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Moist Avenger

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    Roswell, NM

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  1. I have been vaping now for 2 weeks and I have ordered e-liquid from a number of different sites. As a noob, even though I did quite a bit of research, I am just now coming to the realization that some e-liquids are not sweet at all (even though the flavor I ordered was a dessert flavor that should be sweet). I noticed some sites have a sweetener option you can select, but not most of the sites from what I can tell. Aside from scouring each individual site to see if they add a sweetener (or perhaps the reviews), is there any way to tell whether or not a particular e-liquid will be sweet? Also, is one type of sweetener better or safer to use than another, and, if so, which one? Thanks.
  2. No allergies or runny nose. In fact, I feel great - tons of energy. I'll take a wait-and-see approach over the next week or so and post an update if things change. Thanks.
  3. Viper Ron - I thought about that too, but even the 100% pg tastes weak now whereas it was really strong at first. I've also noticed that the coffee I'm drinking right now (which I drink everyday at work) takes weaker. I wonder if my taste buds are the process of resetting or something.
  4. I quit smoking exactly a week ago and have been vaping since (Yeah!!). During the first couple of days, I could taste the flavors really well, and some of them (i.e. kona creme from mad vapes) were too strong of a flavor for me. Now, the flavor of my ejuices seem to have become much weaker and I find myself vaping the kona creme just because it is the one I can taste the most. I thought my tastebuds were supposed to heal and work better after smoking!? Is this a common or uncommon experience? If others have gone through this, how long before I can expect my taste buds to improve? Thanks for any and all help.
  5. http://hitliquid.3dcartstores.com/
  6. The website hit liquid is selling LR ego-t atomizers for $6 a pop. Looks legit, but has anyone here bought from them?
  7. Thanks Christopher. You have been a great help and I think that it is really cool that, as the site's founder, you are so involved and willing to help out a noob.
  8. I googled the question of how many drops in a mL, and as you might expect, there are a lot of variables. It appears, however, that there is somewhat of a general consensus of 15 to 20 drops per mL. So, if my math is right, it looks like the answer to my questions is approximately 3mL = 1 pack of analogs. Thanks for the help.
  9. I smoke about a pack a day and I will soon be trying to switch over completely to vaping. I will be buying an Ego-T, if that matters. Anyhoo, does 1 mL of ejuice = any particular number of analog cigarettes? I need to know so that I can be sure that I will have enough ejuice on hand. Thanks for any help.
  10. I am soon planning to switch from smoking to vaping and I'm trying to get a grasp on what the upkeep/cost will be for ecigs. I will be purchasing an Ego-T with an LR atomizer, but I wanted to know how long I can expect the atomizer to last? Should I stock up on some to be safe? Thanks for any and all help.
  11. Thanks everyone for the welcome and sound advice. I will definitely be ordering from Cignot. Also, I think I will probably be going with the Ego-T and will try the regular Ego if I don't like it. The reason being that I think (right or wrong) that the convenience of the Ego-T is likely to help me quit smoking, which I have been doing for over 20 years. I have to say I've never been this excited to quit smoking. Thanks again.
  12. Thanks, that's the kind of feedback I was looking for.
  13. Hi everyone. I am planning to switch over from smoking to vaping this week and I'm going to be buying an ecig starter kit. I have done a lot of research and I have decided on getting the Ego-T. I have narrowed down my search to two vendors to purchase the kit, but I keep going back and forth. I was hoping some more experienced folks could give their opinions. The first vendor is Cignot. They have an Ego-T starter kit which starts at $79, which seems a bit high, but the options they give our outstanding, all the way from color choice to size of battery to LR atomizers (I almost typed "attys," but I just couldn't). Also, you can, for example, order one 1000 mAH battery and one 650 mAH battery. The kit comes in a standard box with the charger, cable, tanks and instructions. The second vendor is minicigarette.net. They sell a "deluxe Ego-T starter kit" for $79.50 that includes the following: 2x eGo Tank 1000mAH Rechargeable Battery with USB PASSTHROUGH FUNCTION 2x eGo Tank Tank Atomizer (I was told by the vendor I could substitute for LRs) 2x eGo Tank USB charger 5x eGo Tank Blank Cartridges 1x Zipper Carrying Case 1x USB Wall Plug Adapter 1x 30ml USA Made Premium E-Liquid 1x 17ml Atomizer Cleaning Fluid After looking at many reviews, I have decided that I want to get low resistence atomizers as they purportedly correct some of the problems some people have been reporting on the standard Ego-Ts, i.e. leaking, not strong enough throat hit, etc.) It seems like the minicigarette.net "deluxe kit" is a really good deal. The USB passthrough batteries should be very useful. Is there a downside to the USB passthrough batteries? - I don't know. Plus, it comes with a free 30Ml of e-liquid. I don't have any reason to suspect that the site is not a trusted vendor, but I'm still a little nervous. Any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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