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Everything posted by sk_vzw

  1. Awesome!! Thank you! That is such a good reminder!!
  2. How do I add the "I have been smoke free"
  3. Wow...I have never been to a site where everyone was this helpful!! I appreciate the info...and the link I am determined not to go back to smoking....and I think with your help I will be able to find the right combination to achieve that!!!! Thank you!!!
  4. P.s. I tried my best to use the jargon LOL
  5. Hello...I have read through some of the posts and have not found what I need. Sorry if this seems like a stupid question. I was using the blu and emist and went back to smoking for about 6 months. When I tried to use the blu again...all 5 batteries were not taking a charge...the emist still worked...but not very well. I ordered the (I think 910) on value vapor. It has a hole (automatic?) in the atty. Am I suppossed to cover this when I vape, or leave it open? How many drops of liquid do I put in? I love how this one creates more "smoke" and gives a stronger hit
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