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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Bravo! Very nicely done! Appreciate the pictures of the inside. Sometimes that says more about a mod than the outside. Looks very nicely designed all around. I'm with you regarding a quality mod. To me the difference between say a Wismec and a Lost Vape is about 10 years, lol.
    1 point
  2. Appreciate you taking the time to do the review. Very nicely presented! Questions I would like to see referenced in a review if possible include: 1. What's the menu system like? Easy to navigate? Logically presented? Not too many crazy button combinations to remember? 2. Battery life? That's always rough to address, I know, maybe compared to some popular mod with the same number of cells? 3. Temperature control. I'm a huge fan. How does it compare to the smoothness of say YiHi or DNA? 4. Any quirky stuff? e.g. battery doors that flop open after a couple of months use, juice finding it's way into the inside of the mod, battery compartments that chew away at the battery wraps, jumps out of TC on occasion for no known reason. I know it has to be very difficult to answer everybody's questions and or anticipate them. I really like the fact that you emphasize feel in the hand. A lot of reviewers glaze over the feel and that is a make or break for me at the end of the day regarding if I will pick it up or no.
    1 point
  3. When I got life insurance I had to have a physical. I knew they were going to test for nicotine so I vaped 0 mg for a couple of weeks prior to the physical.
    1 point
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