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Everything posted by oddpowers

  1. Well, I recieved my eGo starter kit this week end. I've puffed on it a couple times. It certainly is much smother than the disposables. i do, however, have a couple questions. 1. Does any one know what flavor comes with the kit? 2. Can anyone reccomend a flavor thats not to sweet, but not to borring? I have noticed that normally I pull the smoke into my moth then inhale it. It seems to be a little better if I inhale it directly,(if this makes any sense) Oh and another question. With a regular cig, when it burns to the end your done, How do I know when I've had enough with the eGo. I really dont like the feeling I get if I've smoked to much.... Sorry for all the goofey questions.
  2. i'm not sure what brand it is, but from what I've read, it is similar to a 510. I smoke about a pack to a pack and a half a day. I smoke ultra lights. Of the two I have tried, they just seem kinda harsh on my throat. I may order me an ego. I would really like to make this work.
  3. I forgot to add, its kinda make me nauseated as well.....
  4. hi, My wife and I bought an ecig from the local tobacco shop back in Feb. she is still using it and love it. Myself, not so much. I thought I would try it again, and bought a disposable one, and had the same problem. It seems it hits my troat pretty hard, kinda make it feel as though its closing up, (i'm sure its not but feels like it) and makes me cough like crazy, and my chest hurt some. It really don't taste all that great either.. Anyway. what are you folks reccomendations to me? The desposible, doesn't have much vapor. but kinda act like there's a lot of nicotine in it. I'm just not sure where to go from here. I really feel this is gonna be my best bet for quiting smoking, but not if i'm gonna feel bad.
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