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Everything posted by profbeard

  1. It's been a while since I did a full review(been occupied with the revived UK Vapers forum), but here is a new one at last (warning - long and image heavy): Precise ELA by Super T (Long!)
  2. I'm a big fan of the Cisco 306s at 1.5ohm. The Olympic 306s are very similar too... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. I've recently bought two new toys with the idea of using them together. This is what I think: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-381-the-kick-by-evolv-and-the-super-t-precise-plus-18500/
  4. My take on the 306DCA can be read here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-379-goodsense-vapor-306dca-cloud-9-vaping-special-edition-kit/
  5. My dripping atties of choice are LR901 with a drip shield (an LR 901 - 1.5 or 1.7ohm gives the very best balance of hit, heat and flavour of any regular price atty IMHO) and LR306 (normally at 1.5ohm). Of the 306 atties 've tried, I still prefer the Ciscos - the Olympics are noisy and the io6s don't last as long as the Ciscos for me... The HH.357 901/306 hybrid is a great driping atty as well (but more expensive)
  6. Thanks to products bought from Siam Mods and Safercigs, here is a review of my foray into the world of cartomiser tanks http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-369-tanking-with-siam-mods/
  7. A couple of new articles from me: Ikenvape Ikv 510 Xlr Atomizer - UK Vapers Olympic Lr306 Atomiser - UK Vapers
  8. It's a fair guide, but a bit on the cautious side...
  9. The 306 has the same fitting as a 510 but you will need a306 drip tip. I use Cisco 1.5ohm 306s and really like them. In my view the best of the HH.357 atties is actually the 901/306 hybrid, but you would need a 510 to 901 adapter for that.
  10. My review of the $40 (and some) AVA LR atomiser from Innovapor is now available here: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-328-apex-vapor-low-resistance-atomizer-ava-lr-the-worlds-most-expensive-non-repairable-atomiser/
  11. I'd be interested to know with voltage you are using it at and how long it lasts?
  12. I ordered a couple of these from Safercigs and they came yesterday morning. So after a days use, here are my thoughts on the io6 (and a comparison with the Cisco 306): http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-319-ikenvape-io6-atomiser/ and http://vapersplace.com/groups/prof-beards-blog-group/forum/topic/ikenvape-io6-atomiser/
  13. If you want to know about the RN4081 see: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-298-minority-atomisers-the-401-4801-and-601-atomisers/
  14. Aston Martin DB4 Zagato
  15. Not tried the mega dc cartos. The only 901/808 cartos I've tried are the Boges - they work ok
  16. This article is the third and last of my “reflections” on things I’ve previously written about. This time I’m reflecting on atomisers, cartomisers etc: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-307-reflections-on-atomisers-and-cartomisers-ive-written-about-january-2012/
  17. The second of my reflections - this time on Accessories I'd previously written about - is now available: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-305-reflections-on-e-cig-accessories-ive-written-about-january-2012/ The third and final one - on atomisers and cartos - will follow in a few days
  18. I'm a big fan of Cisco 306s (I use 1.5ohm) - they are excellent on my Apex Ultra in particular
  19. As a result of a recent "reviewers" thread on UK Vapers (which got pretty grumpy in places), I've written an article which looks back on every e-cig I've written about: http://ukvapers.com/topic/12281-reflections-on-every-e-cig-ive-written-about/ I plan to do another on all of the accessories and atties/cartos I've written about if this first one is well received
  20. I'm old school too - my mainstays are 1.7ohm LR 901 and 1.5ohm Cisco 306 atomisers, plus a rebuildable Bulli A2 atty.
  21. I assume you mean 801 and not 810?
  22. I totally agree with the hold/use/play comment. And the comment about using a low res atty rather than 5v... But I don't agree with comment about 18650 devices. I would far sooner use an 18350/16340/14500 device and carry a single spare battery... Why? Because the device itself is smaller and the device plus spare battery weigh less than the 18650 device. Re the Screwdriver - why is it "junk"? I still use mine (as well as other things) - I use it with low res 901 atties and it works fine...
  23. This is an "about" article more than a review - designed to be informative: http://ukvapers.com/blog/9/entry-298-minority-atomisers-the-401-4081-and-601-atomisers/
  24. I've done an article about about 701-510 drip tip adapter and the Siam Mods Flow Tip - mainly of interest to Bulli and other repairable atty users: Dripping The Bulli And The Siam Mods Flow Tip
  25. I actually prefer devices that use 18350, 16340 and 14500 batteries. Why? The devices, with the batteries in, are smaller and lighter (including a spare battery in your pocket) than devices using 18650s.
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