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About mikelangesr

  • Birthday 06/12/1948

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  • Location
    Show Low, AZ

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. If your Aunt bought a SE Gold Kit it is a RN4081 which is not too bad of a PV except SE sells them for way too high of a price. One thing that would help her like it better is to try a cartomizer for the RN4081, they last longer and can be refilled. If I can help PM me. Mike
  2. 510 Hands down the best e-cig to start with
  3. I have sent 4 emails to Calif. over the last month hope some one over there has a little common sense and puts a stop to this. I'm thinking any state that looks at legalizing pot wouldn't have such a hard line on vaping.
  4. Yes you can use your flavored carts agin by refilling with juice. I do it all the time, I have mixed flavors and it turns out great most of the time. Try Fruit flavors with your used menthol carts.
  5. About every 2 months I clean my atomizers with alcohol and use a q tip and alcohol to clean the battery contacts.
  6. I have also sent a email to the AP
  7. My son tried a Blu cig and was not happy with it. He said the carts were not strong enough.
  8. Take some time to check each affiliate program out, some just want to get you sucked into buying their product.
  9. Try using isopropyl alcohol in a shot glass for about 10 min and dry it off with caned air (keyboard cleaner) this works for me and doesn't waste good whiskey
  10. I smoked tobacco for over 40 years, about 25 cigs a day. Now the I'm vaping I use 5-6 refilled cartridges a day. I put 4-5 drops in a cartridge with out cleaning them out, I am sure I am getting about 3-4 tobacco cigs out of each cartridge using 18mg juice. A 30ml bottle of juice will last me about 3-4 weeks. Juice usage doesn't seem mush diffrent with my 510 or 4081.
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