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    CantusPro got a reaction from Jeffb in Please Help The New, New Guy   
    Long time...no see. It's officially been 3 months since I've stopped using tobacco products.

    Consider some of the top 5 reasons vaping is better than...setting fire to products originally harvested from tobacco plants.

    1. It’s cheaper
    2. It tastes better
    3. It’s more fun
    4. It’s legal in more places
    5. No one really wanted an “iCigarette”.

    Thank you,

  2. Like
    CantusPro got a reaction from Uma in Please Help The New, New Guy   
    40 days, and I’ve switched to ZERO nic liquid.

    Apparently, I’m not as hooked on the nicotine as I am on putting this cylinder in my mouth and sucking.

    If a psychologist thinks it means I’m going to change my sexual preference because I’m vaping, that’s okay. I was a boy who smoked...and liked girls. Now, I’m a boy who vapes…and still likes girls.

    Conclusion? Vaping does not make me less boring.

  3. Like
    CantusPro got a reaction from Uma in Please Help The New, New Guy   
    34 days and I didn’t even worry about celebrating the 30 day mark. Seriously?

    If you want to quit smoking, do your homework, and read the forums. Spend the money, and find a combination you like.

    My Cliff’s Notes version:
    (1) Joye eGo starter kit
    (1) Geoff’s Blend e-liquid
    (1) Plastic, tapered drip tip
    (1) Group of supportive folks on an internet forum

  4. Like
    CantusPro got a reaction from fran1959 in Noobie And Want Opinion   

    The best advice I received in my thread was “vape through it!”

    I didn’t think much of it at the time, but when the urge came, I just remembered to “vape through it!”

    I remembered the wisdom. I did vape through it. And I didn’t smoke. You can do it too!

  5. Like
    CantusPro got a reaction from Uma in Noobie And Want Opinion   

    The best advice I received in my thread was “vape through it!”

    I didn’t think much of it at the time, but when the urge came, I just remembered to “vape through it!”

    I remembered the wisdom. I did vape through it. And I didn’t smoke. You can do it too!

  6. Like
    CantusPro got a reaction from Jeffb in Please Help The New, New Guy   
    40 days, and I’ve switched to ZERO nic liquid.

    Apparently, I’m not as hooked on the nicotine as I am on putting this cylinder in my mouth and sucking.

    If a psychologist thinks it means I’m going to change my sexual preference because I’m vaping, that’s okay. I was a boy who smoked...and liked girls. Now, I’m a boy who vapes…and still likes girls.

    Conclusion? Vaping does not make me less boring.

  7. Like
    CantusPro got a reaction from jen_haynes in Is It True What "they Say" About Coffee Flavored Juice?   
    I dripped a Clove flavor once. It tasted like someone threw up burnt hair and let it rot in a land fill over the summer.

    The taste, as bad as it was, did work its way out of the atomizer after a day or so of use, but it wasn’t fast.

  8. Like
    CantusPro got a reaction from Brian in Please Help The New, New Guy   
    34 days and I didn’t even worry about celebrating the 30 day mark. Seriously?

    If you want to quit smoking, do your homework, and read the forums. Spend the money, and find a combination you like.

    My Cliff’s Notes version:
    (1) Joye eGo starter kit
    (1) Geoff’s Blend e-liquid
    (1) Plastic, tapered drip tip
    (1) Group of supportive folks on an internet forum

  9. Like
    CantusPro reacted to DAYVAPE in Please Help The New, New Guy   
    I think you will find, as many of us have, that the craving for a real cigarette fades very quickly. Once you find your vaping 'happy place' it's a breeze from that point on. I mean really, do you honestly crave the smell/taste of a stale ashtray for cryin' out loud? For me... the flavors of the juices are so much better tasting/smelling than the real thing that it made the switch super easy and painless! We are still getting our nicotine with vaping... then throw in the wonderful juices out there and you have yourself a recipe for a huge success in quitting those nasty analogs!! I never knew how easy it would be until I found that one juice that I truly enjoyed vaping... that device that performed like I needed one too (more like multiple devices!)... after that, the thought of having an analog ceased to enter my mind.
  10. Like
    CantusPro got a reaction from Brian in Taking The Plunge   

    Find a juice you like and a Personal Vaporizer that meets your needs. After that, vaping is actually BETTER than smoking. Once vaping is better than smoking, you won’t WANT a cigarette.

  11. Like
    CantusPro got a reaction from Mark in Can I Get Some Experienced Advice For A First Timer?   
    I switched from an analog, to an analog shaped e-cigarette (with analogs) for a month and then to an eGo. The day the eGo arrived is the last day I smoked.

    It doesn’t taste like a cigarette, and it doesn’t feel like a cigarette. You’ll have to get over cigarettes first.
  12. Like
    CantusPro got a reaction from Brian in Please Help The New, New Guy   
    Day 9 (Friday): “I counted the day I started.” So, I’m a day behind my actual claims.

    Unrelated, but this old joke came to mind today…

    Two flies are sitting on a piece of poop. One fly lights an analog cigarette. The other one says, “Hey, I’m eatin’ over here!”

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