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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2017 in all areas

  1. Tam

    Rda question

    But you can't say that it hasn't been fun! :D
    2 points
  2. Walt

    Rda question

    Welcome to vapertalk! Don't have a mage but I like 2x28+32 in my RDA's. I'm looking for flavor though. As far as tricks, I only know one. Vape three times, roll over and take a nap. Love that trick. My wife, not so much.
    2 points
  3. Walt

    Rda question

    Lol, That's an understatement. Between yourself and a few others here my adventure into vaping has been a drink from a fire hose!
    1 point
  4. Tam

    Rda question

    May need to try that trick sometime. See? Old dog, new tricks. We CAN be taught!
    1 point
  5. Shawn

    Rda question

    Thanks maybe il give that a try in one of my other rda's! Sent from my SM-A500W using The Vapor Talk mobile app
    1 point
  6. What to do when that nice new mod starts losing its paint... Strip it and polish it! Sent from a galaxy far far away
    1 point
  7. Walt


    I hear a lot of good things about that mod elsewhere. Personally, I'm put off a little by the name. I know, poor criteria to judge a mod. But it and the assvape atty came out about the same time and I just could not wrap my head around sticking that in my mouth. I guess the other thing that just doesn't appeal to me is the "retro" or boxy design. Don't get me wrong, it looks fine in consideration of it's intended style but for me it lacks refinement. I would be running around going "Me Grog! Me Vape!". I'm sure in another person's hand it would look fine to me.
    1 point
  8. This is the one I've been waiting for- my first delve into drippers. My (clone) Apocalypto RDA. Loving it already. Dual 3mm ID fused claptons - sitting pretty at about 60w. Blowing Juicewhore Mohito clouds and my own vanilla. Also got some prebuilt coils to have a play with some different builds I have no idea how to make yet lol and a pack of cotton bacon. Happy days. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. So what do you do when you get a sexy new polished SS mech mod and all of your tanks are black? You take a black tank and sand all the paint off and polish it! Sent from a galaxy far far away
    1 point
  10. They've made it stateside. The Govad RTA. This as all RTA's is a different critter. Massive air flow. Like zero resistance air flow. For vapor production this could compete well with a lot of dual coil attys. Flavor is bright and on point but with the massive airflow it is not as intense as some attys. It is finicky. There's a pretty small latitude on wicking between flood, just right, and dry. Second build so far. 2x28+32SS, 5.5Wrap, 4mm, ~0.5Ω. I might be on the light side with cotton as there is a slight gurgle. No leaking. But if I really hit it hard and long, I can dry it out a bit toward the end. Bottom line; it's a keeper in my books. Enjoying the ride!
    1 point
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