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    millbottomboy got a reaction from jen_haynes in Wow! This Is Weird!   
    The Ego-T does come with a lot of primer. Probably best to clean them before use, or at least blow them out really well. Since you already started with them you can probably just vape it out. It will get better and the harsh taste will subside.
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    millbottomboy got a reaction from Christopher in New Cigarette Health Warnings   
    Most of us(maybe all) had our first smoke when we were very young. As each of you with a few years knows, youth is invincible. As a youth i tried and did a great many things that when i look back, were extremely foolish and dangerous. Smoking cigarettes was one of them. I don't believe that these pictures would have had a nit's worth of impact on me at that age. I could do anything and survive.
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