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  1. The Ego-T does come with a lot of primer. Probably best to clean them before use, or at least blow them out really well. Since you already started with them you can probably just vape it out. It will get better and the harsh taste will subside.
  2. The exact same thing happened to me. Riva 750 bats and a Boge 2.0 cartomizer. While using the unit i did notice the cartomizer getting rather hot, then the bat stopped working. thinking that the bat was dead, needing a charge, i switched to another bat. Laid it down a while then noticed smoke coming out of the mouthpiece on the cartomizer. Tried to use the unit and got nothing. After checking, both bats were dead/bad. Out of warranty bats so i just threw them and the offending cartomizer away. Am rethinking the quality of Boge's since it is obvious that the one i had developed a direct short. Really don't understand how that could happened. Must have fried the switch on the bats creating a direct short. Forced me to order a new E-Power 18650! Darn!
  3. Just over a month analog free, and i do still have small cravings. What I have discovered is that now my cravings or for my e-cig. Still have two packs on my kitchen table and don't even consider them. Guess is should get rid of them before one of the grandkids get ideas!
  4. Most of us(maybe all) had our first smoke when we were very young. As each of you with a few years knows, youth is invincible. As a youth i tried and did a great many things that when i look back, were extremely foolish and dangerous. Smoking cigarettes was one of them. I don't believe that these pictures would have had a nit's worth of impact on me at that age. I could do anything and survive.
  5. Whats the difference between the NOEGO and the e-power? Are the pretty much the same. I don't see a lot of parts suppliers for the 18650 e-power most i see are for the e-power 14440(?)(the smaller one)
  6. Ya,it does look a little large. I may just consider a larger Ego. I do like the large battery idea, but guess the unit size would reflect that as well.
  7. Liked the second the best. He's my Idol\! for some of the ego style tank atomizers, would this unit require an extender of some sort?
  8. Anyone with experience on the e-power 18650. considering this unit for long trips in the car and evenings at home, and don't want to be constantly charge, fill, charge, fill. What accessories for this unit are available. I.e. larger cartomizers, or tanks? Just wondering what would fit. Thank you all for your great help. I have been around here for a while and am impressed with the knowledge and understanding help for us noooobies.
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