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Logan Garrett

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About Logan Garrett

  • Birthday 05/28/1984

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  • Location
    Youngstown Ohio

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I usely take my SD Mk2 with a 510 daul coil tank filled with Mt dew 50/50 36mg and a ext batt
  2. Took me 25 years to get this. now im thinking of a toe tag on my foot.
  3. Ive been useing this http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/dual-coil-tanks/35ml-dual-coil-tank-single-2-product.html for a few weeks now and havent had any problems what-so-ever it works perfect and only have to fill it maybe every other day or so.
  4. Hi there FB and welcome hope you hang around. this place is great im still somewhat of a newbie myself but i creep around alot. and help out where i can. ive learned pretty much just about everything i know from this place. also i get all my e-liq from A-S but that looks as its about to change. going to try out TVR this month. anyhow 3 months gratz on that!
  5. i am just so blown away by this that i am almost at a loss for words right now. i dont see things like this happen at all really and well yeah they never happen to me so gratz that you found someone awesome enuff to be so cool to you. and as for dryvape remember dude not that i think you care. but good things happen to people that do good things sir!
  6. I have vaped 50/50 for months now at 24mg and havent had any problem such as that. but bob maybe on to something.
  7. I know youve gotten more then enuff info but i just figured i'd put my 2 cent in and this is just based on what little i know and have used. but someone turned me on to this and i think it was the best thing that i have used so far. 1st off let me say i was a 2 pack a day smoker. and i stoped and made the jump to vapeing with no problem by one getting a SD mk 2 from http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/the-original-screwdriver-products.html that is a link right to the SD. its so simple to use a monkey can take care of it and use it. ive found that driping seems to be the best way to go but also the 510 tanks that TW carrys is great as well if your looking for a tank sys for your brother. i have turned four other people on to this setup and they all have had good luck with it. so thats what ive got. hope you can find something to help your brother.
  8. now thats pretty f-ing funny.
  9. Ok so ive looked thou this and i feel like the poor kid on the block. with my little 510s and a single SD Mk2 and a few little bottles of E-Liq that last me a month. but seeing all of this makes me wonder where down the line my desk will become over run with mods and parts bottles of E-Liq and a room full of vapor lol
  10. well ive got SRs now and i like them so i guess its just time to try LR.
  11. cool i'll go with the LR then
  12. well im useing a SD MK2 that is 3.7 i believe.
  13. Lol Yeah i seen that i was just woundering what would be best for driping?
  14. Cool love the cost. now LR? or Reg?
  15. Thanks for all the info guys. one last thing what would you guys say for driping would be the best? as in lasting the longest and giving the best vape?
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