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Everything posted by profbeard

  1. I used to "drain and blow" in a dedicated manner. Nowadays I don't. I just screww an atty onto my Screwdriver and use it until the performance drops (or it dies) and then bin it and put on a new one. I get the best part of three weeks from each atty. Given I can buy 5 packs of attys and each atty costs less than a packet of cigs does, it's scarcely worth worrying about...
  2. Dekang now call Marlboro Red "USA Red" - lots of suppliers resell Dekang juice - you can usually tell from the bottles, which are distinctive - see: http://www.ecisdirect.com/en/catelogue.asp The bottle tops have YNDK impressed into their sides. I've found all their tobacco flavours pretty good
  3. I use my Screwdriver at work. No-one has objected. Today I was at our other site and one of my staff who is a Syrian spotted it - "Oh you've got one of those elctronic cigarettes! They are all over the place in the Middle East!"
  4. I carry my Screwdriver around in my shirt or top jacket pocket. I keep a spare battery in a pocket (with no other metal) along with a dropper bottle for topping up. I have a tin with other stuff in I keep in my briefcase.
  5. You automatically associate the words Screwdriver, Silver Bullet, Titan and Prodigy with vaping instead of tools, werewolves, greek gods and young smartarses
  6. The Screwdriver is available in 901 and 801 versions. You can get adapters for the 901 version to allow the SD to be used with 510 and 801 attys too from e-cigcity.co.uk (trog doesn't like adapters). The Screwdriver is nominally a 3.7v device, but in reality it is a 4.1v or so device. My review of the SD is here: http://www.e-smokers-forum.com/screwdriver-reviews/102-4-months-sd-various-atomisers.html
  7. I only use tobacco flavours, but I use lots of them. Favourites include: TW: Hilton, 555, Virginia Ecopure Rich Dekang B&H, Virginia
  8. I vape most of the time - period. I vape in the pub (I've found most pubs will allow it around here) - I never have more than 4 pints (normally Guinness or Fullers London Pride) so inebriation isn't a problem. The weird thing is I get less attention using my screwdriver than I do using a normal (901) e-cig.
  9. Indeed - if someone ingested any quantity of eliquid at almost any strength it could be very nasty (or worse). However, it is important to realise that when you vape only a proportion (I suspect small - I recall seeing something about analogs which showed that with them the proportion is VERY small) of the nicotine in the liquid is actually taken in by you. Also, vaping is a gradual process - we all know that you can make yourself feel "off" by vaping excessively. If you vaped 54mg juice this would just happen quicker, it still isn't so strong that you could kill yourself accidently by just vaping I'm sure. The UK has a limit of 75mg on nicotine liquid before it becomes subject to heavy regulation.
  10. Cheap and hassle free is a good way of life
  11. I smoked 20-30 cigs a day (for 43 years). I get through between 10 and 15ml of juice a week.
  12. LOL! I started out with intentions of cleaning carts and restuffing them. Six months later I have a box with a very large quantity of use carts of various sorts (901/510/801) and an unopened box of Fluval 2 plus I was better with the attys, I used to drain and blow them religiously - now I do it "if I think they need it" - with an atty costing less than a packet of cigs, and lasting up to a months of single continuous use without any real attention, I've become idle...
  13. So - having read this thread, the answer is - "we don't know"? After six months of vaping I'm still not sure what makes for the best hit...
  14. I've only used the 510 and 801 atomisers on a Screwdriver (have used the 901 as well on the SD as also as a Mini). My view is: 510 - hit 801 - vapour 901 - flavour In my opinion the 901 gives best flavour with a good battery source. I'm told by other that the 401 is better still but haven't tried it as yet (waiting for an adapter)
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