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Everything posted by profbeard

  1. The stainless drip tips from Super T Manufacturing are very good, nice comfortable shapes and different lengths...
  2. If you a good 510 to 510 extender, the drip shield will catch the occasional leak that comes from the bottom of a 510. The shields also cool the airflow into the atty and also tighten the draw a bit. See my articles: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-231-avid-vaper-drip-shield-and-drip-cone/ And http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-148-the-empire-drip-shield-part-1/
  3. This will be a regularly updated article. The first testing described is a comparison of three different 14500 batteries. http://ukvapers.com/...uff-under-load/ My next test - probably not until at least next weekend - will be three different mods each using the same 18350 battery and atomiser - initial tests look equally surprising...
  4. In our money £92
  5. WARNING - this review ONLY covers the use of the Mark T as a dripping atomiser - have not tried its use as a tank atty yet, or recoiled it. http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-289-the-mark-t-infinity-atomiser-part-1-out-of-the-box-and-dripping/ and http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/the-mark-t-infinity-atomiser-out-of-the-box-and-use-for-dripping/
  6. I have an 02 9-3 Aero Ragtop tuned to stage three by MapTun - 270bhp/370Nm - I've had it since 05
  7. I completely agree Saabdrifter (by the way - I drive a modified Saab) - I've never found a tank that doesn't lose flavour when compared to its non-tank equivalent. I much prefer the A2 to the A2-T for that very reason...
  8. If you want to see detail on the Bulli A2 and A2-T I have articles with close-ups on them here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-87-the-bulli-smoker-a2-repairable-atomiser-part-1-out-of-the-box/ http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-158-the-bulli-smoker-a2-repairable-atomiser-part-1a-more-out-of-the-box/ http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-160-the-bulli-smoker-a2-repairable-atomiser-part-2-my-first-repair/ http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-213-the-bulli-smoker-a2-t-repairable-tank-atomiser-part-1-out-of-the-box/
  9. Well it was fun, but I don't know if I've learnt anything! See: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-287-all-forums-are-not-the-same/
  10. A couple from me: My Super T Precise Plus 18350 fitted with an HH.357 Long Barrel Cisco 510/306 Hybrid atomiser and stainless steel Ming drip tip: My two and half year old Screwdriver Mk1 fitted with an HH.357 901/306 Cisco Hybrid atomiser, an Empire drip Shield and a ceramic drip tip from Avid:
  11. AsI said in the review - I don't like tanks in general (lack of flavour and/or leaks). With this the flavour is "OK" (not as good as with an LR306 or LR901 atty) and so far I've had no leaks
  12. Correction - the post above should read "US Vendors" of course!!!!
  13. The atomisers are expensive (£10 UK) - hence my comment about seeing how long they will last. The fitting is a bit odd - the inner part is standard 510, but they have an outer ring which stops them going onto standard 510 batteries. I even tried a 510-510 extender but that wouldn't fit between the outer and inner fittings
  14. This is an eGo-sized tank e-cig with a number of unique features. My initial review is here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-282-the-rok-star/ and here: http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/the-rok-star/
  15. Trog tells me he will wholesale it to interested UK vendors at a price which would allow it to be sold by them at $17.50
  16. I've been getting three hours or so from a charge. It's not designed to be an all day vape - more of a backup or style statement. Projected cost is around 20USD
  17. I've managed to get a sample of the forthcoming SD Key Ring E-Cig to review - its here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-281-the-sd-key-ring-a-small-thing-of-beauty/ and here: http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/exclusive-a-review-of-the-forthcoming-sd-key-ring-from-trog/
  18. My review of the Garry Dibley Boxmod v3 from E-Cig City at Liberty Flights UK can be found here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-276-garry-dibley-box-mod-v3/ and here: http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/garry-dibley-box-mod-v3/ A simple device that works and is cheap
  19. My review of the Touchwood Mini can be found here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-277-the-touchwood-mini/ and here: http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/the-touchwood-mini/ Nice use of reclaimed wood…
  20. My review of the Super T Precise Plus 18350 can be found here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-278-the-super-t-precise-plus-18350-part-1/ and here: http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/the-super-t-precise-plus-18350/ As you will gather from the review, I’m somewhat pleased with it!
  21. My review of the Cisco HH.357 and Aero atomisers can be found here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-269-cisco-aero-and-hh357-atomisers-part-1-from-the-packet/ and here: http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/cisco-hh357-and-aero-atomisers/
  22. I'm not sure that sucking brass is good for you... --- I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=53.010197,-2.181671
  23. Two main choices at the moment: Screwdriver Mk1 with Liberty Flights 1.7ohm LR 901 and Empire Drip Shield. Apex Alpha Ultra with RES and Cisco 1.5ohm 306 --- I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=53.009725,-2.181118
  24. My review can be found here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-260-the-mako-minno-v3-from-moju-republic-part-1/ and here: http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/the-mako-minno-v3-from-moju-republic/
  25. Just as the 510-T is a tank version of the common 510 atomiser, the BE112-T is a tank version of "Penstyle" atomisers. They're described here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-41-penstyle-and-classic-atomisers-and-carts/
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