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Posts posted by profbeard

  1. Hangsen are (nowadays) the world's biggest juice manufacturer I'm told. Hangsen was formed last year after a split in Dekang. They also "make" devices. As a manufacturer they supply vendors across the world. You will find a lot of US vendors sell Hangsen juice and also many now supplying the ECHO. The DIY kit is brand new and I expect you will be seeing it sold by US vendors shortly. Note - many vendors "rebrand" Hangsen products to their own brand. For example, Liberty Flights' standard juice range is made by Hangsen and supplied in Liberty Flights branded bottles (no secret - LF are open about this). I have no personal or financial connection with Hangsen, they just contacted me and asked if I would review some of their products...

  2. I'll have to give them a try, I mostly drip. I have only used 510's since I started, so maybe time to try something new.

    Thanks Prof :thumbsup:

    Yes - give em a try K :) I've tried the Cisco 306s (they are POWERFUL), and more regular LR306s from the likes of LF (a bit less "throat pummeling")

  3. Hey Prof !!! do the 306's provide the same throat hit as the 510's??? didn't know they had the same threads. Good to know.

    I think the 306 is all-round better than the 510 PROVIDED you drip - they are only suitable for dripping

  4. If you are going to use LR atties on an eGo make sure you are using one of the larger (min 650mah more preferably) batteries, they can overtax small batteries. You could try LR306 atties for dripping - they have the same thread as 510s

  5. So this is what i want, a e-cig that is both small and looks good, must stand out, such as the black ones, produces high amounts of vapor, and preferably has good or at least decent battery life.

    Be honest - such a thing doesn't really exist. A small e-cig will never have "good" battery life - things like the 510 will be fine in most respects, but for decent battery life something like an eGo or Riva is the minimum.

    You need to weight up the things that matter most to you:

    Looks like a cig or is cig-size? Shortish battery life

    Do you value "hit" most or flavour? 510s are good on hit other models are better on flavour? (eg you can get a Riva in 901 form - better flavour than a 510 version but less hit)

    Do you mind having to top-up the liquid frequently? If not a 510 is fine but if you do mind you may want to consider an eGo or Rive with a "Tank" atomiser.

    If you really want a small cig-sized e-cig, I'm told (haven't tried them) that these are pretty good:


    I think Liberro could point you to a US source...

  6. I've been using Screwdrivers (Mk1 and Mk2) for over two years - I have quite a collection of them!

    I think you will find this article I wrote recently useful:


    I think you must vape a lot less than me - I only get about 5 hours out of a Mk2 battery like you are using

  7. Today is the second birthday of my original Screwdriver Mk1.

    In celebration of this I have published a four-part blog entry on UK Vapers covering the history of the Screwdriver and my own Screwdriver experiences.

    The article start here:


    Or can be read as a single article here on Vapersplace:


  8. I think you must have been unlucky (unless LF supply different atties in the US from the UK - which I doubt). I've bought atties from LF for over two years and if anything the the ones I've bought recently have lasted even longer than the earlier ones.

    On the other hand you may buy different atties from me - I mainly buy LR901 atties and LR BE112 atties.

  9. Very thorough, thanks! I wonder WHY the flavor is different with tanks?? :coffee:

    Well, my experience is that every type of atomiser and cartomiser gives a different set of characteristics to the flavour of the same juice. My favourites for flavour are 901, LR901, 306 and the Bulli A2. I've always found 510 atomisers and there "Mega" relatives tend to reduce flavour. The LR tanks actually give a lot more flavour than other 510 derived atties, but there is this "plastic" hint of taste which I wonder might be from the tank itself?

  10. I'm blood-type O+ how did you know? ;)

    I've seen the forum grow over the time I've been a member. I don't post that much here, as I'm a member of rather a lot of e-cig forums and tend to wait til I have something to say, but I think the level of activity has grown. I access about 50/50 from a computer and ipod.

    While I'm here - did anyone here listen to my show on VPLive?

  11. I've found over the years that the only atomisers that wick pretty well with carts are 901 and 801 atties. The 510 atomiser has always been a really poor wicker... It is interesting (I've been vaping that long!) that dripping really took off with the arrival of the 510 on the market (prior to that it had been mainly "dipping" with atties like the 401).

    You might find this interesting:


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