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Everything posted by profbeard

  1. A brief review - with load testing: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-240-be112-tank-atomisers/
  2. How much liquid (in mls) do you vape in a day?
  3. I was just 58 when I started two and a half years ago
  4. i must say I'm not convinced - looks a bit messy and possible wasteful?
  5. Review now available here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-231-avid-vapers-drip-shield-and-drip-cone/ and here: http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/avid-vapers-drip-shield-and-drip-cone/
  6. I found the battery drain to be around 25% (ie it goes flat in three quarters of the time at high volts). My review of the Booster is here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-218-the-ego-booster/
  7. I've found them disappointing at 3.7v. They seem to perform much better at 4.3+ volts
  8. If you were a heavy smoker, I would make two recommendations: firstly DO get (as others have suggested) a bigger battery device like an eGo (or a "mod" device that will take regular Li-ion batteries - bigger but work out cheaper on batteries - I'll let others argue about which one), and secondly - use low resistance atomisers or cartomisers.
  9. Hi all This is a review of E-VAP e-cigs. These are made by ref50 who is a vendor member of the UK Vapers forum. Review is here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-221-e-vap-e-cigs/ and here: http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/e-vap-e-cigs-low-cost-mods-from-a-small-uk-manufacturer/
  10. My take on this is here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-218-the-ego-booster/ and here: http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/the-ego-booster/
  11. Time is a pretty meaningless concept when applied to atomisers and cartos - what actually reflects true "life" is the amount of juice put through one before it wimps or dies. A good atty should take around 40ml of juice at least before needing replacement. (I know someone who vapes 10ml a day - so that's a "life" of 4 days! I vape 2-3ml per day so life is between two to three weeks or more...)
  12. I'd like to add that the BE112 atties are very good - especially the LR versions - there also don't seem to be "BE clones" either, so you at least get what you expect. I rate them as good as 302s...
  13. My article following the "Screwdriver Ownership Poll" is now out: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-217-vapers-dont-use-forums-or-where-have-all-the-screwdrivers-gone/ and http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/vapers-dont-use-forums-or-where-have-all-the-screwdrivers-gone/
  14. It's as supplied - I would tend to spread the coil out more myself - but it works.
  15. My review of the Bulli-Smoker A2-T Repairable Tank Atomiser can be found here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-213-the-bulli-smoker-a2-t-repairable-tank-atomiser-part-1-out-of-the-box/ and here: http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/the-bulli-a2-t-repairable-tank-atomiser-part-1-out-of-the-box/
  16. I carried out a survey on a couple of forums about this and thought some VTers might find the article I've written as a result of interest: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-212-about-carrying-spares/
  17. This follows on from the VP Live programme about the SD. I'm interested in how many Vapers either own or used to own an SD (Mk 1 or Mk2) I'm not interested in how many people have never owned one! Please don't include DSE905s... I shall be posting this on multiple forums... Please don't vote on more than one forum.
  18. I've recently been comparing the AW 14500 High Drains (the red ones) and AW 14500 Protected (the black ones) on my Apex Ultra and Super Six The High Drains give good steady performance and stop suddenly, the Protecteds good good steady performance for longer than the high drains and then tail off. If you don't need the shorter form factor I'd go for the standard protected batteries
  19. Mostly I use LR901, LR306 and the Bulli A2 (wired for LR) atomisers. Do use dual coil cartos sometimes
  20. I use 1.7ohm LR901 atties as my staple choice. I must say that the Empire Drip Shields transform 901s - longer life and no leakage. An LR901 outperforms a 510 (regular or LR) on flavour by some distance in my view, and delivers very good hit (better than regular 510s but less than LR510s and 306s) See: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-148-the-empire-drip-shield-part-1/
  21. It's worth pointing out that the word "eGo battery" covers a variety of products - many not "eGos"! Some eGo style batteries will not cope with LR atties and the mosfets in the battery will be damaged, I have also come across others (eg vGo batteries) which will detect an LR atty and refuse to work with it. Even with real Janty/Joye eGo batteries I would advise using batteries bigger than 650mah to give the battery a bit of "room to cope". I've used very low resistance atties with big Janty eGo batteries (eg a Cisco 1.5ohm 306) and had no problems, but you are to an extent "pushing your luck"
  22. I must confess that I haven't cleaned an atty or carto ( except for my Bulli repairable atty) in over two years. I just use 'em and bin 'em. The reason being that when I first started vaping I tried cleaning and, whilst it did indeed result in clean things, it had no impact on atty life ( as measured in mls of juice put through them rather than time).
  23. A good rule of thumb is that on average an atty will take around 40ml of juice vapid through before dying...
  24. Others have experienced that problem (it can happen with other mods). With the SD Mk2 - which it looks like you have got - the 18350 batteries are a fairly tight fit in the little nano-type chargers the SD comes with (the Mk 1 SD uses 16340 batteries which are an easier fit). As a result, unless you exercise care putting/pulling the SD Mk2 batteries in/out of the charger, the bottom edge of the battery wrapper can get worn/ripped resulting in what you have experienced...
  25. See: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-35-filling-carts-for-the-noobie/
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