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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2017 in all areas

  1. Our friends at Health Cabin sent me a white Kangertech Juppi for review a couple weeks ago, and I think I've used it enough to post up an informed review... Stock photo... I've not taken one with my camera, sorry... First up, I like the size and recessed-tank design. It is very compact and fits nicely in your hand and pocket. The top-fill makes it very easy to keep it topped-off without having to work so hard to remove the whole tank (which isn't difficult, but isn't easy either, if you have large hands). Keeping it's 3ml tank topped-off is a chore... it does burn through juice quite rapidly due to the large cotton area and large coil design, but it does produce great clouds and flavor! The unit takes a single 18650 battery, which is something I do like... for me, it is more convenient to replace a battery quickly, rather than wait for it to recharge, or be tethered to a charging cable while I'm using it. The kit does come with mod, tank, charging cable, and spare o-rings for the tank... but no spare cotton or spare coil.... this is a bad thing in my opinion. Even the top-tanks and older subtank minis came with spare cotton and extra coils. I would think ALL starter-kits should and would come with at least one extra coil and some spare cotton, considering the design requirement of this tank? The coil design is unique as it is just a coil... a long coil in a casing to keep its shape, and you have to wrap a piece of flat cotton (Japanese cotton or cotton-bacon) around it, then slide it into the center tube. The design is simple, but very prone to leaking if you don't get the cotton just right or fully seat the coil unit. I found that out the hard way during the first week :( Another drawback to the design is that it does not like high PG juices, and even 50/50 over-wicks to the point of leaking if you don't use it for a day or two. It's sweet-spot for juice is 60% VG or higher, and works very well with max-VG juices. I've had the unit for 2-weeks, and am on my 3rd piece of cotton, but the coil is holding up very well to my "clear" sweet-tart juice in 40/60 PG/VG. The unit itself is 75W TC, and has settings for Ni, Ti, SS, and TCR in standard temp ranges (200-600F / 100/300C), and seems to work well using a Toptank Nano with Ni or 316L-SS coil. The TCR mode using Kanthal coils is a bit strange... it ramps up slow, then blasts you with warm vapor which is hotter than the temp on the dial, but it is tolerable if you dial it down. Two major nit-picks on the device... ONE, the coil (and paperwork) do not indicate what it is made of, but I was able to determine through trial-and-error and a bit of research, that the included coil is 316-L Stainless Steel, and it works very well on the SS setting for TC. The second gripe is the position of the fire-button (see picture above)... it's on the side of the unit's battery compartment, not the edge! It is also very small and difficult to hold comfortably with large hands. I find myself holding it awkwardly to use my finger or thumb to fire it, or just palming it like squeezing a ball, hoping it fires... it is NOT a great design placement for the button... much like the old MVP 2.0... Overall, I like the design characteristics of the device... small, protected tank, robust TC function, top-fill, unique tank/coil design... but it would not be my first choice for a "starter kit". Price is the biggest drawback, when you can get a 75W Platinum Toptank Mini kit for $20 cheaper... HealthCabin has them listed at $70. Another drawback is the coils... none of my local shops have Juppi coils in-stock, and they are also not available from every online retailer, even ones that sell a Juppi. It is very prone to leaking until you figure out the quirks of wicking (not a beginner skill-set), requires higher VG juices (which not everyone has), and is awkward to hold/use for larger hands. I think this device is better suited for experienced users with smaller hands, and that is proven in the fact that my 5'2" fiance says she has little problems using it So, she will be the primary user of it... just as soon as I finish this bottle of yummy juice
    2 points
  2. Christopher

    Do you snore less now?

    Well, you have gotten a little more huggable lol Sent using the Vapor Talk App • May we meet upon the level & part upon the square.
    2 points
  3. Christopher

    Almost at 0mg

    When I first started vaping I used to vape 24mg. (This was before PV's became more efficient). Today the wifey mixed me up some 1.5mg and the next step will be 0mg. Figured I'd pat myself on the back. I mean it's been 8 years but better late than never right?
    1 point
  4. Christopher

    Do you snore less now?

    Yea I figured that was the case. I had to read it twice and thought, nah, Tam doesn't seem that high on the forum lol
    1 point
  5. Christopher

    Do you snore less now?

    Let Jeff and I know when you're here and we'll give hook yah up with the In and Out experience. :D
    1 point
  6. Christopher

    Do you snore less now?

    oh man you're killing me tam. I just looked up Bingo Burger, looks delicious.
    1 point
  7. Tam

    Almost at 0mg

    Congrats on the lower nic level, Chris. Go you!
    1 point
  8. Walt

    Almost at 0mg

    Then make it so my friend.
    1 point
  9. Jeffb

    Do you snore less now?

    I would have to go back to what I weighed in Jr High to be considered at the proper weight. Aint gonna happen cuz I love In N Out too much
    1 point
  10. You know what else it might be? You said that you're still on cigarettes and are going back and forth. When I first started vaping, I used both for about five days before going strictly on the vape. The withdrawal symptoms I got from getting away from all the carcinogens in cigarettes did some pretty funky things to my body for about a month until they settled down.
    1 point
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