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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2017 in all areas

  1. https://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm568923.htm?utm_source=SFATA+Industry+News+and+Updates&utm_campaign=20fe21d859-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_07_20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bf36667471-20fe21d859-114819645&mc_cid=20fe21d859&mc_eid=d6009ec24e note date changes
    3 points
  2. Thank you @Christopher!!! To me this is soooooo important! Especially now that many atties are coming out under .1 ohms. This is a great chart for regulated mods as well. Not all regulated mods are created equal. Not all specs on mods can be trusted. Couple that with the insane specs published by battery manufacturers and you have a recipe for disaster. Batteries are not simple power sources. Some can generate impressive short term current but heat up fast. I'm sure I am OCD in regard to this subject but along with the most important postulate, "Be Safe" there's also the consideration of press. Whenever a battery goes into thermal runaway our community suffers from the negative press. No need to give the anti's ammunition. When some moron builds a .04Ω pipe bomb my prognosis of vaping for the rest of my life diminishes.
    1 point
  3. Watch some reviews. DJlsb Vapes, Mike Vapes, Rip Trippers (over the top but knowledgeable), Grim Green, VapinFagan, to mention a few. For the most part the RDA you choose will depict how many coils to use. RDA's will work fine on your Alien. RDA's are also a great place to start building as they are very easy to wick. RTA's are finicky and take practice. Get familiar with this site: http://www.steam-engine.org/coil.html It will help you design a coil. The RDA itself will also have a lot to do with what build you use per the amount of space on the build deck. Do a little research on Battery Mouch. He is da-man when it comes to choosing good batteries for a mod. 18650 batteries are not spec'd honestly by most manufacturers. It is good advice to understand ohm's law to understand how the resistance of your coils effect the mod. The relationship between wattage, voltage, amperage, and resistance is also good to understand. There's a lot to learn if you so choose. Vaping can be a great hobby and as intricate or simple as you want to make it.
    1 point
  4. cany

    hi peeps

    If your looking for an online Vape store, Vapor talk has an awesome store and great customer service
    1 point
  5. I'm with you. I don't even use the fire button. I have a Predator that was driving me nuts so I relegated it to dry burn duty, lol. Take that you bad mod! Life sentence of dry burn duty! Ha!
    1 point
  6. Maybe the coils in the video were higher resistance coils, I have noticed when dry burning with a mod the higher the resistance the faster they fire up.
    1 point
  7. Tam


    Yep. Like @Squid said, I'd get new batteries too. Anytime I have any trouble at all with a battery, it's just safer to start with new.
    1 point
  8. Squid


    I'd just get a new set and recycle those. No sense taking a chance on unknown/old batts.
    1 point
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