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Everything posted by mjradik

  1. Yea, that is always a possibility. I got another quesiton to throw out there. Is there any one here that has the supplies to test the nicotine strength? I'll ship you a couple ML, and you can test for me? Like I said, no local stores near me carry .12N acid or bromothyol blue. My juice is suposed to be 12mg. I just want to make sure it really is 12, or close to it before I vape any more of it. You can just PM me you address and I'll get it shipped out asap. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
  2. I heard a small population is allergic to PG, but what about VG? So I’ve been vaping for 2 weeks now, all 12-18mg 100% PG. I wanted to try some VG, to see what it was like and also to thicken my juices. I ordered plain 60mg nic juice 50/50 PG/VG Mix. I mixed 12ml of that with 48ml plain PG. That should give me 12mg plain juice with 10% VG content. I mixed it very well. Yesterday, I put some of that in a small container, put in some flavoring, and started vaping. I prolly only vaped 0.25-0.5ml when I just start to feel ‘off’, and my chest started to hurt a little. I stopped. So today I feel better. But not sure what the problem is. I figured it could be one of three things. I’m having a reaction to the VG. OR the plain nic juice I bought is much stronger than 60mg, so my final fix is much stronger than the target 12mg, OR maybe, if even possible, some of the pg/vg nic solution did not dissolve all the way in the plain PG, and I was unlucky and tried to vape that 60mg portion. (but I mixed it very well, several times) I cannot test the my nic content because none of the local pool supply stores carry the chemicals I need. I’m really curious what the nic content of the juice I created is. Could I be having a reaction to the VG? Can this all be in my head? I reverted back to my plain PG juice for now, but of course, now that I got this in my head, i think I feel off when I'm vaping.. Also, the funny thing is, nicotine withdraw symptoms are simular to nicotine poisoning. And its been 1 week since I totally quit analogs, and been trying to vape lower 12mg juice, so I could be getting not enough nicotine, or got too much from the batch last night... dunno. Any Thoughts? Thanks.
  3. Well 4 days in, and still good. Its so wierd. Over the weekend I was fine, no cravings. But yesturday, I got very busy at work, and stressed. Its such a habbit to have a smoke during stressfull times, I was craving a cig... But I was also vaping at the time, so I know it wasn't a nicotine cravings because I was getting that... It was just the habbit of going outside and relaxing that my mind wanted... lol... so wierd and hard... But I got through it by chain vaping outside... hahaha..
  4. Bruno, just in case you see this, I THINK i might know what you problem is (if you are using the ego-t), because it happened to me one time, but I know the atty was fine. On the base of the atty where it screws into the batter you will see two small air holes. If your fingeres cover them up while holding it, no air can pass through, and it feel like you sucking a thick shake through a small straw.
  5. After using the soft caps a little more, want to make a few more notes to help you out. On one of them, after about 6+ refils, it started to loose its seal, and a little leaking occured, while another one is still going strong with over 8 refils. I guess it all depends. Normal wear and tear I guess. Well shoot, they are soo cheap, if they only last 6 refils, I'm ok with that. Also twice, while using them, I started to get burnt taste, but the tank was full. I noticed that the soft plastic that the wick tube pierced through was covering the wick, and no juice could get to the wick. To fix that, just slowly turn the tank 180 to 360 degrees while it is still inserted, and it will clear the plastic off the wick. Of course if you do this roo much or too fast, you can tear more of the cap, and loose the seal and cause leaking. but it only happen twice on me on the many many times I've used them.
  6. Well for me, and prolly 99.99999% of vaporers, I've made up my mind. I can list the ingredients of the e-cig on a single line. (excluding the contents of the flavorings... which differ) Where I need several pages to list the ingredients on analogs... lol...
  7. I'm reading different articles, and different posts on this board and it got me thinking. A lot of opponents of e-cigs say “there could be unknown chemicals in e-cigs that can be harmful to your health” Yes there is nicotine which is a poison we all know that, but what else? I make my own ejuice now. Its simple, I buy food grade PG or VG. It’s used in a ton of other food products. I buy food grade flavor extracts, which too is also used in a ton of foods. I mix in nicotine, and I’m done. ejuice is ready.. What wrong with that? Do bulk manufactures of ejuice add other stuff? If everything I use is food grade, except for the nicotine, whats the harm? (agian except for the nicotine)
  8. Nice article. Right now any research done must compare e-cigs to real cigs. Since e-cigs are so new, relatively speaking, I bet there are very very few vaporer's that have never smoked before. but I'm sure its going to happen in the future as they become more popular. My biggest concern is not that e-cigs will become illegal, because I doubt they ever will, but that they will be regulated and taxed, and the price will shoot up. I'm sure thats bound to happen over time. The fact of the matter is, nicotine is legal, PG is legal and safe, VG is legal and safe, so how can they outlaw it with out also outlawing analogs or 'the patch' or nicotine gum?
  9. Lol, only 8 days into vaping, and I'm already acting like Brian.. My paronia is gone. I get a drop or 2 in my mouth all the time when I pull off the caps to my tank, I just shrug it off. LOL, When I'm mixing juices, I even put a drop on my tounge to taste test, hahaha. I switched to 12mg strength, so know thats weak it doesn't even bother me. HOWEVER, if I ever get it on my hands, I always wash them, and I'm very carefull not to spill and or get them on my clothes. Only because I don't my dog licking it, and I don't want to be feeding my dog treats with nicotene on my hands. I'm more concerned about her than me..
  10. Thanks all. I need a good support group.... LOL... "Hello my name is Marc, and I'm NOT a smoker"...
  11. Welcome DA. So you just need to create your banner, and back date it to when you stopped smoking. http://www.vaportalk.com/Smokefree/
  12. ohhhhh.. I did not know that.... lol, and now I do...
  13. I have an ego-t passthough. I'm assuming the ego is the same connection. I just uses a standard mini USB cable. Same thing most camera's use. (not mico usb, most smart phones use micro, and not standard usb, most printers use standard) The technical specs are 'USB A (Male) to B Mini 5 Pin (Male)' Go to eBay and do a search on that. Very common and very cheep. You can get them for like 50 cents, with free shipping from china, but takes a couple weeks. You can get them from a USA seller for like $1-2 each and get alot faster. Or you can go to your local retailer and get one for like $10-$15.. lol... way more expensive, but you get it right away and don't have to wait a few days. And FYI, don't let someone sell you on a 'super gold plated... turbo charged, high quality, will help you save the planet', type cable, lol.. They are all the same... haha Just make sure its long enough to go from your computer to your mouth. 6ft should be fine..
  14. I agree to with most everyone, but I also use the ego-t, and don't think the taste loss is related to that device directly. Seems like all users of all devices have a taste loss experience, or something similar. When I first started, I only had a few flavors to choose from on my original order. I did experience some taste loss. But I quicker ordered ALOT more flavors. Now I have close to 20 in my arsenal. Which the exception of vaping coffee flavor every morning, to complement my morning cup of coffee, I do a different flavor every time, and don't repeat the same flavor for a least 2 days. And since I've only been vaping for 8 days, there have been some flavors I haven't had yet, lol... But to summarize, in the little experience I’ve had vaping, changing the flavor every time, and exhaling though my nose, has kept it fresh and exciting to me.
  15. Just want to make a personal announcement. Have been 1-1.5 pack/day smoker for 15 years. I did quit once for 3 months 3 years ago, but didn’t last. Been vaping for 8 days now. In the first 7 days, I reduced my analog intake to 3-4 cigs/day. Now on day 8, its been 24 hours since my last analog, and I hope no more analogs. I can now add my banner to my signature, lol… Funny to see such a fresh/newbie banner, when compared to others that have like 300+ days or 800+ days, lol… Well you always got to start somewhere. It’s interesting though. While vaping for the last 7 days, I had urges to go down to my garage and smoke an analog. Not because I was craving nicotine, because it was such a habit, and ritual for me. And when I did smoke, they tasted gross, yes I still had the urge to do it… Weird.. Anyways, been rambling long enough and had to get this off my chest. Time to go update my facebook page. :-)
  16. I can see your argument, if I’m understanding it correctly. If you burn through the juice quicker, you would think your body absorbs less, because it can only absorb so much on a single hit.. I think… Hmm. That’s a brain teaser. I just wouldn’t have a clue… I use standard atty’s but I do notice thicker juice lasts longer than thinner juice flavors. If I had to justify it you myself, to feel less guilty by taking in less nicotine, I would assume 100% absorption (which we know isn’t true…) and calculate mgs/day, and not worry about the ohm’s, because ohm’s burn through it quicker. Anyone science/chemistry major here, and have access to real scientific equipment, to do an actuall study, lol..
  17. So I’m new to DIY flavoring. (and vaping for that matter, lol) Just got 20 or so sample flavors from DIYflavorshack.com. Been experimenting with it all day. Lots of fun. However, I can’t seem to duplicate an ‘energy drink’ flavor I got from forever vapor last week. Turns out its actually red bull flavor. I love it, and want to make it my self. I’m surprised with the 140+ flavors that flavorshack has, it doesn’t have red bull (unless it does and I missed it) Does anyone have a good red bull, or energy drink flavor mixture? Thanks.
  18. I guess I'm reviving an old topic, but I personally need a strong sweet flavor during the day. But in the mornings, I can only vape coffee flavor to compliment my cup of coffee. But within the first few days of vaping, I to noticed the taste dipping off a bit. I started exhaling through my nose, and since smell is very important to taste, I started tasting the flavors better. Now I only exhale though my nose to get the entire flavor effect. I also get a better throught hit doing that. If you haven't done so already give that a try. Also try adding store bought flavor extract or ejuice falvorings which can be bought from many ecig websites. I personally order my stuff from DYIflavorshack.com
  19. I've only been vaping for a week and already making my own jucies. I love it because you can adjust the strength to your licking and and experiement with mixing different falvors. ( I first mixing experiment was mixing stock flavors from my first purchase a week ago) now I just got in about 20 different flavor samples from DIYflavorshack.com today, and have been experimenting all day. LOTS of FUN!!!
  20. Congrats on your ego-t. I got my ego-t a week ago. One down side I see to it is that the stock tanks started leaking on me after a couple refills, or thinner juice. Some people have experienced leaking too, while others have not. If you do, I recommend some of the soft bottom tanks. They work awesome with no leaking. Check out the 'Joye ego t leaking issue’ topic under ‘Help it Broke…’ I posted links to a couple of places I bought from.
  21. I only been vaping for a week, and I already given up on the ‘stock’ flavorings from different sites. While most are good, I find some are not strong enough or sweet enough. I love the sweet stuff. So I’m moving to DIY flavorings. Not only can you save $$, but you can create flavorings that’s you can’t buy any where by mixing stuff. You can also easily adjust the strength to your liking. (I feel this is a bigger advantage over saving $$ since juice is cheep anyways) I just received about 20 different flavors I ordered from DIYflavorshack.com today, and been experimenting all day. I also ordered proly exactly what you are looking for. Its called Eythol Malto Sweetner. It will make any flavor even more sweet, and only a tiny tiny bit is needed. Below is the link. http://www.diyflavorshack.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=Eythol+Malto%2D3%2E6ml+Glass+Vial
  22. An update on the soft-bottom/silicone bottom tanks I ordered. AWSOME!!.. I’ve refilled the same tank 5 times already, and still no leaking. No more juice coming up through the mouth piece and into my mouth. No more juice on the battery or on my hands. I’m going to use these from now on. Tried both the silicon bottom caps only from cignot, and the soft bottom type A tanks from myfreedomsmoke. Both bottoms are the same, just that you get the tank too with myfreesmoke. Since I got a boat load of tanks from my orginial order, (I just trashed the hard bottoms), and got more tanks from myfreedom smoke, so I have about 30 tanks now. So I'll just be ordering the bottoms by them selves from now on since they are so cheep) The hard bottom ones I had that I got with my ego-t were genuine joey tanks. They did work with thicker juices, but not/most other juices. They did work on the first and second refill, but not much after that. With the soft bottom tank, I have no worries no matter what juice I’m using. A note though. The soft bottom caps go deeper into the tank so less room for juice. You can fill it to about 0.75ml on the A type, and still get the air bubble at the top. They are also a little harder to remove to refill. (yes they fit in there very tightly Brian) I just use my teeth to grip the side of it and pull it off. Yummm, nothing like flavored PG nic juice on my lips, lol…. But still less on my lips than if I suck some up through the mouth piece from a leaky tank. I TOTALLY RECOMMEND, but that my opinion.
  23. I would like to revise my post above. I do notice that I do have leaking issues while I vape sometimes. Although storing my ego-t upside down helps out alot, doesn't help while I vape. After some troubleshooting with different attys/liquids/tanks, I can conclude its the tank its self not forming a tight seal around the wick. Some of my tanks work better than others, and some thicker liquids never leak. To expand on Maverick's Post, I provided some links below on some soft caps options. I personally just ordered the soft/silicone caps from cignot, so I will re-post after I get them in and try them out. http://www.cignot.com/product_p/egt-sil-cpa.htm http://www.cignot.com/product_p/egt-sil-cpb.htm http://www.myfreedomsmokes.com/products/eGo%252dT-Cartridge-Soft-Gasket-%285%252dpack%29-%28Type-A%29.html http://www.myfreedomsmokes.com/products/eGo-T-Soft-Gasket-Cartridge-Type-B-%28Clear%29%2810-Pack%29.html
  24. I too recommend the eGo. But I personally use the eGo-T model. The mouth piece and tank are a single unit. I like it because its easy to refill, and a single 1 ml talk lasts almost all day with out needing to drip all the time, but its personal preference. The one draw back is the tanks are more subject to leaking after being re-used a few times. But I ordered (but not yet received so I haven't tried them out yet) a softer plastic tank, instead of the normal hard tank, which is suposed to be better at preventing leaks because it forms a tighter seal around the wick. The 1000mah battery lasts me two days under normal, non-chain vaping, use. (using a normal atty too. As a LR atty reduces battery life)
  25. Gulf Cost Vapor - Yes, all bottles have the same label reguardless of flavor. And as Chistopher pointed out, its the label the manufacture chooses to put on there. Thanks for the other info Chris. So the overall concesus is, which everyone can agree on, room tempature is best, and dark.
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