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  1. Tam

    Before We All Panic.....

    Here is yet another interesting article: Illegal vapes traced to California woman who was CBD pioneer https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/illegal-vapes-traced-california-woman-050227876.html
    1 point
  2. Tam

    Before We All Panic.....

    The Independent published this article from a doctor. He is saying what we've known and is actually using common sense. I'm an American doctor. Here's the truth about Juul, vaping and legalizing marijuana https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/juul-ban-flavors-vaping-marijuana-legalize-a9161971.html
    1 point
  3. VapeMama

    Before We All Panic.....

    I work with a girl who's SO became deathly ill "due to vaping". (When I questioned her, she admitted that it was black market THC her SO was vaping EXCLUSIVELY for a week, when she became ill and then CONTINUED TO VAPE THE STUFF!) Some of the other employees were blasting vaping on the spot because of this person's illness. So I posed the question, "ok, if vaping as a whole is responsible, why am I not ill or dead? I've been vaping for nearly 6 years." The room got totally silent. Then I explained, that I KNOW what's in my juice, because I make my own. What they NEED to be upset about is WHAT this person vaped and WHERE they got it, NOT with vaping as a whole. A few of the employees actually apologized, stating, if they had known that there was black market/tainted juice out there and that could have been the cause of the illness, they would have kept their mouths shut. I just reminded them there is always more to every situation than just what you hear/see on the surface, get the facts before you blow off steam.
    1 point
  4. Tam

    Before We All Panic.....

    I read another article just today about a high school girl who became very ill after vaping. She at least admitted that she sometimes used THC cartridges... but it was only rarely. I'm with you, @Bebop. I, too, think the numbers are fudged, it's more likely to be something along the lines of 95% vaped THC and 5% were from other previous health issues. My numbers are much more likely, but that's just my opinion.
    1 point
  5. Bebop

    Before We All Panic.....

    The latest CDC report 26 dead and 1200 ill. but then they say only 75% confirmed THC. so, what, the other 25% are liars?...... of course, I'm being facetious, I have no doubt that some of the deaths may have involved vapers with pre-existing health issues and were nowhere near THC. but I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers are fudged here. I just watched a news interview with a couple who's college age daughter got I'll "by vaping" - 5 minutes of the girl's parents professing the innocence of their sweet little girl and when the interviewer pressed further, "oh well, there was that one time when we caught her vaping THC but we believe her that she is not doing it now"......right..... I don't want it to seem like I have no sympathy for these people who are actually suffering from this. I do. It's a terrible tragedy. But the truth will set us free (get ti the bottom if this). Is that too much to ask?
    1 point
  6. Tam

    Before We All Panic.....

    https://www.leafly.com/news/industry/california-vape-maker-kushy-punch-caught-making-illegal-products California vape maker Kushy Punch caught making illegal products On that note, here's an article about one California vape company that's licensed making and selling unlicensed THC product and pushing it out the back door.
    1 point
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