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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2019 in all areas

  1. aufin

    Before We All Panic.....

    Used, or tried to, the same rationale when talking to a couple people I know. Tried to talk them into at least trying vaping to get rid of all their coughing and hacking. Might as well have been talking to a sack of hammers. Some wise man once said ...... "you just cant fix stupid".
    1 point
  2. Walt

    Before We All Panic.....

    Amen!!! I'll say it again, Amen!!! We've been vaping for over a decade and this so called crisis pops up. Give me a break! The first thing I tell people who question or condemn my vaping is that 2.5 years ago my BP was 142/80. I had an inhaler. I was in the beginning stages of COPD/emphysema. I constantly wheezed. All that is gone. 118/72, moving more air than I have for the last 20 years. The next thing I ask them is if they don't think it is a little telling that this sickness just popped up in the last few months after better than a decade of vaping and note that the vast majority of cases have been traced back to adulterated e-juice and none traced back to a legitimate store. Just insane.
    1 point
  3. Tam

    Before We All Panic.....

    To add to the idiocy -- let's just ignore all the years people have been vaping before this "crisis" came up and we're all healthier than we've ever been... but don't let facts get in your way. SMH
    1 point
  4. cany

    Before We All Panic.....

    Sad most people I deal with only believe the one side trying to explain the other side too some is like talking too a wall
    1 point
  5. Tam

    Before We All Panic.....

    Here is yet another interesting article: Illegal vapes traced to California woman who was CBD pioneer https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/illegal-vapes-traced-california-woman-050227876.html
    1 point
  6. Tam

    Before We All Panic.....

    The Independent published this article from a doctor. He is saying what we've known and is actually using common sense. I'm an American doctor. Here's the truth about Juul, vaping and legalizing marijuana https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/juul-ban-flavors-vaping-marijuana-legalize-a9161971.html
    1 point
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