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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2023 in Posts

  1. hungryvaper

    Looking to get a Pod

    I've used the Vaporesso Zero, which is actually the "Renova" Zero (just one of Vaporesso's brands). I think I've had 3 or 4 of them by now. I don't use one anymore but I used to appreciate how small they are. My qualm with them though was that they leaked somewhat often and it was annoying enough that I switched vapes. They might have improved it but it seemed to leak pretty frequently. They'd leak both in my mouth and inside the area where the pod connects to the device. I remember regularly pulling the pod and cleaning the connection area with a paper towel to keep it nice and clean, which is frankly not something I think you should ever need to do with a vape. As if regular leaks weren't enough, I purchased one Zero that had a defective battery where the opening to slip the pod in was too tight for the pod to fit properly and it would squeeze the pod, which seemed to spawn regular e-juice leaks - it was awful. Despite the problems I've had with the Zero, the worst pod vape I've probably used is the Juul. And the best one to date is probably the Vaporesso Xros, which is kind of surprising seeing as Vaporesso is also behind the Zero that I've come to despise lol. If you need a good reason to choose one vape over another, you might consider what I consider: can you buy it and replacement pods at your local smoke/vape shop? With both the Xros and the Zero I know I can always find pods at at least one of the local shops here so I'm stuck searching online and then waiting for my pods to arrive in the mail.
    2 points
  2. Are there any vaping gamers out there? This lounge is for you. Talk anything from Super Mario to Skyrim! Calling All Gamers!
    1 point
  3. Great site keeping track of all the current bans and what you can do to stop them http://www.electroniccigaretteban.org
    1 point
  4. Hey Vapor Talk..... It's been YEAR'S ! I joined this site way back in May 2010....glad to see it's still going! It crossed my mind this morning to check in and take a look at my banner I started all those years ago (11years). What a SHOCKER!! Over $47 thousand in savings and more than 4100 days without a cigarette! I still vape...but I must say, I wish I could shake the e-cig monkey off my back now. Still.... better than smoking 2 packs a day I guess. Ok well..see ya all in another 2-5 years!
    1 point
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