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Everything posted by reptilian

  1. The title says this is a blueberry liquid review. lol
  2. I think you have to buy the tea. It's cheap enough, though. I tried coffee filters and they were just to thick to work well
  3. I wanted to get some ideas for carrying my 510. I will more then likely get a pcc in the near future. I was just wondering how others do it. I have one of the cases from totally wicked, but it is way to big to pocket most of the time.
  4. For some reason I don't like the tobacco flavors. Of course, I was always smoking flavored analogs all the time too.
  5. Those carts are very poorly designed. The plastic/foil seals get in the way of the juice.
  6. Um, I think she may prefer to be referred to as "sister" Not to be picky or anything :P
  7. I was out a a buddies place in BFE drinkin it up and both of my batteries died! I bummed an analog from someone and couldn't smoke it. It was so damn nasty.
  8. I just tried it, and I would have to say this is pretty much spot on. I threw it out.
  9. That explains things much better. I don't want to do any more math. I killed to many brains cells last night, but you basic math looks about right. That stuff straight does sound like it could kill you if you are not careful. Not something I would want to sell to the public if so. If I am right, what would that do to the ecig's reputation?
  10. But if you chose the 24mg option in a 20ml bottle you would only get 1.2mg of nicotine per ml? This is something that needs to be pointed out on every site! People need to know that the nicotine level is per bottle. This means the Platinum Ice liquid is 54mg per 30ml, which is 1.8mg per ml. This is only if you know exactly how much liquid is in that drop., but just for the sake of it we will say this is correct and say the 54mg is double this after flavor has been added. Which would make every drop .24mg I think I read every 3 drops was equivalent to 1 analog. That would be .72mg per every three drops. Much less then a regular analog. I have a very strong feeling I completely ducked this up though, since that would mean we normally vape much less nicotine then the average analog with these numbers.
  11. I am convinced that any company that spends money to promote is only in it to make a profit and not provide a quality product. Just look at Gieko. They are one of the most expensive insurance companies out there!
  12. Thanks for the props, Chris. I haven't tried dipping. It just seems as I would waste a lot of liquid with that method. I'm sure you cant get all of it up from a contact case. I need to include the battery performance as well. The Titan's Batts die much quicker then the Dragons.
  13. Have you noticed all of them except the peach smell like hazelnut? It's really strange. Edit: Never mind, I haven't been through them all yet. I just opened up my mint chocolate and it smelled minty. I guess I should shut my mouth until I try them all. Still, 5 out of 7 all smell like hazelnut so far and I can not taste much difference in them.
  14. 40–60 mg (0.5-1.0 mg/kg)of nicotine can be a lethal dosage for adult humans. I'm not really sure how vaping liquid is measured though, because if we were getting our liquid's listed amounts of nicotine with every 15 puffs or so, We would be poisoning ourselves. The average analog only gives you 1-2 mg of the good stuff.
  15. Ok so I've been only vaping for about 2-3 weeks now. I'm still in the experimental phase of vaping, trying to get the hang of it. Even though I have only been vaping for such I short period of time I have already tried out 3 different models. I have vaped with the Blu, Dragon, and Titan. (yeah, I'm a sucker for specialty models) Here is my comparison of them. First Cig: The Blu I'll make this nice, short, and sweet. DO NOT BUY IT! Just say, "no" to all that hype and promotion. If you read that and you still buy it, you should be smacked in the face........ Then beaten by a 2x4 embedded with rusty nails and used fish hooks. I guess that last statement just made the review of the product not so sweet. Or nice. Screw it! Might as well strike out on all three and not make it short either! Hopefully all that empy space is enough to constitute a long review, because I'm lazy. Blu=suck Then I came across the dragon by visiting Vaportalk's trusty certified sellers list and had to give it a shot! The case and design of that thing is awesome, but not perfect! I love Dragons, but I am not to keen on gold. If they were red dragons then that there would be effen sweeeeeet! Compared to the Blu, the Dragon worked so much better. If I had the ambition to type, I would make a list of everything that it was better at, but I would have to type out everything about it. In every aspect it puts down the blue except for the case. The Dragon comes with a nice case but it can not and will not charge your batt. You can beg and plead with it all day, and it will just ignore you. Trust me, I tried. Ok I'm going to move on to the Titan, because the comparison to it and the dragon is really the only reason I am typing this. The Blu is like that person who just lingers around a group of people and ties to act like they belong but no one will tell them to get lost because they feel sorry for them. And they have lots of money, and they draw in the hot chicks because of that money, but never get's them, because Dragons and Titans are much cooler then someone that just misspells their name to be trendy. Ok, enough of that stupid ducking item! (It doesn't actually duck btw) Here is how the Dragon And Titan compare: Appearance: The Dragon wins this one, hands down! It's got a freakin Dragon on it! But, the Titan has a few different options. You can get it in black or white now, or wait for Silver or Gold options coming soon. Carrying Case: the Titan does not come with one unless you buy it. Mine actually did come with a tin case as part of a promotion, but it is so massive I can't pocket it with anything else. You can however get a charging case that should be a nice and small form. It will run you about $15 and keep your batt charged pretty much all day. The dragon comes with a nice cig styled case with the awesome dragon printed on it. Like I said before earlier, it will not charge. Size: The Dragon is slightly shorter and slimmer. It's barely even noticeable. The width of the Titan is about the same as a camel wide and the Dragon is about the normal average cig. Vaping Performance: This can vary depending on how you use your cig. For some reason The Dragon works better with the poly fibers in the carts as opposed to dripping. Dripping onto the Dragon can be problematic if you are not careful and it just doesn't seem to perform as well with this method anyway for some reason. I could never really get much from it when I started dripping compared to using the poly fiber. But, the poly fiber method isn't perfect either. The performance is really good, but the addy gets so hot it will more then likely melt a little bit of the poly fiber to it and that does not taste good at all. You might be able to remedy the problem buy replacing the poly with a method using rolled teabag material. I haven't gotten around to trying it yet. The Titan is the complete opposite. It works much better with the dripping method. For some reason the addy doesn't draw the liquid down very well. I believe this may be because the fibers in the carts are not very dense, so they don't conduct the liquid well. It could just be user based error as well, who knows. But dripping is great, and since the addy has a wall around it there is no worry of the liquid running off the sides. Basically, it has part of the cart wall included on it. (if that makes any bit of sense, I'm pretty tired) I guess that's all that's really important. The way the carts are designed on the Titan makes taking them off a little messy. They are all one piece and go inside the atomizer's walls. There are areas on the sides for the airflow that collect moister from the vapor and the liquid there can fling off of them. And putting them back one can get a little bit on the outside. I wish I could explain this a bit better, but I am a bit brain dead at the moment. If there is anything anyone wants to know I may add it for if they are nice enough to me. By that I mean let me take home one of the girls I draw in with my cash and trendy misspelled name for once :P
  16. At the moment I would have to pick the Cola from Nuvape.com I've been only vaping for about a month though. I have tried about 13 different flavors. 7 from nuvape and 4 or five from Johnson Creek. I really don't like the way JCs liquids make me feel. Kinda congested. And they have a peppery kick that I really don't like. Imagine vaping a mild watered down form of pepper spray.
  17. I keep trying to use this damn thing like it's an auto batt :P
  18. Actually, I said it just came in the mail today :P It's definitely better! I ordered from E wicked, since they have 20% off at the moment and it came with a case. The case was pointless, since it's way to big to pocket. The closest thing I can compare it to is a 3.5" desktop hard drive, but I think it's actually bigger. I would suggest getting the pcc if you need something to carry it in. Here's a picture comparison the the dragon and the titan case.
  19. I was wondering how many drips do most put on the 510 addy. I tried 5 and got some liquid in my mouth, but it didn't last very long either.
  20. The Blu was my first e-cig. The Batteries were really temperamental, and the carts are very poorly designed. I since then have tried the Dragon, and just got a Titan in the mail today. Both the Dragon and Titan are much better then the Blu. The Blu has the potential to work well if the batteries work and the carts were not designed the way they were. Customer service is horrible as well. They didn't seem to know how the product should be working.
  21. Ahhh, I see. I was wondering why my hits got much harder once I removed my poly container in my dragon. It doesn't thin out the vapor to cool it as much that way. I haven't been having a problem dripping onto the dragon's addy, but it doesn't seem to last very long. I think this weekend I'm gonna take the time to rebiuld my carts. Hopefully the teabag material doesn't burn real easy. The poly actually melts a little to the addy. Every time I would take a cart off poly would be stuck to it.
  22. really? So, I'm using a bad model? I thought the 401 was supposed to be one of the better ones. So, can anyone tell me what makes everyone of the models act differently? I didn't know that one would be good for one thing and one for the other. I figured they all went hand in hand with each other. I was going to give the 510 a shot, but I think I want more flavor over anything else.
  23. I just put all my empty carts into a shot glass and filled it with whiskey :P There's prolly a better way, huh?
  24. Already figured that one out the hard way. Does anyone else happen to lick up their little over spills? I got a nice tingle from licking off the juice from around the cart when I put it back on :P
  25. So I gave in and started dripping. How do I know how many drips to put on the addy? It seems like it might be running through it with to much.
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