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That sounds like an awesome build! Dual Nano Dragons are definitely a fun and impressive choice. I’m sure it hits like a champ with that 28g wire and 14 wraps, especially when paired with that Cherry Sucker juice. The iGo-W is a solid RDA for builds like that, and I bet the flavor is on point. As for my latest build, I’ve been working with some fused Clapton coils, 24g wrapped around 36g for a smooth, dense vapor. I’ve been running them in a Dead Rabbit RDA, and the flavor and cloud production are insane! It’s always fun to see what different coil types and setups work best for everyone. Looking forward to seeing what others have built lately!1 point
Did you ever find out if EC Blends shipped to New York? Just curious, and also checking to see if this post goes through.1 point
Hi. While I'm not a doctor, I would think that the fluids in the lungs came from something else like a viral or bacterial infection. You can't always trust what you see on the internet, this included, although I try to give my two cents with nothing but truth from my own experience(s), and/or from those who have my trust. For what it's worth I started vaping to get off of cigarettes in May, 2012. That said, were you aware that 25 mg of nic (salt or otherwise), is the same as smoking a pack of Marlboro reds? Unless you were a heavy smoker going through a pack and a half a day, 35 mg is too much. 50 mg is a definite no. Using this much nic, it'll be that much harder to quit - if that's your goal.1 point
Can you give us some more information on this? Does it do anything when you plug it in? Does the display or any lights come on? Have you tried other charging cords to see if that's the problem? Is this a new devise or is it older? Have you dropped it? More information will be very helpful for us to try to help you.1 point
E-cigarette Use
Shiel Catarata reacted to Tam for a topic
I took your survey but you really needed questions about seasonal or non-seasonal allergies to get a better representation. I have respiratory issues (coughing, sputum, wheezing, shortness of breath, etc.) because of allergies. We just found black mold in our house because of a slow leak we didn't know we had (it could've been there for a year), and once we got it mitigated, most of the worst allergy symptoms went away. When there's little to no pollen in the air, I'm totally fine. Also, I have a bad hip that makes moving around and doing physical activities next to impossible, it's not because I smoked or used e-cigarettes. When I had smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 35 years, I went to a smoking cessation class being given by two very experienced Respiratory Therapists. They used me as an example of what bad lungs smokers had. They had me expel a lungful of air as fast as I could into a machine. Most smokers and former smokers can only expel maybe up to 40% of the air in their lungs in ten seconds. That's what they expected anyway, but I pulled a 94% on my first try and 97% the second time, which is pretty good for someone who never smoked but not something you'd expect from a smoker. I was a bad example for how bad cigarette smoke is for lungs. At that time, I was running 2 - 3 miles per day 4 times a week, which might have contributed to my overall lung capacity. Anyway, good luck with your survey!1 point -
1 point
EC Blends might. I tried looking to see if they do or not but couldn't find anything. You might try sending a help ticket to see for sure? I've been doing business with them since shortly after I started vaping and they've always been consistently good with product quality and customer service.1 point
These days there are way too many choices out there. After much trial and error I landed on Aspire Triton 2 tanks, 1.8 ohm coils, and Eleaf iStick Power for the battery. If I were someone just starting out today, there are much smaller, easier set-ups available like the smaller sticks that travel better than a big clunky things like what I used to use back in the day. What works for one person may not be what works for another. Trying new things is half the fun of discovering your new vape. Good luck, and we'll be around to answer questions if we can.1 point
The last time I traveled on a plane, which was a few years ago, as long as it was in one of those 3 oz. bottles and fit into the quart-sized baggie, it went through with no problems. Anything bigger and it won't be allowed on a carry-on. Just double check with the airline you're booked on. They all have a page that tells you what's allowed and what's not.1 point
VENDORS Please Read FIRST before posting - Updated 11/30/2019
Alia Baig reacted to Christopher for a topic
Vendors, Vapor Talk allows vendors and suppliers to post on the forum. To post as a vendor: Click Here - This will take you to the group change setting and your My Account panel Select "Vendor" and press the "save" button. That's it! You can now post in the general suppliers sub forum. FAILURE TO PERFORM THIS STEP BEFORE POSTING WILL RESULT IN AN IMMEDIATE BAN There are two vendor types: Verified Vendor - You are given full, relatively unrestricted access to the forums. You must abide by the Vendor Rules. Verified vendors can also purchase banner advertising, private sub forums, etc. Regular Vender - If you opt not to become an Authorized Vendor, you may only post in the General Suppliers Forum. You must still abide by the Vendor Rules. Vendor Rules Vendor Guidelines (Read these carefully, failure to do so may result in your account permanently banned. There are far too many requests for us handle account reconsiderations. These rules are fairly typical) You must be an “established” vendor for 6 months, with a website. No eBay, Craigslist or Facebook sellers. Your website must be 100% e-cigarette related and must have Contact information with a valid mailing address, telephone landline number and email. If your website does not comply, and you ignore our request to update it, you will be reverted to “Unapproved Supplier” and will have no rights on the site. No Drug/Dry Herb related pics, videos, posts, links, or Drug/Dry Herb references are permitted. Vendors, under no circumstances, may post personally identifiable information. We take the privacy of our forum members seriously. Vendors who make claims that e-cigarettes are a health product, or that they can be used to quit smoking, or that they are a pharmaceutical product, will not be accepted (or will be removed). All forum contact with members must follow forum rules. We expect both our members and our suppliers to act courteously. Contact a Moderator if you have an issue with a member rather than contribute to the problem. You may not under any circumstance use the PM or Personal Messaging system to spam members. This will result in a permanent, irrevocable ban. Do not post any negative material about other suppliers or their products or service or prices, whether they are verified vendors or not . You may only promote your own business or products. You may not compare other vendors’ products (by exact name) unfavorably. Your supplier privileges apply to you alone. That is to say, you cannot transfer those privileges to another, or have multiple members of staff with the same privileges. Only ONE ID permitted to represent the business. Do not have a third party make promotional posts on your behalf. If this is found to be the case both you and that person will be banned. If your website becomes non-compliant you risk being demoted or classed as Unregistered. We occasionally review vendor websites. If we have multiple reports that your service or products are faulty, and you do not resolve these issues, we may revoke your registration. If we have a report of a serious infringement of our Rules, or of the law, or of an action that will bring Vapor Talk or the industry or the community into disrepute, or place Vapor Talk at risk of legal action, we may revoke your registration. Pay your fees on time No suppliers who trade exclusively or extensively[1] as affiliates[2] or drop-shippers[3] are allowed as Authorized Vendors at Vapor Talk. Such suppliers if identified will be banned without warning. Vapor Talk, like most honest forums, intends to support and protect the trade, and does not regard web marketers with multiple interests (or possible multiple interests) as members of the trade proper. Sales and Promotions (General Suppliers Forum) – limit 2 threads per week – posting more than 2 will result in merged threads and/or removed threads No coaxing or bribing other members to “tag” you so that you can post vendor forbidden content. As things change and situations arise, all of the above rules are subject to change. What all of this essentially boils down to is treating customers right and preventing spam on the forum. If you would like to promote, spam, or market your business do so only in designated areas.1 point -
*Share Your Coil Builds*
cany reacted to shen_long86 for a topic
Cany here are some more. First is dual 316l ss aliens coming in at 0.09 on the vaporshark. Rda is the Troll v2 Second is a single 316l ss alien coming in at 0.20 on my therion bf squonk. Rda is the hadaly. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk1 point -
*Share Your Coil Builds*
cany reacted to shen_long86 for a topic
Thanks Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk1 point -
1 point
*Share Your Coil Builds*
cany reacted to shen_long86 for a topic
Color pop on a set of N80 fused claptons. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk1 point -
1 point