etc..) 5 different flavors, of 10ml each. See which ones you like. Depending on how much you smoke now, I'd say start with 18mg nic content. Lastly, get the soft bottom silicon caps for the tank. This will help with the ego-T leaking issue. Check out this you tube video.
  22. Mine was the eGo-T. I use cartos now, but still go back to it every one in a while. (I still only buy ego batts though) Yes, us youngters are spoiled. I tihnk I would have failed at the ecig if I started using a couple years ago. lol..
  23. I only use DIY eliquid. Not for price, but because I'm a control freak, and I like knowing I control what I put in my body. I can easily control the nic content, flavor, stronger or weaker, and pg/vg mix. As with most people, I use around 80/20 pg/vg. That seems to be the most popular. However, I do think there is a big price savings. mcquin and most people pay about .50 per ml of ready to go liquid. I make my eliquid for under 5 cents per ml. Since I only make 4-8mg liquid, 95% of the cost is flavorings. Even if I made 24mg liquid, my cost would still be around 10 cents per ml. I vape around 6ml of 4mg nic per day, so thats around 180ml/month. So I save around $80/month doing DIY. Plus its fun, and you get to experiment. Yes you can make bad tasting batches, but cost is very low.
  24. Hey Shewolfe. I was a hard core eGo-T user, and now I use Cartos. However, I still use my T everyone once in a while. It still has its advantages.. After I solved its leaking issues, it was a perfect ecig for me for 2 months. Yes try the cartos, see which one you like better. e-cigs are all about personal preference. As far as the leaking issues with the T, check out this video.
  25. Well since this old topic got revived, I'll throw in my $0.02. I honestly think the chest pain is cause by high levels of nicotine. i.e. chest pain/nausenes is a symptom on nicotine poising. The BE scandal and its bad/high batches of nicotine go back to the april/may time frame from when this topic was started. When I switched to ecigs, I did not have a problem. However, I did have a batch of eliquid later on that caused bad chest pain, nausesnous etc... That batch later tested to be almost twice as high as its expected nicotine content. I think this entire thread was because of high nic. He though he was vaping 24mg, by I think if it was tested it would have been 36-48mg.. -Bassfish10, someone who only smokes 1 or 2 cigs a day I think should not be vaping nic strength more powerfull than 4-6 mg, but thats my opinion.
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