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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2017 in all areas

  1. Walt

    Slowly expanding

    Good catch! And I get to keep my mini fridge! The warm up before mixing I definitely caught on to. VG just doesn't play well chilled.
    2 points
  2. OMG! If you haven't yet, you need to! RDA Flavor. (note period at end) Serious as a heart attack. Best flavor tank I've found yet. 2x28-36SS .3Ω, two coil, 8 wrap slightly spaced build. Vaping @ 420°F with 45 Joules available and using a "powerful" ramp. Intense, spot on flavor. Highly recommend!!!
    1 point
  3. Earthling789

    Slowly expanding

    AMEN! This is why I keep my "in-use" bottle of VG and VG-based Nicotine in the fridge, rather than the freezer. It is a little easier to work with when chilled, rather than frozen, lol... I try to keep at least 120ml of my Nicotine base, and a liter of pure VG in the fridge at all times. It keeps just fine, and is easier to work with if I don't have time to "thaw it out" before I start mixing. I measure my bulk-purchased Nicotine base (VG) into 60ml and 120ml bottles. There's always a little air-gap from the shoulder to the neck of the bottle, so I top that off with pure VG to prevent oxygen degradation, and it only takes 2-5ml of VG to top them off. Measuring VG when mixing 1000ml batches is never precise, so an extra ml here or there doesn't affect the overall mixture in the end... and when using glass graduated cylinders, there is always a couple of ML that just WON'T come out of the cylinder, anyway, lol. Special note to those of you using graduated cylinders... I've found that VG doesn't adhere to the plastic cylinders nearly as bad as the glass ones, and there is less chance of breaking plastic during washing or if you knock it over... they are also CHEAPER! A 60ml bottle of my Nicotine base is enough to mix 1000ml of my juices or 500ml of my fiance's flavors, so if I'm making a large batch of one flavor (ADV), then I know I can just dump the contents of my 60ml bottle into the batch, and I don't have to worry about sucking it into a syringe, or pouring "cold molasses" into a graduated cylinder If I know I'm going to mix juices this evening, I'll set out my VG and Nicotine base a few hours before-hand, so they'll have time to reach room-temp before I start mixing... it saves a lot of hassle! Another thing I've learned is to use a syringe without attached needle (wide opening) for mixing small batches, or pouring into a graduated cylinder for large batches, makes handling thick VG MUCH easier! Those medicine-dispensing syringes with the wide-mouth-cone-ends are fantastic for measuring VG for small batches... they measure up to 10ml or 20ml, and some have "stops" where you can pre-select 2.5/5.0/7.5/10/15/20ml so you don't get too little or too much.
    1 point
  4. cany

    Slowly expanding

    1 point
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