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Everything posted by reptilian

  1. I pulled a small fiber off and it's a bit better now, thanks
  2. Do I just puff it out? right now it's tasting horrible. I don't wanna just drip all the time. I will prolly start using teabags to replace the poly fibers. I shouldn't have a problem with those should I?
  3. Ditto to that! I was only smoking 5 sticks a day tops! (well almost a pack when I party) Now I'm vaping all the time! I had been smoking for about 15 years and cut my smoking down. For the last year or so I was only doing it because I enjoyed it, not the nicotine. I think that may be changing now.
  4. I've noticed a few times I get a burning taste and smell from my dragon. Can anyone tell me what that might be all about? I thought it would have been a dry atomizer but I just refilled my cart.
  5. In the case of the new cart, it may be a dry atomizer. The manual states you should wait 5-10 minutes after putting on a new cart.
  6. You know, I haven't really benefited anything from the primer puff. I just take long draws and it does me just fine. It first I was having a big problem with getting to much vapor, because the hits were really harsh. Which was the whole purpose of me posting my question in the first place. I thought all you e-smokers were just a little loopy in the head. (now I know it's just KarateLobster ) That went away after about 4 days though. I must have gotten used to it
  7. just read this on wikipedia: Health issues Some companies have marketed electronic cigarettes as a healthier alternative to tobacco smoking, and make claims that most of the harmful material produced by the combustion of tobacco in traditional cigarettes is not present in the atomized liquid of electronic cigarettes. Other suppliers have marketed electronic cigarettes as a way to curtail an addiction to nicotine.[4] In May 2009, the US FDA's Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis tested the contents of cartridges by two vendors. Diethylene glycol and tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) were detected in some of the cartridges tested. Further concerns were raised over inconsistent amounts of nicotine delivered when drawing on the device.[5] In July 2009, the FDA issued a press release discouraging the use of electronic cigarettes and repeating previously stated concerns that electronic cigarettes are marketed to young people and lack appropriate health warnings.[6] Critics argue that the FDA's warning will mislead the public by de-emphasizing the low quantities at which the toxicants and carcinogens were detected. The FDA's study was reviewed in July 2009 by scientific consulting firm Exponent, Inc., in a report commissioned by the manufacturer of one of the electronic cigarettes tested by the FDA. Among other things, Exponent's report criticized the FDA study for poor standards of documentation and analysis, as well as a failure to perform relevant comparisons to FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapy products, concluding that the FDA's claims of potential adverse health effects were not supported by the study.[7] The presence of trace amounts of TSNA in electronic cigarette vapor was previously documented in an analysis done by Health New Zealand in October 2008. The study concluded that carcinogens and toxicants are present only below harmful levels and overall the product tested was deemed a "safe alternative to smoking."[8] In September 2008, the World Health Organization issued a release proclaiming that it does not consider the electronic cigarette to be a legitimate smoking cessation aid, stating that to its knowledge, "no rigorous, peer-reviewed studies have been conducted showing that the electronic cigarette is a safe and effective nicotine replacement therapy."[9] Studies have shown that when smokers use vaporized nicotine for either supplemental or smoking cessation reasons, the vaporized nicotine produces similarly addictive and psychological effects as cigarettes. [10] However, a report published by the US National Institutes of Health found that participants of the studies who used the inhaler alone did not meet ICD-10 or DSM-IV criteria for dependence on the substance (dependence symptoms in subjects who used the inhaler concurrently with real cigarettes are believed to be caused by dependence from the real cigarettes). [11] On March 27, 2009, Health Canada issued an advisory against electronic cigarettes. The advisory stated "Although these electronic smoking products may be marketed as a safer alternative to conventional tobacco products and, in some cases, as an aid to quitting smoking, electronic smoking products may pose risks such as nicotine poisoning and addiction."[12] So as far as I'm concerned, the FDA just need to regulate the ingredients of the liquid solutions for those whom do not look into what they are getting. I would imagine everyone here in these forums buys their liquids from reputable sellers and knows what they are vaping.
  8. Nice! Seriously though, If they ban e ciggs they need to ban analogs as well. Has there even been anything found that makes e ciggs harmful? I know there was a bit of media hype over the ingredient, propylene glycol, which is a common food and drug additive that's even used in PIPE TOBACCO. If they were to ban it it would be because of the propylene glycol, right? So they need to stop using that in everything else as well then.
  9. So what is the deal exactly about getting more vapor? Does it taste better? Is it smoother? Or just cooler? I'm just curious. I understand you are getting more of the nicotine, but is there any other reason other then that? I get much more vapor with my Dragon then I do with my blu, which I like better, but my blu was barely giving me anything most of the time. I hope this isn't to dumb of a question. :P
  10. Right now I'm looking at it change back and forth it's mostly green and it flashes red for a second most of the time. Every once in a while it stays on for 2-3 seconds. The green light stays on from anywhere between 3-10 seconds. I'm sure it's nothing, since it sounds very common. I effin love this thing though!
  11. I would still like to know what's up with the light changing back and forth though. My blu does that too
  12. Awesome, good to know! Thanks for the input.
  13. So, I got my Dragon today and it says you are supposed to charge 8 hours the first time. Can anyone tell me why that is, and what happens if you don't do that? I started charging my first batt and the light started changing back and forth after about 30 minutes.
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