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Everything posted by mjradik

  1. In the vapor rooms defense, If the nic was too high, you would be able to tell with more harsh throat hitt, and in addition to head aches, if you vaped to much of the high nic, you would get chest pains too. I know my wife gets head aches with any PG. She must use 100% VG dilluted with distilled water.
  2. Yes, MFS has good prices. They even have a special, not sure how long it will last, to buy just the ego-c atty head/base/and cone for $8... Its called the MFS eGo-C Trial Kit http://www.myfreedom...tm_medium=email Thats all you need if you already have the batt. I just picked up 2 of them.. You have to use the link to get the special. I can't find a link to it on thier website through regular browsing. (for the special price that is)
  3. Nic could still be to high. It only takes one little mistake to make eliquid to strong. Was reading on facebook the other day, a guy who makes great eliquids, he didn't test his batch of nic from his supplier. His 12mg nic ended up being about 30mg nic to his customers. He mixed his part correct, but since his supplier were wrong, it threw off his juices.
  4. That is the main problem I had with the hard caps with the T. It would be fine starting out, but once the tank got 3/4 empty, the remaining would just gush out. Switching to the soft caps fixed that problem, but after a few uses of each soft cap, leaking would start agian. Putting the hole in the soft cap made each soft cap last for weeks instead of a day or two.
  5. yea my original AW that came with it that was bad was a clone. LT did not flash. It even let my battery get down to 2.8 volts... its suposed to cut off at 3.2/3.3 volts... damn clones.....
  6. I agree, a VERY conservative chart. I’ve seen most people say to stay around 10 watts (as apposed to 8.5 on the above chart) The Lava Tube has a 10 watt limit. Most hard core modders out there go to 15 watts with higher voltage. (Note I’ve been using my 1.7 ohm cartos at 4.1/4.2 volts for almost a month now, which is 9/10 watts, and has not shorten the life of the cartos one bit) IMHO, 8.5watts is a little low. Below is another useful and similar chart I’ve been using. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlZnGjZRjO_UdGo3VVlnVHY0VExZLVd5aDkwUEJEZXc#gid=1
  7. I never used the ego-C, but I did start off with the ego-T and had nothing but leaking issue problems, but I fixed that quickly and created the below video. this is the first I heard of leaking issues with the C. bit I'm sure the same fix still applies because they use the same tank/mouthpiece.
  8. Make sure to get 18650 AW IMR batteries for the lava tube. Don't get trustfire/ultrafire or any other 'protected' 18650 batteries. just google '18650 AW IMR' and you will find where to buy them. The new ones are 2200mah. http://rtdvapor.com/BATTERIES_c3.htm is a good starting point to get them. http://www.madvapes.com/Assembled-Volt-Indicator_p_2976.html is the volt meter I use but they are out of stock at this time.
  9. Yes I did get a new battery. It does last me all day now. Using a volt meter, the voltage does drop off a little as the battery dies. But its less than 0.5 volts. Can't really tell vaping, unless i'm using a 2.5ohm carto. I'm still not a huge fan of the lava tube though because it does seem to have around a 10 watt limit. It won't let me vape my 2.5ohm cartos above 5.0 volts, and won't let me vape my 3.0ohm above 5.6 volts. I should be able to vape my 2.5 ohm at 6.0 volts. Since I can't vape my 2.5ohm above 5.0, the vaping experience isn't all that great. My resurrector at 3.8-4.1 volts it better than anything else on the lava tube.
  10. rolygate of ECF explains this situation with batteries and safety perfectly. It should be a must read for all mod'rs.. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/announcements-rules/269461-exploding-mods-update-february-2012-a.html
  11. almost 2 years ago, a simular thing happen to a guy using his flashlight mod.. he had 3 ultrafire batts stacked. http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?280909-Ultrafire-18650-3000mA-exploded
  12. Found this.... reported yesturday.... Mostly likely a mod... like we all thought... http://www.cspnet.com/news/tobacco/articles/update-was-exploding-e-cigarette-mod
  13. oh nevermind.. just found it in the 'news section;.. lol.. I'm a little late to the party.
  14. wow.. in doing more research, this is plasted all over the internet, everywhere... suprised it hasn't been posted about here... unless it has, and I missed it.... If it has you can merege this thread with it or delete it. Here is yahoo's story..http://news.yahoo.com/electric-cigarette-explodes-fla-mans-mouth-181659963.html
  15. all of us should already know the dangers of batteries in general. Wether it be laptop or cell phone. Now granted, this has happened many times before with call phones and laptops and got alot of publicity, but something like this and gets alot of publicity just makes ecigs look bad... not good for us... remember you have a better chance of dying from lung cancer smoking analogs than a battery exploding in your face..
  16. This was on my local news a few days ago.. not sure if its posted anywhere else.. Woooow, this has got to suck... Most likely a faulty mod with an unprotected battery... http://www.wbaltv.com/news/30473192/detail.html
  17. I know very little vaperors here in maryland, but I just came across a guy whos opening a brick and mortor store in the baltimore, MD area. He's taking the leap of faith. Yea its going to be a reail outlet, but also do internet sales, and he going to focus more on the 'meet-ups' and vape club and stuff to keep the business going/business model.
  18. Well I know I have a bum battery, it only lasts 4 hours.. But does that bum battery cause the voltage to drop off? I dunno. I'll report back in a few days when my new battery arrives. I do know this, I can totally tell when my vaping quality is noticabley less. I can tell after about 1 hour on the battery, but it doesn;t become an issue until about 2-3 hours into the battery. Ofcourse it all depends on the carto I'm using too. Now if I had a good battery I would suspect to get close to 8 hours of good vaping before I notice it dying off.
  19. Yea, thats another thing I don't like about the LT. It says on the website... 'When the voltage drops on the batery, the voltage will not drop on the vaping"..... wrong. With a freshly charged LT battery at 4.1 volts, I vape my 1.7 ohm at 4.1 volts max, and my 2.5 ohm at 4.9 volts max (which is on the low side.. it should go to 6 volts... agian another gripe about the LT..) But when the batt drops down to 3.5 volts, my 1.7 ohm vapes at 3.5v max, and 2.5 ohm at 4.4 volts max.... really the vaping experience on the LT sux when the volts on the batt drop below 3.8/3.7, and for me my battery only stays above 3.7 for like an hour maybe.. I am so not happy with it... I kinda hope mine is deffective, and replacing it will fix my issues.. unless other people are seeing the same thing.
  20. Ohh... well I got one... I removed my windshield, and strapped it to the hood of my car and the mouth piece right next to my mouth.. I can vape while I'm driving no problem... How ever I am getting more bugs in my face... thats a draw back.
  21. FYI, I picked up my inline voltage meter from madvapes last week. http://www.madvapes.com/Assembled-Volt-Indicator_p_2976.html However, when I got it, there was only 2 left, now they are showing out of stock...sorry I got the 2nd to last one. Correct they do not work with ego batteries because of pulse modulation or what ever, HOWEVER, (I got 6 ego batts), it did work on 2 of my ego batts, after trying and trying, when the batt was at about 80% charge... wierd... but it worked.. at 100% charge it didn't work..
  22. If you look at some of the other posts I made the past 2 days... I'm not really liking my lava tube. I got mine in on Thursday. I won't go into long detail why I don't like it, because I've posted it several times in other places... but in short, battery life is horrible (not sure if I have a bad batt), and it regulates my attys/cartos far below at what I should be vaping... i..e my 2.5 ohm carto should be vaped at 6v... On my LT it won't go above 4.9..... So my 1.7ohm resurrector on my ego batt is more satifying than my 2.5ohm on my LT at 4.9 volts.... ARGGG.
  23. I'm seeing the EXACT same thing... I actually posted about it yesturday.. I said... "uh.. oh... I'm starting to dislike my lava tube... First off, I think I may have a bad battery (not the lava tube's fault)... Battery life SUX. Its a 2200 mah. My ego is a 900mah. So in theory, if I vape my lavatube at 3.7v at all times, the battery should last twice as long... Well nope.. Its only lasting HALF as long as my ego battery." I'm only getting a half a day out of my batt. I was thinking I got a bad batt. I order my LT from apollo Monday.. Got it in the mail on Thursday. Did you get yours from Apollo? Maybe thier kits have a batch of bad batts? Yes, at full charge I see 4.1 volts, however it drops to 3.8v within the first 30 minutes of vaping.. AS of now, I'm not vaping above 4.0 volts at all. It takes my LT battery a little over 6 hours to recharge when its dead. Is that a normal recharge time?
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