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Everything posted by CantusPro

  1. Get yourself a nice selection of drip tips. They are very personal, and you never know when you’ll want to play Barbies (people “play Barbies” in video games when they equip their game hero with an item that looks good over an item that performs a useful function). I have a black, Delrin, 510 type D drip tip that is P.E.R.F.E.C.T. for everyday use. If I’m going to vape in front of a group of people I know, Barbie’s bringin’ the nickel finish 510 type D to complete the iPod look. I also have these two, weird shaped drip tips that you’re supposed to be able to hold between your lips while you talk. One is anodized. It’s useless. The other is translucent. If you’re vaping nicotine liquid, the translucent tips are great to see if you’re about to inhale a mouthful of nicotine liquid. -Cantus
  2. Dustykicks : I keep telling people vaping is just plain fun. I’m trying to convert a group of people that think smoking is silly! -Cantus
  3. Keith: You’re going to need some hardware that meets your expectations. I recommend http://www.liberty-flights.com/products.asp for the Joye eGo starter kit. You’ll have to tell us how http://www.liberty-flights.co.uk/ performs. You’re going to need something to vape too. Get some RY4 from this place…http://shop.rockymountainvapor.com/category.sc?categoryId=5. It's pretty standard e-liquid. As long as you’re writing checks or placing credit card orders, I’d buy at least one drip tip from the websites you’re on. If they offer 3 different styles, you might want to try 3 different drip tips. They're a cheap, fun accessory that modifies the vaping experience. Switching from analog to electronic was easier for me with a lot of forum support here. I’ve only quit for 90 days so far, but I’ve quit for 90 days so far with the support of the folks you asked for help. -Cantus
  4. Long time...no see. It's officially been 3 months since I've stopped using tobacco products. Consider some of the top 5 reasons vaping is better than...setting fire to products originally harvested from tobacco plants. 1. It’s cheaper 2. It tastes better 3. It’s more fun 4. It’s legal in more places 5. No one really wanted an “iCigarette”. Thank you, Cantus
  5. I was trying to wrap my head around the hydration bit this morning too. I am thirsty when I wake up after vaping. Only the middle part of my tongue is dry though. The back of my bottom lip might even seem dry too, but I wouldn’t say my mouth was dry. -Cantus
  6. My new, metal drip tip looks like it shipped with the eGo. I got a nickel finish, tapered metal drip tip. It’s the same basic size and shape as my black, Delrin drip tip. Yes, it looks great on the black eGo. Yes, it’s also as cold and heavy as I suspected. With the flat black battery and cone on the shiny metal tip, center button band and, now, new drip tip, my classy looking electronic device is just a little classier looking. It also weighs a little more, and that makes it feel like it should cost more. -Cantus
  7. Congratulations on your sucess! -Cantus
  8. More VG = more Vapor (the “V” in vegetable equals the “V” in vapor”). More PG = more flavor (the “P” in propylene equals the “P” in phlavor…or something like that). -Cantus
  9. It’s a whole new world. It’s not supposed to taste like burning paper, and the flavor descriptions don’t need to match your choices in food either. We’re not eating the flavors. …and it didn’t take long for me to realize I could try desert flavor liquids without liking desert. -Cantus
  10. YouMayLose: The best advice I received in my thread was “vape through it!” I didn’t think much of it at the time, but when the urge came, I just remembered to “vape through it!” I remembered the wisdom. I did vape through it. And I didn’t smoke. You can do it too! -Cantus
  11. 40 days, and I’ve switched to ZERO nic liquid. Apparently, I’m not as hooked on the nicotine as I am on putting this cylinder in my mouth and sucking. If a psychologist thinks it means I’m going to change my sexual preference because I’m vaping, that’s okay. I was a boy who smoked...and liked girls. Now, I’m a boy who vapes…and still likes girls. Conclusion? Vaping does not make me less boring. -Cantus
  12. I have a bottle of 100% VG for mixing/tweaking, and it’s really thick. If my DIY mix started to become too thick, I’d just thin it out with a little distilled water. -Cantus
  13. I don’t like paying $7 for a 1 oz. sample bottle when I might realistically only use a few drops to know if I like it. I do like paying $16 for a 0 nic, 4 oz. doubler after I've tried it. Maybe there’s a sample exchange forum somewhere. I can send you my almost 1 oz. sample that didn’t do it for me, and you can trade your almost 1 oz. sample that didn’t do it for you? I'm sure companies don’t make these flavors because they taste bad to everyone. -Cantus
  14. In addition to the Tasty Vapor standard 10 sample flavors, they do put 4 different 1 oz. flavors on sale each week for $10.50. -Cantus
  15. I dripped a Clove flavor once. It tasted like someone threw up burnt hair and let it rot in a land fill over the summer. The taste, as bad as it was, did work its way out of the atomizer after a day or so of use, but it wasn’t fast. -Cantus
  16. 34 days and I didn’t even worry about celebrating the 30 day mark. Seriously? If you want to quit smoking, do your homework, and read the forums. Spend the money, and find a combination you like. My Cliff’s Notes version: (1) Joye eGo starter kit (1) Geoff’s Blend e-liquid (1) Plastic, tapered drip tip (1) Group of supportive folks on an internet forum -Cantus
  17. I don’t blame you for being suspicious. When you’re ready, give Geoff and Ramilya a call. Their Mission Statement is simply… “It is the mission of TastyVapor.us to provide you with wholly unique and delicious e-liquids at affordable prices. Not pre-bottled, pre-mixed and sitting on the shelf liquids, but custom, quality, "made to order" e- liquids allowing YOU the freedom to customize your OWN vaping experience.” They are responsible for my vaping transition, and I can't thank them enough. -Cantus
  18. This might not be the most tobacco tasting tobacco flavor, but It is one made from steeping real tobacco (like tea) to produce “authentic” tobacco e-juice. http://www.tastyvapo...1e6827c8a6b280a -Cantus
  19. I went from burny, burny, cough, cough to a lame, cigarette shaped e-cig first. The day I received my Joye eGo, pass through and drip tip to compliment my e-juices, I quit smoking. Let me restate it a little more strongly. Except for a few hour window on the third day of my eGo, I haven’t even wanted a real cigarette. -Cantus
  20. I’ve been vaping for 4 weeks, and I’m buying about 4 new flavors every two weeks just to see what’s out there. I don’t care what size the sample bottles are or even what nicotine strength they are. Descriptions don’t matter either. I just want to experience what the most popular ones really taste like...when they’re on sale. I bought a clove liquid I thought I’d love, and it was awful. I picked up a macchiato at the same time that I didn’t expect much from, and it was great. -Cantus
  21. I just prepared the same numbers. I feel like less of a noob at the moment. I’m under the impression it depends on the strength of the juice and size of the tank. I’ve been equating 20 drops of 24 mg liquid to a pack of regular cigarettes (1 drop per cigarette). I’ve also been assuming there are 20 drops in a ml. -Cantus
  22. 29 days and 18 hours smoke free and I just had to break down and smoke… NOT! (Just kidding. I didn't smoke. Lighten up...don't light up.) -Cantus
  23. I switched from an analog, to an analog shaped e-cigarette (with analogs) for a month and then to an eGo. The day the eGo arrived is the last day I smoked. It doesn’t taste like a cigarette, and it doesn’t feel like a cigarette. You’ll have to get over cigarettes first.
  24. susan55040: Find a juice you like and a Personal Vaporizer that meets your needs. After that, vaping is actually BETTER than smoking. Once vaping is better than smoking, you won’t WANT a cigarette. -Cantus
  25. I’m talking to people about the number of weeks I’ve been smoke free instead of days now. Once you stop thinking about the number of days it’s BEEN since you smoked, and start thinking about how many days it is UNTIL you can claim the next week of being smoke free, you’re in a different mental place. I even asked my girlfriend for a cigarette today. She tried to hand me a pack of smokes with a lighter. I said, “No. This is a test of the Emergency Smoking System. I’m not a smoker. If I ever ask you for a cigarette again, you need to remind me I’ve quit smoking and refuse to give me ammunition.” 2 hours later...I just tested her again. "Hon, can I have a cigarette?" She said "NO!" Mission accomplished. -Cantus
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