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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2019 in all areas

  1. Walt

    Before We All Panic.....

    When Michigan gets 2.1 billion dollars a year from the master tobacco settlement, sin taxes, and of course campaign donations while cigarette smoking is at it's lowest ever, the mystery becomes pretty clear. Add to that that Michigan issued bonds against anticipated master tobacco agreement income, and is, as always hurting for money. I'm not freaking out but I'm madder than a hornet. I've watched numerous "hearings" and they are paid political propaganda. Cherry picked panel members as well as politicians putting on a B rate movie. Hardly a thread of truth in the entire production. One panelist with a prefix Dr. called the U.K. Royal College of Physicians a couple doctors sitting around making unfounded decisions. The FDA is bumbling around obviously incapable of drafting even final guidelines. The CDC is obviously under pressure to support the political stance on vaping. Our president sites pillow talk as his decision to ban flavors. Insane!! Maniacally Insane!!! Mass media jumps in singing the same song. No wonder, every other commercial is from big pharma who has a vested interest in seeing vaping disappear. Tomorrow I have more nicotine and flavor concentrates coming in. Soon I will be set for the rest of my lifetime. In the big picture that does nothing for the countless people who will go back to analogs, the black market that will fill the void, the people who will never have the opportunity to try vaping. These decisions will kill. Good for the government as the average smoker dies 10 years sooner than the non smoker and will not be collecting social security or medicare. Leave it to the government. This time their taking a health crisis that was created by the black market and driving an industry deeper into that black market. And I'm sure the black market will do a better job of checking I.D.'s.
    2 points
  2. Bebop

    Before We All Panic.....

    California is much like Michigan in that regard. It's appaling. I'm glad to be leaving. I've been here my whole life and I love the state but it's politics are out of control now and it's entirely too far left for my moderate tastes. I feel a great deal of sympathy for those who may have benefitted from the vaping movement and will now likely struggle. The push to drive it underground will no doubt create tragedies to come. I will help as many others as I can, but geez, the bureaucracy is reactionary and misguided. pisses me off too.
    1 point
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