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Everything posted by profbeard

  1. That has been my sig on every forum I've been a member of for years - sums up my attitude to things...
  2. I live in what is essentially a secular society (the UK). I'm an atheist, my friends are a mix of atheist, agnostic, christian, moslem etc. No-one objects to christmas trees with angels on top (or anything else on top for that matter). I'm sending christmas cards to my friends and family - christmas is a christian festival - I don't mind that, why should it offend me? My only objection to religion is when people use it to interfere with the freedoms of others...
  3. Well.... The real problem is that no western country can compete with the Chinese when in comes to mass production - they can and will chop the legs from under any US or European competition on price alone. To compete, my US friends, you would have to accept Chinese wages and working conditions... Where the west can compete is on quality - but unless a really new atomiser technology appears where quality prices can apply we are going to have to buy our semi-disposable atomisers from China.
  4. Ah! Another Deadhead!
  5. Two! I get twitchy below twenty!
  6. As a 58 year-old who smoked for about 43 years and switched to vaping in Feb 09, the change has been dramatic - I used to get out of breath doing anything other than normal walking - now I can do more or less anything "normal" I want and find my body gets tired before I run out of breath
  7. Nice review As you know I've reviewed ecis Stealth juice in my blog on Vapersplace. It is a lot more expensive than their regular juice, but tastes fine and I keep a little 5ml bottle of t with me for those more "sensitive" situations
  8. I'm a member of lots of forums and this one: a) looks good and is nice to use doesn't seem too big c) doesn't have lots people behaving like jerks c) matters most
  9. Dekang do a VG range now (70% VG) - the range can be seen on the ecisdirect.com (Dekangs UK outlet) site. I commented on it here: http://www.vapersplace.com/profiles/blogs/vape-up-your-vegetables
  10. Premium brand cigs in the UK are around 6 UKP a pack of 20 cigs - do the conversion!
  11. I've posted a comparative review of the 901, 801 and 510 atomisers used on a "mod" (Screwdriver) here: http://www.vapersplace.com/profiles/blogs/comparing-901801510-atomisers
  12. The CR123A battery is the same voltage as the one used in the 905, but a different size - the 905 uses a 14500 900Mah battery. The "real" Screwdrivers use unprotected CR123A size batteries (16340 880Mah) in the Mk 1 (protected Ultrafire 16340 1000Mah atteries DO also fit) and special protected 18350 (900Mah) batteries in the Mk 2. Ultrafire 18350 protected batteries (1200Mah) also fit the Mk 2. ALL these batteries are "3.7volt" batteries - they actually charge to 4.2 volts. So there are all the same "power" in terms of vaoing - it is the Mah (milliamp hours) that dictates how long they will last at full power before dropping off and needing a recharge.
  13. igetcha69 has done a review of the 905:
  14. You shouldn't be getting leaking like you describe. I have three Screwdrivers (two Mk 1s and one Mk2) and have never had that problem. Do your cartridges fit very loosely? Are you overfilling them? As far as the button pressing issue goes - putting the SD in a tube and/or unscrewing the atomiser a bit will work. I just carry mine in a shirt or jacket ("top") pocket so the SD won't get "squashed" - that way I have no problems
  15. You might find this useful: http://www.vapersplace.com/profiles/blogs/travels-with-a-stealthy
  16. I have Mk1 and Mk2 Screwdrivers (plus adapters to let me use 801 and 510 atomisers as well as the 901 which is standard) - as a 3.7v (well 4.2ish really) device, I think they are ideal. I like the "bottom button" myself, but I know others don't.
  17. Not getting at anyone but i thought my blog post here seemed apropos: http://www.vapersplace.com/profiles/blogs/device-fans-and-collectors
  18. I know that in the case of TW, their multipacks do not have a warranty BUT they will replace DOAs - I therefore check attys on arrival...
  19. When I DO restuff my carts I use Fluval. However, I must confess that what I mostly do is: use and keep topping up a cart until it either starts not working properly or tastes bad and then put it in a tin with loads of other used carts and start on a new one.... I normally get the best part of a week from a cart... I also change to a new cart if I'm switching juice flavour..
  20. My experience is that, once you have chosen a PV to live with and have avoided becoming a "collector" who must have every new device that comes along, the savings are considerable - I've worked mine out at averaging around £150 a month
  21. If anyone is interested in the new Mk 2 Screwdriver, I've posted a comparison of it with the original SD in my blog on Vapersplace: http://www.vapersplace.com/profiles/blogs/screwdrivers-mk-1-and-mk-2-my
  22. Dekang - in their ecisdirect guise - say to store in the fridge or a cool dark place
  23. People in the UK who have bought SD Mk 2s seem really pleased with them. (I have no axe to grind here, because I have "old" SDs which work fine - I've had them for a long time and bought them before most of the alternatives became available - I don't see the need to buy a new one). Reports indicate a high quality product, and sales in the UK and pre-orders on TW's US site look very good. I agree they ARE expensive, but we all used to spend 1000's of quid/bucks a year on cigs... The only report I seen from anyone who has tried a DSE905 thought it was not very good quality and wouldn't last too long. I really fancy a Super-T - looks like really high quality build and great design - BUT buying one at the moment isn't possible. The point about the SD Mk2s is that they are and will be readily available.
  24. I'm a Professor (to US people "full Professor") and senior manager in a UK University - my field is most easily described as "eLearning"
  25. An atomiser, in my experience, only performs at it's best for two or three weeks, after that the performance starts to drop. I do nothing with atomisers, I screw one on and vape it until it dies or the performance drops enough to notice - typically around three weeks.
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