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Gulf Coast Vapor

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About Gulf Coast Vapor

  • Birthday July 9

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  • Location
    Houston, TX

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  1. Excellent advice palermo! I have seen people mixing with 100mg and do not have at a chemical/fluid resistant lab coat, no face shield or AT LEAST safety goggles and do not even wear gloves!!! One person being killed by being unsafe when handling liquid nicotine is the last type of bad press this industry needs. When regulation finally arrives, I am fairly sure there will be no more 100mg available to the general public. I have heard there could be a limit of 24mg to MAYBE 36mg. Please, EVERYONE BE SAFE!!!
  2. Thank you for the kind words Cantus. It was my pleasure assisting you and I appreciate your business. If you need anything just give me a ring.
  3. LOL @ "The big hole was hairy". Could say something but I'm not going there LOL. An eGo carrying case or a lanyard will do you just fine. With a carry case you can put some juice and other knick-knacks in it as well. You can find them at Liberty Flights: http://www.liberty-f...duct.asp?id=46. or maybe some other people know of some cheaper prices from another vendor. Glad the eGo is working well for you.
  4. Ahh. You have a menthol flavored liquid. It as made from either menthol crystals or menthol liquid and not from food type flavorings. The storage could differ for menthol based liquids but I do not know of any. Well when regulation of this industry takes place then their will be storage guidelines set in place. Do all the bottles you have this same label?
  5. Interesting. I was told totally different by my supplier. Like mentioned above, not enough testing on storage for our specific uses. Thanks for the info
  6. I give you permission to use an ashtray as long as it stays "unsoiled". And yes, "filter up" is best.
  7. It's best to keep e-liquid at room temperature away from any light and heat source. Light and heat reduce nic strength (like mention already) and will ruin juices. Storing in the refrigerator can cause some some juices to separate.
  8. Jim, you can set the eGo on the battery end because it's flat but I don't because it can tip over. I keep mine laying flat. And the atomizer touches the filler material constantly whether the device is up, down or sideways. A wet atomizer is a happy atomizer
  9. TroopX, You might try some nutty flavors. I know they are used as well as ethyl maltol to sweeten it. And it is very difficult to get T.A. to totally break down in Vodka. You need something with a higher alcohol content.
  10. Richter I meant to say DO NOT mess with...brain fart
  11. I second the motion. Call your CC company. Very bad situation. I hope it gets resolved.
  12. Troy I might as well throw my two cents in for the little its worth . I use a 80% VG to 20% PG ratio and it works very well. Anything higher than an 80% VG based liquid is where you begin to have wicking issues. And as far as filling my cartos I use a syringe but I know that is not an option for many people. Oh ya, no VG or PG is totally 100%. There is as much as .5% of distilled water in what you get from suppliers. And If you do use distilled water, which I would not recommend either, do not go over 5%. Just stick to using PG like it was mentioned above. What else. Some people put their cartos in a lanyard and spin it as well. Oh and I see JuiceBlaster has some DIY game. When your doing DIY you have to consider all the variables, even what the flavoring your using consists of. Flavorings can contain PG, VG, distilled water, ethyl alcohol, PGA and Triecetin (its like glycerin).
  13. Richter I forgot about you ... please do mess with that strength of nic. We might lose a member of the family. . Could have lost Gatorgirl.
  14. I hope I am not going to come off like an a-hole but when I saw this thread, which is kinda old, I was like OH NOOOOOO Gatorgirl!!!!!! I do not know you but why are you messing with pure nic? I will say that Brian is exactly right in his calculations. Now, not only do you need the proper PPE gear like a chem suit but also a face shield, gloves, AND a very high quality VENT HOOD!!!! Not only can one drop of nic this strong kill you if it gets on your skin, BUT if you were to spill the nic, the FUMES ALONE can kill you without proper ventilation. OMG Gatorgirl!!!!! I would rather give you FREE NIC than hear of you EVER EVER attempting this again. Sorry if I am sounding like an *** but please please do not attempt this again. Please. And I know I have to show my Tax ID # to my source for 990mg nic. It might not be like that in FL I do not know. Anyone thinking of attempting this PLEASE PLEASE do not do it!!! It is not worth anyone's life to save money. Gatorgirl I see that you were still with us on July 7 so that is a good thing but I am still freaking out. Please EVERYONE be careful when handling ANY strength of liquid nicotine...it can be deadly!!! Be safe EVERYONE
  15. Cantus, Your welcome Jim it was my pleasure. I am here anytime you need anything. I know what your doing right now. You are waiting for your eGo kit . Wait until you get it, you are going to love it more than your girlfriend . Well I wonder how long it is going to take Christopher to move your comment to the reviews of suppliers thread...waiting...waiting. In all seriousness though Jim, you are very welcome that is what I am here for. Good luck with your new toys!!! Please keep us updated on how it works for you.
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